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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    lol, they create good quality songs. I think many other bands don't create good quality songs with their awfull piggy screems out beat drum and guitae, even more awful growl. beside that you don't seem to like this band since the start. so.... wouldn't it be better to stop to check this band? I doubt if yiu say their quality sucks that you would ever love this band..
  2. BrenGun

    your taste is simple to different to kike this band. in japan they gain more and more fans. so they can't be that bad. and since most vkei vocalist sibg different people say such thing as you say.
  3. BrenGun

    Time for some real rock music Again damn amazing! Loving these guys soo much!! The guys are 27-29 years old. and very talanetd. saw them 2x live, and I wish that can see them again someday. Sadly no preview video of this CD.
  4. BrenGun

    Ich bin jetzt betrunken, ka, ob ich noch gut Deutsch schreiben kann. Naja ich kann es verstehen. Schreiben tue ich fast nie. Aber lesen tue ich noch oft. Ich liebe Manga, und ich kaufe via ein Niederländische Firma ab und zu Manga. Ist schon wieder eine weile her. Aber ich habe jetzt auch nicht wirklich Geld um Manga zu kaufen. Ist schade, ist aber so. Ab und zu schaue ich noch RTL oder RTL 2 oder so. 100% nicht oft. Soll eigentlich öfter Deutsche TV gucken. Aber ich vergiss das immer. Aber das ist seit MTV nicht mehr gratis zu schauen ist. (T_T) ist sehr sehr schade. Also heute schreibe ich eigentlich nur noch Englisch und Niederländisch. Aber trotzdem kann ich immer noch Deutsch verstehen. Also mir kann mich nicht so einfach verarschen. Oder es soll wirklich Plattdeutsch sein. In der Schule hätte ich nur 1 Jahr Deutsch. Aber gut ich bin mit Deutsch aufgewachsen. Also von Kind ab an. Aber jetzt liebe ich es um Deutsche Leute zu verarschen um zu sagen das ich kein Deutsch verstehen kann. Ist sehr witzig, weil ich eigentlich ihren Deutsch verstehen kann. Aber gut, Jetzt ist Englisch und Niederländisch auch schwer für mich weil ich betrunken bin, also verabschiede ich mich jetzt. Also... Wenn dir Deutsch lieber ist, dann bitte schreib Deutsch zu mir.
  5. BrenGun

    Ah, yes, thats a good thing if you order via puresound to ASK about the bonus. to be sure if they will include it or not.
  6. BrenGun

    Thanks ^^ But too wonderful?!!!
  7. Nextrade will release their mini album at 2016/11/11 which is named PIZZA NEXT I'm not sure if its only live limited sold. (I think so) ----- Anyway I befriended a NEXTRADE in Japan. So I hope I can get it no matter what (*_*) Hope she helps out.
  8. BrenGun

    so they still refuse?! (-_-) Well for puresound I use a proxy anyway. since I wanna also avoid custom tax... XD
  9. BrenGun

    True, But now that EMS is expensive I wonder if puresound also accept airmail registered option. I really love that closet child use that option now until 2KG. spares a lot of money.
  10. BrenGun

    No it does depend. Some stores don have and extra "bonus" with an release. But that's only for BRAND new CD. But puresound often don't join the extra bonus thing. (its more, zeallink, like an edison, closet child, brand-x and little hearts) but the 2nd handed gamble is often also what fans deliver with it. some fans add something and then if you are lucky you get a bonus too. But often 2nd handed CD's don't have any 2nd handed bonus stuff. sometimes its still included and sometimes not.
  11. BrenGun

    Maybe I try it out someday. Just got an order over there tho, some secondhanded CD's plus a new CD. but as far I know zeal link only has bonus for the new CD. (at least last time there was also no bonus via little hearts) But I also think you need to be lucky with puresound. also if you buy second hand. if you shop in their store in Japan. they have often more than one copy. and sometimes one copy has a cool bonus and the other one doesn't have it. Which you can't see if you buy online. so it's always an gamble
  12. BrenGun

    haha they don't? Maybe they do now? But don't they also not give bonus if you let order it someone inside Japan?
  13. why did they forgot to send me (laugh) I don't follow them 24h a day. lol will add to website tomorrow
  14. BrenGun

    strangers. oh, look its a girl because of long hair/pony tail. XD so if i would have short hair i would be a boy to many. XD you don't see my boobs, i often don't wear makeup, i don't always wear woman clothes. XD plus most people aren't trained as us to notice at face more easy if someone is boy or girl because of visual kei. XD
  15. BrenGun

    I'm still often mistaken as a boy. XD
  16. BrenGun

    Often I don't want to look like a woman!
  17. http://www.tokyo-liberated.com/artist-interview/ 11/10公演出演アーティスト「THE NOSTRADAMNZ」short interview! 11/10公演に向けてのインタビュー第3弾は、「The NOSTRADAMNZ」からBass&Vocalの禰故督丙さんにお話を伺いました! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q.まず、各メンバーの自己紹介をお願いします。 ボーカルとベースの禰故督丙-ねもとこうへい-(ルシファー)、 ギターの燕瞳瑶壱楼-えんどうよういちろう-(狂人)、 ドラムの上邑隼人-かみむらはやと-(ピエロ) 以上の三人がTHE NOSTRADAMNZのメンバーです。 Q.バンド名の由来、バンドのコンセプトを教えてください。 ぼくらが子供だった世紀末に、震えがとまならないくらい怖くて、 それでも無性にワクワクしたあの気持ちを象徴する名前です。 ライブや音源で、あの気持ちを皆様と共有したいと思っています。 Q.今回のイベント参加への意気込み、ライヴでの見所をお聞かせください。 このインタビューに答えてるときより演奏がちょっとうまくなってると思います。 Q.9/27リリースの「ZOMBIE WORLD KEEPS SINGING」、10/5リリースの「ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ」と音源の発表が相次いでいますが、それぞれの聴きどころを教えてください。 前者は、我々が基調とするポップでノイジーなパンクロックナンバーになってます。 どこかで聞いたことがあるフレーズも入っています。 ライブでは拳を天高く突き上げて一緒に歌ってください。 後者は、ダークでヘヴィな四つ打ちのディスコナンバーです。 これもライブでは天高く飛び上がりつつ一緒に歌って頂きたい。 両方とも、シングルCDですが、6 曲入りとなっており、タイトル曲+配信リリースしているep「大予言」の曲を、 ねもとやえんどうがリミックスを手がけ、収録しています。 タイトル曲のオリジナルカラオケも入っているので、あなたのお部屋をライブステージにすることも可能です。 あと、11月にまた一枚シングルリリースします。 このライブかその前の11/4のライブから販売開始する予定です。 このインタビューが公開されるときにはすでに情報解禁されているかもしれませんが、 詳しくはオフィシャルツイッターとか見てみてください。 Q.かなり短期間での連続リリースになりますが、何か狙いがあるのでしょうか? 忘れて欲しくないんです。 Q.最後に、今後の活動の展望や目標をお願いします。 「我々が楽しいと思えることをやる」ということが大前提に、 たくさんのひとに楽しんでもらえるようになりたいです。 ______________________________________________________________ Rough translation; (corrections are welcome) * few notes below* Short interview of 11/10 performance starring artist "THE NOSTRADAMNZ"! Towards, 11/10 band Interview no.3, starring the vocalist of "THE NOSTRADAMNZ" Nemoto Kouhei. Q: First of all, please your self-introduction of each member. A: On Vocal and Bass, Kouhei Nemoto aka "Lucifer" On Guitar, Yoichiro Endo aka "Kyoujin" On Drums, Hayato kamimura aka "Piero" We form with 3 members THE NOSTRADAMNZ Q: Please tell us the origin of the band name and the band concept. A: We are the kids of the last century, even being scared to shivers, we had the feeling of excitement, which the band name symbolizes. At lives and with our sound we want to share that feeling with everybody. Q: What would be the LIVE highlight for a visitor of this event? A: Coming to our live and feeling it yourself is giving you a better impression than if I would answer in this interview. Q: At 9/27 you releases "ZOMBIE WORLD KEEPS SINGING"* Also another single was released at 10/5 named "ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ", please tell something more about the release to our readers. A: The tone of the first is a punk, pop noisy track. It also contains a phrase which you have heard somewhere. At our live, put up your fist to the heaven and let's sing together. The 2nd single is a heavy dark 4 beat disco number. At our live we would love that you sing along and jump up high in the heaven. Both singles containing 6 songs, the title track, remixes of the track and also remix songs of our EP "dai yogen". Also it contains a original karaoke of the title track, so for you it's also possible to stand up at the stage inside your own room. Also a new single will be released this November. We are planning to sell it at our next live at 11/4 Maybe you are already informed about it, when this interview is published. So please take a look at our official twitter accounts for more information. Q: what's the spirit to release continuous in such short period of time? A: Because we don't want to be forgotten. Q: Finally, what's your vision and goals for your future activities? A: The principle is "That people can enjoy us" I really want that lot's of people will enjoy our music. NOTES: * release via closet child, was already available to buy at live gigs.
  18. BrenGun

    way to cute, to be good o.o we will see xD
  19. correction, you need to email kiwamu to ask if he want to sale it to you. because the oversea webshop isn't updated with most stuff at all.
  20. BrenGun

    male only oneman. Easy, a special oneman for only persons with a dick So woman not allowed. forbidden for woman!
  21. BrenGun

    tokami schwarzkain nue all others, nope. and no people also not calmando, I only really liked their last release. I only really love the cq before their SW time. soundbee has good and bad songs. not good enough to be in the list. same goes for livert, capella, satan, synkyet and lix.
  22. BrenGun

    this time its a ballad. will be amazing for sure. if i got this single then I gonna review all 3 singles.
  23. BrenGun

    I wanna order it!!! will take some more days 《*≧∀≦》 But I gonna get it!
  24. BrenGun

    and we got the preview and tracklist: 全6曲 収録 1,200円 1.ほころびて 2.ほころびて(黙祷) 3.ほころびて-Program of humanity mix- 4.ひみつ-sick to death mix- 5.世界と真実-true world mix- 6.ほころびて-Alternative Piano Mix- ※現在配信中のファーストミニアルバム「大予言」より2曲のリミックスを収録
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