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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. So avanchick keeps going on their own?
  2. However, CD details are not yet given.
  3. BrenGun

    eh that one was released in 2016/03/18 XD new FULL album details will be given later. not yet not yet.
  4. BrenGun

    Yeah that's true (^_^)// And freaking English subtitles!... Even tho only 2 GAIJIN talk to them (me and carlos) I'm glad they did add those (^_^)/ the guys are really the best
  5. The Nostradamnz will release a new ep this February or March, also this spring they will release their first FULL album! The Full album will contain only brand new songs no duplicated songs! For more details and the preview of a new song, please check this video
  6. BrenGun

    ROCKSTAR RECORDS has been official dissolved. Which made also TAKASHI been gone off the label.
  7. BrenGun

    You are right, but if you look up at the charts now you rarely find good rock or metal music. DJ's are mainstream now. We simply have to face that even if it feels so damn wrong. However who knows that there will be a twist again in the near future, that DJ's change their shit in more quality? that they really work with bands to deliver a real piece of music than only flawless remixes of pop/rock/metal songs. Maybe someday they gonna DJ together on stage while a great band is also playing on the stage. And visual kei didn't lost their popularity in Japan. So? Should we worry? Now days we can order stuff way more easy from Japan. We have proxies, we have shops like RAREZHUT. I remember panda saying, oh yes we actually sell really good around the world even in the USA. However, I don't think visual kei is dead because people search the word lesser on google. As said before if visual kei really was that dead this forum wouldn't be around anymore. As so long this forum is alive like this, visual kei isn't death at all. #resurrect visual kei now? eh... I don't see a gravestone yet. beside the DJ reason. I also already did mention that I think that visual kei got lesser popular BECAUSE of that not the right bands came to Europe or America. Bands came over who we didn't want to see. Or bands played not on the right events. It's not strange that some promoters lost their money. Maybe at the boom time, people just went because it was a Japanese band but after a while you aim more to see the band you love. Also there was a time that almost every damn month a band came to Europe. How the hell should you have the money/time to visit those concerts each time? And with getting lesser interesting bands the media also don't get noticed that people do love some obscure music from Japan. And with the DJ mainstream area now it's difficult to break a kind of barrier to make young people attend that there is REAL good music around the world. The whole rock/metal world has a hard time because of that simple laptop music. So after all #resurrect visual kei ? No, as so long we are still alive, it doesn't need a resurrect, because it's not death. EDIT: we only have a harder time now to GAIN new SOULS.
  8. BrenGun

    on their OPH 蕚 [Sing] -> SING?!!!! haha. funny way to use the word SING for VOCAL But their music sounds... horrible messy. It's not something I would call good, but I'm sure it will be liked by many because it's so typical for the today VKEI
  9. BrenGun

    but creating music digital isn't the only reason why they cannot play an instrument. Don't forget that there are many girls/woman support their favorite guy because he is IKEMEN. I often talked to woman who said, I only support his band because I do like him, I don't like their music at all. Which gives also gives the thought"why would I be able to play an instrument if I'm good looking?!" But we know what to most only hot looking bands happen, they disband after a (short) while.
  10. BrenGun

    That's true. But will this be still the case after 10 years? But for now, people love digital created tracks and dance music a lot which are created by DJ's or good track makers. Also DIV used lot's of digital sound... however they decided to break up. But still bands such as SiM also use lot's of DJ fancy tunes. Which makes me think, will they ever return to real played music, or will they stay with CORE the rest of their music carrier? They and also other more famous artist CAN change the music world again. But will they go back? or will we have for ever endless (metal) core? So let's see what we will have in about 10 years. --- about LJ, I think it mainly died because we all moved to this FORUM. well we all moved to tainted world and then LJ simply slowly died. However I still don't get why we all also stopped when we moved to this forum to scan our magazines. Maybe we even stopped to buy?! But also what ZESS did mention, back then when MEGAUPLOAD went offline, also did do something to the sharing community. However visual kei was never pure dark gothic or screamo or emo, there was also lots of happy shizzel. I also think it kinda died because MANGA and ANIME suddenly got less popular. back in the days so many ANIME was aired on the TV and ANIME also did help a lot for discovering visual kei music. If there would be more anime on the TV there would be much more people who would listen to Japanese music. But visual kei is not dead. Look at this forum, still new people join. If Visual Kei would be dead this forum would be DEAD now too.
  11. BrenGun

    ah. which let me add ineline what kind of music is cool and most wanted? the media promotes Dance music the most created by those famous DJ's while years ago rock bands got promoted now DJ's are promoted in all media. even bigger artists want that kind of help. and lets not forget.... Metal core also kinda got more popular thanks to DJ's or does nobody think of DJ music? even tho its damn popular and nowdays kiddos don't need rock unless a DJ or fancy DJ elements are inside.
  12. It was a nice balanced list (^_^)
  13. too bad, but if it can get a split someday... it would be great. anyway then I simple hope to see a list of vkei bands who are also great but 100% not everyones favorite. some nice bands really relesse some cool albums and mini albums this year. I do miss paracore, vkbrutamcore and hirokicore bands!! (^_-)≡★ however still nice list, only its not a big surprise for exeption the non visual, that part always variate a lot.
  14. I do not agree with all of the pics. from the visual kei bands it are bands almost everyone here did listen too. there aren't big surprise that you guys did choose them. I hope to see next year a list of great bands people here always seem to forget about. Such as, sweet x home, devize, merry badend, the nostradamnz, schwarzkain(Tokami), the sound bee hd, follow.... and a bunch of others. as for the non visual kei bands in this year list. well doesn't matter much I guess, because lots of people don't know them anyway. But I also could have dropped one inside; the doggy paddle And actually next year I would prefer to see 2 lists of 25 days. one list of 25 non visual and a list of 25 visual.
  15. so single turned into an album huh? XD
  16. BrenGun

    Ah, but for Europe it packed out good. But I also think in 2006~2010 it was also more popular in Europe. somehow it still feels as people from the US never really were into VKei, at least not that much as the European people. But visual kei is also a bit smaller in JAPAN. I went for the first time to Japan in 2012 I went to shops and going back there in 2016 a few of them ARE smaller. closet child in shinjuku and ikebukuro are smaller than in 2012. Also the area of VKEI in some normal CD stores are also a bit smaller than before. But who knows... Maybe some new good bands will stay alive longer and bring in good music again. Nowdays it's a bit too much of "ikemen vkei + shit music" and not "ikemen vkei + good music kei" In about 3 years another 10 years will end. and then we can look 10 years back again.
  17. BrenGun

    OF course you can write about the last 5 years. You can choose some bands and even study about where their inspiration came from, from which former vkei bands. However to write about what really represent VK, If you really want do it good, it will be as so tick as good tick book which even never really will end. But yes to interview Japanese visual kei fans is also a good thing, they also can tell you their thoughts about visual kei.
  18. BrenGun

    2009 was just a hype period, Also many did learn about visual kei, what it means etc, so why would you still search it 10 years later? I still think visual kei is big. MH is still running. And the reason why bands can't play in Europe / america is because they are too expensive or the bands which are coming aren't the bands people REALLY want to see. So no wonder why it will flop. of course back in the days it didn't really matter which band you would bring, but if you look up at those names, no real big band EVER came over back then. okay big names where despairs ray and dir en grey. And yes back then everybody loved them and I guess somehow also less expensive than bringing some bands now because Japanese people know that they are loved too overseas. VKEI isn't dead not even in Japan. Maybe the real boom is out, but who knows what will happen in a few years a boom always CAN return.
  19. BrenGun

    anyway I asked a few Japanese friends who love visual kei, let's see what they say. But as said before, I doubt that they come up with many.... I don't really see them using any terms. What I see they call it mostly 90'-kei, soft-kei, rock-kei, metal-kei, nagoya-kei (only if they talk about old nagoya bands) But let's see *_* after reading this topic more after my first answer, I really got curious. EDIT 01: We often use tanbi, kirakira, nagoya, angura, and kote. Other words are not so much used these days… Yes, we often use kirakira for bands such as Sick2, smile berry, WING WORKS, and so on. Also osare-kei seems to be called now kirakira-kei EDIT02: shironuri kei is still used often For example 犬神サアカス團 and 燭台(怪) can be called "shironuri kei". They may be also "angura" for their styles of music and activities. ------------------------------------------- ・コテオサ ・ソフビ ・密室 かなぁ?思い出したのは。 他にもあるかも知れないけど 密室系は、 基本的には、密室ノイローゼに所属してたバンドを指してたんだと思う。 初期のムックが密室系かな。 ------------------------------------------------ ヴィジュアル系のファンではない日本人はヴィジュアル系のサブジャンルを全く知らないですよ 全員のV系ファンが知っているわけではないと思います サブジャンルに興味がある人は知っている 興味が無い人は知らない
  20. BrenGun

    Waive/Sophia/Janne japanese call those bands "soft kei" I will ask 2 of my japanese friends later. who listen much to old and new kei. lets see how they call it. lets see if they use sub terms. but I often only see people write visual kei. without any sub term. EDIT: As for lyrics. I've read lot's of lyrics of so many bands and I don't think you can separate bands by lyrics. sometimes band looks dark as fack, but their lyrics are happy happy shizzel and sometimes band looks colorful as the brightest heaven and their lyrics are truly dark including bunch of suicide notes. If you really want to write anything about lyrics, cut off the subgenre thing and simple write about lyrics in general, how they are the same or maybe different from the western world?
  21. BrenGun

    don't worry the website will be renewed.
  22. BrenGun

    I'm not going to put bands or releases in the right order, however I will call out my favorites of 2016. Well I came more out on bands... I can't really think of more now, so for now this is it. New comer band THE NOSTRADAMNZ - All releases This band released 3 singles and 1 mini album. These 4 works are truly amazing and I really think people should check out their works. Their mini album is easy to buy on the legal digital web such as itunes and google play, Also the mini album is for free to listen on sites such as spotify. Their sound is really unique it's really enjoying it's not standard visual kei, their isn't any pigg scream. It's really nice rock music with a good upbeat beat. The drums are absolute amazing. Just check their youtube for all previews New comer band NEiN - All releases This band released a single and digital single. 3 songs in total, however also a bonus song which you got if you bought the first single. NEiN is also a nice band with good rock music, also has members who are already longer in the music business. Still to bad to see this band not loved here on MH. I really think they are amazing. LIVE they are also absolute amazing. Great of power, music sound how it should be. You truly can rock on! Check their youtube for all previews. re-start band NEXTRADE - new release : PIZZA NEXT This release is really different from everything they made before, it's more softer it's not really adding some digital shizzel into their music. It's much more cleaner. However it still sounds amazing and you can hear that their is truly talent in this band. Well just listen yourself at youtube. Sweet x Home - new release リビドールーム It's not sweet x home strongest release, I think, however it got again a nice tune and it's truly not understandable why people don't seem to get into this amazing band. This band also doesn't add crazy pig screams, it's really nice tuned vkei rock music on which you also can dance wild as so many other vkei crap which sound more horrible as sweet x home. I really do think that the guys of sweet x home release each time a nice work and I hope to see them going for a few more years at least! Their youtube. New comer DEVIZE - ALL RELEASES DEVIZE was announced last year however their start was this year, it's also a strong band who release each time a strong piece of work too. Nothing is annoying in their sound. The guys do each time again a good job. So why the hell people don't like them? While in Nagoya and Osaka they gain more and more fans. youtube. MERRY BADEND - All releases of 2016 A band who is already around since 2015, with talented members, each song which they release sounds good. Lucky there are some fans here of this band, which I'm happy about. I really hope to see them grow more and to be around for more years! youtube. Reirei After a long break reirei came back with a mini album. also with a little member change, but their music still sounds amazing adding of electric sounds but also sound of national instruments. Very beautiful. Definitely a band everyone should give a change too. I also saw them live and I say yeah they rock live too! youtube. Schwarzkain Starwave band, the new Tokami, It still kinda sound as Tokami, not much did change but their first single is 100% amazing. I still think it's strange that the single isn't shared here at all, even tho you could buy it via cdjapan. sadly the single is sold out and the single didn't appear in the digital legal world. youtube playlist HERE. The Doggy Paddle It's a band I only follow, I think I'm their only oversea fan. lol. I know this band since 2011 and saw them 2times live. It's a truly nice normal rockband. which also released a new CD this year. To find out their new release just check their youtube channel. They are not visualkei but their sound is amazing! So please check them out!
  23. intro blabla, I do that later maybe. As the other 2, this is only a RAW translation, it's not checked or whatever. - 3 Months ago you released your last CD "MACHINE", Soon you will release a new maxi single "NO, NAME", it's fairly a quick release. Masaya: At the time of the release of "MACHINE" this release was also already decided. u-san said that also in the previous interview, our attitude is; if we go for it, we can do everything. With this release we made it complete. Seiya: The title was already decided in April, however the lyrics where not written yet, only a demo existed. - You often create a release date in this state this isn't? Seiya: If you can't make it in time, you can postpone the release date. Hayato: That's because we are free man. (laugh) u: I decided the title because I already decided what I wanted to say with the lyrics. Naturally there is always a "meaning" behind. There isn't a point to do a band if you don't have such meaning. but, although [being able to do] [When you can do it] can be paraphrased as a chance, it's not easy to make it happen. You shouldn't let the opportunity escape. Evaluation comes on the 2nd place. - Anyway, your previous work, "MACHINE" received some good rating. I even did hear that it was ranked at the 9th place in an American radio program. The received rating, how did it feel, did you get more enthusiastic, do you feel much more pressure, etc? Seiya: The rating of "MACHINE" is a fluke everyone: Burst out laughing Takeru: We are not a band who cares about rating, but it's simply nice to receive good rating. Masaya: We all felt dark at the time of formation. (lol) I think that many people have that kind of image as precondition. I think the expression method which we use to plant that image is still right, I don't regret it at all. Such an image has no preconception, the land value turns into a coincidence. Of course revaluation happens around yourself rather than on a distant land. It feels realistic if you see it from that side. u: However after this rating I don't feel as I'm in 7th heaven, also there isn't a feeling of pressure. Seiya: No matter what kind of rating you get, we always been seen as strange beasts at each lives. (laugh) - I think this work is musically the extension of "MACHINE", it's the main KLACK now, is it your style now? Masaya: Main? is that a style? Now. However maybe we dropped musically further out of the visual kei. (laugh) however it isn't intentional. Hayato: It's different. Visual Kei is nothing more than just a scene. It give just a bad vibe, only similar bands appear in such free scene. They doing something similar of what other bands have done in the past. I don't know exactly what's interesting such thing. Seiya: ●●●● stop your critics! Because they are also giving their best. Everyone: burst out laughing Hayato: ●●●● don't tell me that! I don't care! - What about the part of the lyrics? u: lyricistically. [No. NAME」 can be seen as the root part of the band KLACK. Time by time we gave the expression since the formation, the sense of that we didn't know the meaning of "common sense" and "moral", everyone believed it without any doubts, without understanding it, it is the thing of resistance. digging into it more, wasn't it called "standard"? or how was it named? Masaya: The 2 coupling songs are also fighting against the "standard" of the world. Everyone: burst out laughing Hayato: The person who accepts it apart from likes and dislikes and is able to listen to all 3 songs straight, is the person who doesn't fall into the limited of "standard". - So the people who can't accept the songs are normal? u: They're not normal, they're boring.
  24. BrenGun

    2 new songs only gonna be an expensive single for sure.. but we will see. I hope to grab a copy
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