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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    i spent tons on calmando qual and acidblackcherry, damijaw. also bit on janne da arc. excluding my flight tickets to see Calmando Qual and E.T... Loudness, NEiN, The Nostradamnz
  2. BrenGun

    I regret for going to the gig of Total Bad Condition at 9/8 bought their CD and wristband (total only 1000yen). It's not a bad band, but their attitude towards me. pff. didn't expect such king attitude from a non-kei band. But well lucky not to much money wasted. (beside the gig ticket) Beside that I don't really regret anything big what I bought recently.
  3. BrenGun

    glad it arrived today!!!~~ I hope you enjoy it very much (^_^)v
  4. not that difficult since closet child is easy. the other CD is also available so please get both!~~ and don't forget itunes for their EP. And I still do approve this band to truly support with your money!
  5. ohh.. and its already on closet child peoples and yeah that are drums and guitar from the band (*_*) That handsomeness.
  6. Well ya have to ask kiwi to add it in the oversea shop... seems he does not really add new things anymore..
  7. The Doggy paddle will release their new live limited Mini-Album at 2016/10/10 at live venues (6 tracks) (1200yen) 1.狼煙 2.Everybody Lies 3.テロメア 4.バニーカクタス 5.ショートカット 6.Voo!Doo!Do!!(Fe-ver ver.) Also a store mini album at 2016/10/26 which is named before the storm (4 tracks) (1080yen) 1.嵐が丘 2.君はBlue 3.グラグラ 4.チェインドッグ ------------------ I hope my sold stuff will arrive soon, so that I can purchase this without any worries. But how to get that live limited (T_T)// I also saw them in Japan (2nd time). Even tho the guys aren't visual kei, the guys really know how to ROCK! I love them since years!!!!!
  8. BrenGun

    Yeah DISH is nice. Didn't really listen much to them, but actually now I follow 根本コウヘイ only. But beside that DISH is really a band people here underrate.
  9. you can buy their mini album on itunes and this and their previous one you can get at closet child. (well this one in a month or 2 I guess)
  10. THE NOSTRADAMNZ「ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ」 6songs 1,200円 1.ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ (Wilhelm ni tsugu) 2.ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ(あなたの番) (For you to sing) 3.ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ-heavy metal mix- 4.ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ-Earth Beat 2step mix- 5.Skygazer-Sadako's WINK mix- (from: 大予言 - EP) 6.Rollin on -MiniMalisM mix- (from: 大予言 - EP) Will be live sold and later available at stores. First live sold will be at 10/5.
  11. THE VACK’S a power rock’n’roll band from Japan, I’ll asked hem for an interview and they where so kind to answer my questions. I’ll will also review their brand new album FREEWHEEL soon. ENG-Japanese / ENG-Japanese Translation: Rosy (THE VACK’S) (So I didn't do any translation) Be free to translate this interview in any language, just please drop an link here if you did. JAPANESE BELOW ENGLISH 01: How do you all know each other? and why did you decide to play in a band together? A) Originally Ryo-suke(Vo), Hero(G), and Rosy were a colleague in the same company. When we find that we play musical instrument each other, and met to play in a studio session one day. That was the beginning. 8-9 years later after we met for the first time, Ryo-suke started to recruit members from among his friends to form a band with powerful and the most direct method of rock music . You know, Kudo is the third bassist for VACK’S. He is experienced and practical Bassman who perfectly matched to our needs. 02: Why is the band named “THE VACK’S”? any reason why you named the band like that?? A) The meaning about that “go ‘back’ to basics” then we change the 1st character to “V”. Another meaning, we named “VACK’S” in a parody of the pronunciation “Bakuon(爆音)” (laugh). 03: What was the reason why you decided to play POWER ROCK’N’ROLL music? A) We can find any amount of smart or skillful player around us but we want express more straight sound beating someone’s heart or kicking asses. We know it’s an old style, but that’s THE VACK’S(laugh). 04: What are the biggest inspirations for the music of THE VACK’S? A) We can’t express in one word the roots of the VACK’S sound. When you come right down to it,it’s an old style of Japanese Rock ‘n’ Roll, hard rock or a sort of garage, punk rock.We have a different musical background. Please see our official web site for more details (laugh). 05: Your first mini-album “Working Man” was released in 2013. Please tell those who don’t know THE VACK’S a bit more about this mini-album. Also could you tell us a bit more the meaning behind the lyrics? Is there any lyric we really should look at? A) Around three years after we found VACK’S, we decided to record our songs due to many requirements for our listener. By then, we have had experiences of live performance in Tokyo or Kyusyu area, we have had decent original songs and sounds were getting well-organized. There are lots of number about motorcycle ’cause Ryo-suke is a biker. As for the rest, ordinaries of life song, work song, and so forth. They are getting-off our emotion in our normal life or in working. 06: Your first album “FREEWEEL” was recently released in June. Its an amazing album again. It’s again cool ROCK’N’ROLL. What was the biggest inspiration for this album and is there any cool message behind the lyrics? A) About two years and a half after the releasing of 1st mini album, Kudo joined us and our sound changed more deep and heavy and quality has been improved we think. We took conscious to try for all one is worth and line up a variety of numbers. There are songs of variety, one of them is straight rock number should be called for “That’s the VACK’S”, one is an old school rock’n roll, hard rock taste number, and one represent an emotion about when we met an extraordinary natural phenomenon, and so forth include the number exist from the establishment of the band. We offer such a wide variety of songs never get tired of listening to. 07: The song “FORTY <40>”. Isn’t it inspired by the song “After’45” by 石橋凌(Ryo Ishibashi)? I really like the vibe of the song. Please tell us a bit more about it? A) This song is very touching to a lot of our fan (bitter lough). Although we love and respect a great musician Ryo Ishibashi and his famous number “After 1945”, we did not get an idea from this song to make up a song “Forty”. It’s not a feeling of nostalgia. “Forty” is, say “hymn to myself, ourselves, and our company” who remain largely unchanged from childhood. 08: What’s the future goal for THE VACK’S? Any big plans? A) We will remain basically unchanged for years to come. We would like to keep the heat on as a “tour-based band”. Needless to say, we will also book various live gigs and events at our home Tokyo & Yokohama. So please check out our schedule frequently! 09: Is it hard to have a daily job at a company and being in a band? How does it work? Since you are working man. A) Yeees! it’s very rough and tough (lough). Each of us is a hard working man. So we have a lot of difficulty to settle a schedule for rehearsal. But we do put forth our whole energy on the stage even though we are so groggy due to hard work. That is actually cool style we think. It’s a really dry stuff that the person taking life easy play just for the fun of it, isn’t it? 10: How do you prepare for a live gig? A) We have no particular plan. We have rehearsals as per usual. As for live booking, it’s from by the connection of each member, invitation call from our acquaintance for 対バン(tai-ban: on stage with each other), or appear as “repeat”. 11: What is your favorite song from “THE VACK’S”? A) We cannot limit our favorite number to one, but the title number of each album “Working Man”, “FREEWHEEL” is the signature piece of VACK’S no matter how you look at it and represent our trademark. 12: What’s your most memorable live? A) Every member is different, but for “VACK’S”, it’s our debut live at Hakata Livespace ZERO. We appeared to a long-run event called 「Ossan wo Namerunayo!」 lasting more than 20 years. We wondered whether our songs and performance will be suitable for the event. Anyway we went to Hakata with taking our several original songs. It was exciting and was a good medicine to us. (laugh) 13: You recored very recent a music video. How did that go? any difficulties to record one? A) This PV was recorded in concept with the releasing new album. Since it was the first experience for us, it was a new and we really enjoyed taking movies. Naturally a sound source was already completed, all we need to do was act (gesture) to the sound of BGM. It was a good chance to express what we usually think. We want more people to watch the movie ’cause it’s sooo cool with built-in bike picture! 14: In which country would you love to play and why? A) Under the right circumstances, we wish to go anywhere. The problem is time and money. (laugh) 15: What advice can you give to the musicians, who starts to play now? A) Never too late to start. Middle age around fifty older than us still keep playing in the field more powerfully. It’s a clear answer, isn’t it ? No excuse! Do it! 16: Which other bands do you love? A) For us, a band survive with original songs, every band is a rival and associate. They have so much to absorb. We are so involved in the activities of MMS recent years. 17: Your message to your fans! A) We VACK’S would like to continue to go to more different places taking ”Vakuon” & ”Vack’n Roll” and perform like crazy. Follow us and support THE VACK’S all the way!! Thanks and love, THE VACK’S -------------- 01: 皆さんはどうやって知り合ったんですか?どうしてこのメンバーで一緒にやろうと思ったのですか? A) Vo. Ryo-suke、G. Hero、Dr. Rosy の3人はもともと同じ職場に勤めていたんだ。お互いが楽器を やってると知って ある時、遊びで合わせてみたのが最初のきっかけだね。それから時は流れて8~9年後 Ryo-suke がパワフルでストレートなロックンロールをやる為に自身のバンド作りを模索していて、 一緒にやれそうな仲間に声を掛けていって集まったのが始まり。 Kudoは 3人目のBass だけど、経験豊富なベテランで今のVACK’Sが正に望んだベースだよ。 02: どうしてVACK’S というバンド名になったんですか?このネーミングにはどんな理由が? A) 原点に帰るっていうような意味合いで BACK 、頭文字をいじってV に変えてみたのが VACK’S もう1つ、爆音の「爆」にも引っ掛けているよ。(笑) 03: パワー・ロックンロールという位置付けで音楽をやろうと思ったきっかけは? A) うまいやつ、キレイにそつなくプレイするやつなら いくらでもいる。それよりも俺らは心臓にズンズン 来るようなガツン!とぶっ飛ばされる位ストレートな音で表現したかった。スタイルは古いかも知れないけどね。それも VACK’S (笑) 04: VACK’Sが一番影響を受けている音楽は何(誰)でしょうか? A) 一言ではいいにくいけど、日本のロックンロールや一部ガレージやパンク、ハードロックといったところかな。 メンバーはそれぞれかなり違った音楽を聴いてきてるからルーツはバラバラだよ(笑) 詳しくはホームページやFacebookでメンバーのバックボーンを見て欲しいな。 05: ファースト ミニ・アルバム「Working Man」を2013年にリリースしましたが、まだVACK’Sの事をよく知らない人の為に このアルバムの事を少し話してくれませんか? 収録曲の歌詞にはどんな意味が込められているんでしょう? 特に注目してほしい歌(歌詞)はありますか? A) 活動を始めて3年経った頃かな?持ち曲も増えてきたし、サウンドもある程度まとまってきたかな というところで音源を作ることにしたんだ。それまで福岡や東京を中心にライブを重ねて音源に対するリクエストも出てきてたからね。歌は、Vo. の Ryo-suke がバイク乗りって事もあって、モーター系、バイク系の歌詞が多いよ。あとは俺たちが毎日普通に生活したり、働いたりしてて感じる事やなんかを 音に乗っけて吹っ飛ばしてる感じかな(笑) 06: ファースト フル・アルバム「FREEWHEEL」をつい この6月に発売したばかりですが、こちらも素晴らしいアルバムですね!本当にクールなロックンロールです。このアルバムの最大の特徴は何でしょうか? 歌詞の中に込められたメッセージで特に強調したい事とかってありますか? A) 前作から約2年半、Kudoが加わってサウンド的にも更に分厚く クオリティも上がったと自負してる。 今のバックスの良さを出し切ると共に意識したのはラインナップの豊富さだね。これぞVACK’Sっていう ストレートな曲もあれば、オールドスタイルのシンプルなロックンロールナンバー、ハードロック調の曲、 そして、日本が未曾有の災害に見舞われた時の心情を綴った唄など、今回のアルバム制作以前から あった曲も含めて 全編聴いてて飽きない、バラエティーに富んだ内容になってるよ。 07: 「40(Forty)」という曲がありますが、もしかして石橋凌さんの”After 1945″ からの影響を受けたりしていますか? 私自身心を揺さぶるこの曲がものすごく好きなんです。この曲について少し解説してもらえますか? A) この曲が好きって言うファンは多いね(苦笑)。 石橋凌さんはリスペクトする偉大なミュージシャンだし、 “After 1945″も名曲だけど、「40」はそこからインスピレーション受けたわけじゃないよ。 内容は、今40代になって 二十歳の頃、ガキの頃 と何も変わっていない自分、そんな自分への郷愁って よりは 自分とそしてファミリーへの賛歌みたいなもんかな。 08: VACK’Sの将来の目標は何でしょう? 何か大きなプランはありますか? A) 基本はこれまでと一緒。ツアー主体のバンドとして出来る限り精力的に活動を続けていきたいと思ってる。 もちろんホームである東京・横浜ではこれからも色んなイベントやライブをブッキングしていくんで、要チェックだよ! 09: 皆さん 仕事を持っている「ワーキングマン」ですよね? 日々の仕事を続けながら、バンド活動もやってゆくって大変じゃないですか? A) そりゃあ もちろん大変だよ(笑) みんなハードワーカーさ。だから全員のリハの日程を合わせるんだって一苦労だよ。 でも、いくらクタクタになってても体がガタガタでもステージは全力でぶつかる。これが本当にカッコいいって事なんだと思ってる。 悠々自適で余裕かましてるヤツのお遊びみたいなステージなんて面白くもなんともないだろう? 10: ライブに向けてどんな準備をやっていますか? A) 特にないよ。普段通りのリハさ。ライブそのもののブッキングは知り合いのコネクションだったり、 リピートしてるイベントへの出演、それに友人のバンドからの対バンの誘い等々だね。 11: VACK’S の曲の中で一番好きな曲は何ですか? A) それぞれに思い入れがあるので1曲には絞れないけど、各アルバムのタイトル曲(Working Man, FREEWHEEL)は何といっても VACK’S の代表曲だし、最も俺たちの音楽の特徴を表していると思う。 12: 最も思い出深いライブは? A) これもメンバーそれぞれだろうけど、バンドとして記念すべきライブはやっぱり DEBUT LIVEである 博多Livespace ZERO でのライブだろうね。「おっさんをなめるなよ!」という20年以上続く長寿イベントで 全国から猛者が集まる中、オリジナル数曲を持ってVACK’Sとしての初のステージがどれだけ まともに聴いてもらえるか、いろんな意味でいい洗礼になったよ。 13: つい最近MV(Music Video)を撮りましたよね、感想はいかがですか?収録に当たって大変だった事はありますか? A) 今回はアルバムリリースに合わせた PV (Promotion Video) として撮った訳だけど、 VACK’Sとしては初のPVだったんで、新鮮で楽しかったよ。当然音は出来ててアクションだけをそれに 合せる作業なんで、普段イメージしてる事を表現するいい機会になったね。バイク画像のはめ込みとかも あって、とてもクールな仕上がりになってるんで ぜひ多くの人に観てほしい。 14: 外国でプレイするとしたらどこの国でやってみたいですか?また、その理由は? A) 条件さえ整えばどこだって行ってみたいよ。問題は時間と金かな(笑) 15: これからバンドを始めようとする人たちに何かアドバイスがあればお願いします。 A) 始めるのに遅すぎるなんてことはない。50近い俺たちよりさらに年上の先輩たちが クレイジーなほどパワフルなステージを現役で続けてるのを見ればわかるよね! 言い訳無用!やるべし! 16: 今 お気に入りのバンドはどこでしょうか? A) オリジナルをやっているバンドとしては、他のバンドはみなライバルでもあり仲間でもある。 吸収すべき要素はどんなバンドにも沢山あるよ。単純にリスナーとしての目線で ここ数年最もご縁が深いのはMMSだね。 17: 最後に、VACK’Sファンへのメッセージをどうぞ! A) これからもVACK’S は「爆音」「VACK’n ROLL」を引っさげて 色んな所に出向き、 熱いステージを届けたいと思ってるんで引き続き応援よろしく!
  12. BrenGun

    And DEVIZE new look. Lovely new look! I love it (*_*) So their website is red themed now too.
  13. BrenGun

    6000 yen And it was already showed on a big screen for kinda 2500yen? per person. but 6000yen for 20 songs. filmed well not that amazing. I prefer real good recorded lives for that price. So I'm not getting it.
  14. BrenGun

    To be honest, if enough people complain to Kiwi, things will change. If nobody complains, nothing will change. Kiwi already did change things because of people complainants. Same as I don't get why nobody is asking kiwi to sell fixer stuff in his webshop.
  15. BrenGun

    You shall tell the band, not Kiwi...
  16. BrenGun

    stop whining here, and tell them directly. lol
  17. BrenGun

    I hope they send it all for free to me. Of course still will buy o.o
  18. It's now available to purchase at closet child! So also we can buy now! Well get it! It's a really nice song. and the remixes are fun Highly recommended! Guys are also amazing live! so please support them. (^___^)
  19. BrenGun

    I only buy the real good stuff
  20. BrenGun

    Do you have any music of that band??? o.o
  21. whut?! XD someone know what his behavior was on twitter?
  22. BrenGun

    Nein will release their first mini album and their first own sponsored event at 2017/01/28 at Shinjuku Wild Side Also there will be more announcements for the end the year at their 3rd gig which is next month. (10/14 ikebukuro chop) Also for those who don't know. You can get their first download single at itunes. (worldwide) Which is also nice to get~ And, their first single, rubber wristband and towel are available at their webshop more info: http://nein-web.com/ https://twitter.com/nein_official
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