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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    Yes, that's disband. I never saw their name... Oh well... hope they don't give up music.
  2. BrenGun

    nya he never does. He leaves that up to the band.
  3. BrenGun

    RAREZHUT last stream order arrived. Always thanks to Waru for forwarding it~ Also the cat tape is amazing~ @Biopanda@Valicious@Waru Chibi
  4. Guitarist ジュリ of XIX-nineteen will leave the band tomorrow. However XIX-nineteen will continue as a band and their next live they will attend as a 4-member band.
  5. BrenGun

    So which bands are left now? FIXER La Baiser Schwarz Kain Nüe Syokudaikakkokai- Magistina Saga THE SOUND BEE HD Scarlet Valse Synk;yet Rose Noire Under Fall Justice However not all of them release a lot. So which band will leave the label next and which band will join the label ?
  6. BrenGun

    They really sound great. Upcoming Live schedule 2017年1月28日 新大久保クォーターノート 2017年2月11日 池袋サイバー 2017年2月26日 浦和ナルシス 2017年3月5日 浦和ナルシス 2017年3月28日 池袋RUIDOK3 Anyway the CD was recorded a a studio of a former bandman http://cpr-inc.jp/ https://twitter.com/COMPILE_RECORD https://twitter.com/yu0216 <- I forgot which band(s) he played in. But many artist are recording their shizzel at his studio. But on vkdb you sadly can't search on their bandname (>_<) And their first single name is to common so no way you gonna find it too over there. Oh well... maybe someday we will encounter more!~
  7. BrenGun

    they seem to be around since, early 2016. so it isn't a new band at all. I check up later if I can find more info!~
  8. BrenGun

    mm.. but some shizzrl they released got even sold out or a 2nd press. well seemed that they stop because of to less earning og money.
  9. BrenGun

    please link me. if search their name I can't find anything.
  10. BrenGun

    I saw that photo from somewhere... what was their twitter?
  11. BrenGun

    2016/12/04 ( ・∇・) well lets sew how they grow.
  12. BrenGun

    187? thats less. how do you know? I also believe they lost fans because of the 12type version CD but they sold out oneman gigs in the past. at least almost... so something should have pissed off fans.
  13. BrenGun

    The band was around for 9 years. So yes the spirit could have died.
  14. BrenGun

    I'm guessing it will be released on spotify and also as digital download.
  15. BrenGun

    That's why a separate topic would have been nice, then people would notice it... anyway since you posted it here~ @The Piass could you maybe edit the first post with these info as well and also changing the topic name?
  16. BrenGun

    ^ couldn't you create also a new topic for that? makes it a bit more oversight than dropping such news in a disbandment topic.
  17. BrenGun

    WHAT? ah come on...
  18. BrenGun

    I don't really hear bad quality tho.
  19. BrenGun

    it's so bad that its good again XD I dig this
  20. BrenGun

    anyway you can order in the oversea store now http://darkestlabyrinth.ocnk.net/product/749
  21. Misaruka was never a good band. if they where, then their music wouldn't sound like this. real good artist want to deliver good songs no matter what. and soundbee have a bunch of Japanese fans. their fanbase isn't that small as you think.
  22. "their general rattiness" hahaha... Yeah of course they are in their late thirties, you can see that at their face without make-up pretty good. They can't be in their 20ties or early 30ties at all. But the immature conditionally disbanding comes from Kiwamu side I think. It's just a common selling strategy. But I believe they already got a bit of harsh feedback from Japanese fans of that statement. But look what happened the gig is SOLD out. wouldn't happened without that statement. I also think, it made people curious to Misaruka so people decided to go.
  23. Lol... because they are over 35 years old. maybe even in 40ties? XD But their photos etc always look great.
  24. Lol, so they won't break up. hahaha but after all, No Misaruka was never a good band. and if musicians keep on having troubles with their guitar... well, as so long it doesn't take fire (as kinda what happened with Kenka's bass at a live in Europe...) then it means a musician is just unskilled. After listen to misaruka for a long while I don't think that these guys did grow at all. And yes there are starwave bands who did grow in their starwave time, look at soundbee and tokami even now schwarzkain they all gotten better. Misaruka is just a good looking band. which is only about to sell their CD/DVD shit to get money.
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