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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

  2. BrenGun

    But we can't call it dead. scene didn't grow, but didn't decrease too. each year a few new bands turn in big. vkei is living in his own small scene.
  3. BrenGun

    also some bigger visual kei bands, well we don't talk about them much over here. check out Acid Black Cherry, visual kei, visual kei, sells out halls of 50,000 people easy... Visual Kei isn't dead in Japan, and it will never be. I think it's still kinda the same as 10 years ago. And yes you also see a few shitty bands of back then now being popular. Codomodragon is a good band to point out now, just got an article from a famous Japanese visual kei writer. And article who is shared around the web. That band is doing a big ONEMAN tour. So yup, visualkei never has been big, but it's not really smaller. And there are still a bunch of bands who do lots of onemans in shit hols such as ikebukuro cyber /edge etc.
  4. BrenGun

    I still think people worry to much. There are still lots of great blogs with Vkei news, the best are still around. forums did die, but I think after all everyone went to MH which is simply THE platform forum to get your news etc, so why to start a new one? Well there are enough bands to get into if a "favo" band disband. If a band disband I like, I live on and try out other bands. Also to love a band too deeply only will hurt your feelings anyway.
  5. BrenGun

    I already have added 140 new releases for 2017 https://vkeishuuryu.wordpress.com/ So how the fack can visual kei be death? if it was death there would be never 140 releases at January 8th already. and we just freaking did start this year.... And I 'still NEED to add lot's of NEW releases of 2017. of course there are bands in japan who only got a handful fans. But there are still many who have enough fans. Also some bands still give oneman gigs. even if only 200people come, whatever, it's not death its not ever. I really don't get why people keep up saying, it's death it's death... Well nobody cares about some artiest anymore like KAMIJO, those who cared about the guy are grown up's now. And younger people why the fuck should you as 18 years old girl support a guy over 40?... Ya know, old bands should just disband and make space for the new bands with the young guys. You cannot be a visual kei artist forever. once it's over. And this year... new cool bands have or will form: https://vkeikonkon.wordpress.com/category/新しい/ kinda 26 bands already (if I count 2 who formed at the last day of 2016) and also at the end of 2016 some great new bands have formed. And that's only the beginning of 2017 And because of this stupid stupid saying of visual kei is death I actually created those 2 websites. Let's see if we really can say at the end of 2017 that VKEI is DEATH. I don't think so. As already said for myself, I don't really check up vkei anymore. I follow a few bands, but they aren't really visual kei, well a few. but a bunch are just more dark and alternative. So yeah, let's talk again at the end of 2017 VKEI won't be death and never will be death!
  6. BrenGun

    *waiting for CD details!~
  7. BrenGun

    btw do they have an official twitter?
  8. BrenGun

    DVD cost 5000yen and can be bought that the official webstore of bloom. http://bm161222.cart.fc2.com/ Also until 2017/01/12 you can buy this DVD for only 4000yen! Also the name of the DVD is: 12月22日(木)池袋EDGE VRZEL 2nd Mini Album【THE FIVEFOLD DEW】発売記念単独公演 【蜜】 LIVE DVD Their 2nd mini album is called "THE FIVEFOLD DEW" AT 2016/12/22 they did hold a live named "蜜". And from that live you can buy the DVD.
  9. BrenGun

    btw, the 2nd press of セラフ。 will still be relased at 2017/01/13
  10. Then just don't post before you are ready?!
  11. BrenGun

    brand-x has listed it as this: http://www.brand-x.jp/product/11008 Also same on CDJapan. o.o well maybe we shall tweet that dude to ask?
  12. BrenGun

    @Biopanda Maybe the version you would get, is sold out? https://www.superbrockrecord.jp/ら/螺媚瑠/ But I wonder why does this one gives 2016/12/14 while the topic says 2017/02/22, or is this 1500yen thing something different? o.o
  13. BrenGun

    Album name has changed! TRACKLIST: 01 Crystal Night 02 Ark Night 03 Starlight Road 04 Tear In The Rain 05 Error World 06 Remember The Name 07 AsteR 08 Faded
  14. BrenGun

    I found only twitter https://twitter.com/sisut829
  15. BrenGun

    Maybe, well just try again at a different moment. however, I wonder if more people still have the same problem. Lately when I check the webshop it's all loading fine. (but I don't buy) So for others who read this, if you got issues, please drop a comment here.
  16. BrenGun

    websites does lagg once a while yes. but how didn't it work? not loading at all? @Suuu It's not something I can fix. I think you need to think about switching from host sooner than planned.
  17. Nya, I would if I could. I didn't understand it fully (I'm still a rookie!), also there was some text inside a picture. But I already wrote in that post, if someone could help out with real Japanese skill. but lucky Hiroki wrote what he said. @hirokithanks, however such kind of tweet can hurt fans of other bands, because he said, fans of Misaruka are good fans. So that other fans who like other fans aren't that good because they get crazy and not good along if they like the same bandman. So yes, it can piss people off. And we all know how difficult Japanese fans can be. And I don't think all Misaruka fans are that good as Rui says. I really think he also said that because also inside the Misaruka fandom is lots of jealousy of course. lol.
  18. I belive the onman is already sold out? but can someone who knows Japanese check back Ruis tweets from September/October/November. I believe he said some stupid things back then. BTW:
  19. btw, fans kikda got iritated by Rui tweets, because he kinda already wrote that he didn't like if people won't attend lives or won't buy their music and much other crap. at least whatever it was, fans were not really amused by lots of his tweets. I could reask a friend.... anyway, I don't care if they disband. their music was always boring. of course kiwamu can plugout a band. but misaruka did sell okay. often SW bands did disband because of member leaving. so in misaruka case, I guess its the band themselves and not (only) Kiwamu.
  20. so this is his fist solo project?
  21. BrenGun

    I do dislike the WOW WOW of this song. And maybe even a different part. not sure if it was also this song, I think it was a different song. Don't forget that I saw them at 2016/9/5 and 2016/9/17. They played all their new songs. But back then felt like they did copy to much from SiM and COLDRAIN, KORN... Or I am too....? But let's see when they finally did finish their NEW CD. I really want to know if I got the same feeling as I did got live or that I get a totally different feeling about it. I really looking forward to a new CD, because I can't listen to their older songs anymore without destroying everything. lol
  22. happens a lot.... lets see how many bands will do the same this year (*_*;
  23. BrenGun

    So Devil Kitty won't disband right?
  24. BrenGun

    any updates? @hiroki
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