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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    Thats right. sometimes you simply never see a RARE in a shop or at auction website. For me its even impossible to get all CQ releases. since all Japanese fans are "true" fans. They don't really drop something at a shop. or sell it online of those things which are rare. I only see the multiply albums which people bought to get all bonus DVD/CD/stuff. But the real rareness nope its not there. Also then you have bands... you can buy the rare but then you pay more than 10000 yen to even WIN the battle with someone () Also many Japanese fans don't even know how to RIP a DVD. ^^" some even don't know how to rip a CD. And there are fans who don't even have a PC or LAPTOP to rip it... XD
  2. BrenGun

    REMNANT compilation CD [The deepest darkness] Song list↓ 1.Blind Sunday-revive- 2.Darkness eve-revive- 3.Funeral chapel (Lost Souls [Dirge] REMNANT ver.) 4.Secret Amour-another- 5.La mer Morte-chante avec KALM- *revive=remake, *another=remastering. Price:800JPY More info later
  3. BrenGun

    o.o new video at youtube will be not on the single. but kinda shows us how they sound Man.. so damn amazing!
  4. BrenGun

    People liked them at that festival. which me wondered... because it was a metal festival...
  5. Magistina Saga will release a limited DVD [Live In Belgium] which will be on sale only via the online shop and live venues. The DVD will be on sale at live venues from May 18 through June 16, 2015 and via the online shop for a limited time. Price: 3,000 yen (tax included) Limit: 100 copies Runtime: 36 minutes DVD Playlist: 01. Double Face 02. ideal≠reality 03. Persona 04. Deep affection 05. Dark Side Of The Moon 06. Fate Gear buy http://darkestlabyrinth.ocnk.net/product/649 I'm not a fan of them. so I will not buy.
  6. BrenGun

    Maybe that dezert music video?? Kinda creepy pv. But if you love horror, goth music, metal music simply nothing will shock you that fast. To get a real answer, ask your parants to give their comment. They will be shocked by some videos. And at least they will say. Why that dude dress up as a woman? Σ(゜Д゜) People get simply shocked because its not normal for them or unknown. But the visual kei now... its not shocking because nothing is that original.
  7. BrenGun

    Its really good to know for the next time. That I should to try to buy other band stuff too. At least if they played cool.
  8. haha I wished I got go to this session event. xD always cool to go.
  9. BrenGun

    whut for real? but what if you come for all bands? =_= I hated that I had to choose when I did go to a gig.. I was ehhhh.. ok I pick this one XD but knowing that... then I know that I should pick the one with the most less fans. xD (at least if I buy a ticket at the door)
  10. BrenGun

    and many bands also don't like to see their works uploaded for free at the internet. So thats for sure also a reason why they keep it so limited. so in the end I guess there are a few reasons 1. getting people to their lives for getting more money 2. getting it more difficult for oversea people to get it to upload it to the interwebs 3. to make lives more special to sell/give something for free at a live date for those who always attend their lives. 4. to gain money to be able to do a next gig etc The best thing you can do is; befriend to a japanese "fan". try to explain everything. And then hope she/he will help you out on their own free will. Then problem solved Not having someone; to hope that someone sell it at yahoo.mbok so that you can get it via a proxy. Or to hope that someone here at this forum did catch a copy somehow. But I always think in the end. If a band don't want to make it more easy available. Alright then, then not an extra 1000yen from me. saves me money
  11. BrenGun

    They would maybe make more money. But they simply don't want to try it out. They simply only want to sell/give for free to those who attent the lives. All we can do is accept such thing. sometimes we can be lucky that they will SELL it to you. But 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% they simply say "no. please don't ask again, please don't ask japanese fan for help"
  12. BrenGun

    Not really, because oversea fans will put it online. soo.. then they will even sell lesser.. yes even japanese fans would download it. Even if you ask sometimes a band why not. they simply say the don't want too. As, I don't care that you cannot get it. not even all our own japanese fans can get it because not everyone lives in the area where we will distribute the live limited only single. So yeah... we simply should accept it and find a kind japanese fan which want to grab it or to make a copy of the CD. or whatever.
  13. BrenGun

    There is a simple reason why to do live limited singles. To get fans to their LIVES. if it would be available online such as digital download or simple in webstore store. Not all fans would go to the live. So lesser ticket sale. lesser LIVE money for them. Its all about the money However they still are stupid to not release later a "LIVE sold CD" pack. (or would that mean that fans would wait for such release? and not going to the live gigs )
  14. I wished that their music was more easy to get!
  15. BrenGun

    I don't get, why bergen op zoom. why not eindhoven again? Not sure if I go. Maybe I should go for Essen? at least if I'm not in Japan.
  16. BrenGun

    The compilation CD is postponed to somewhere in April?. However the pre-release will be on the live gig of 4/4. details soon enough.
  17. BrenGun

    So.. they gonna turn into way more mainstream music now? Well we will see, still lots of months until we will know it
  18. And again a tumor is found. ()/ so his pause start again at 3/27
  19. I'm looking forward too.
  20. And my friend canceld the friendship with me. Because she is to hurt that I slept with him. Pff its your ex for godshake and ya asked me what we did and where we slept. ( ̄ー ̄) Mother fucking crazy to be angry about. Its so idiotic that you cannot sleep with an ex boyfriend/girlfriend of your friend. I mean... the relationship is motherfucking over. Also its the ex choice too. Love or without love, nobody has the fucking right to tell you with you cannot share the bed.
  21. BrenGun

    There where only 5copies in the shop. Guess 10in total online other 40at live gigs
  22. BrenGun

    don't be so sure that it will be uploaded on youtube. not every pv appears on youtube... there is still a list of pvs which aren't on youtube yet.
  23. BrenGun

    hopefully details will be there soon!
  24. Acid Black Cherry 4th album. A release which is better than my first exceptions. This album came in 3 versions; I’ll decided to review only the CD only (itunes) version. Acid Black Cherry, “Janne Da Arc” vocalist yasu solo project is around our hearts for many years already. He creates good music he creates perfect music. This release brings you more calmer songs with a taste of heavy rock. With “L” yasu proves again that he is a true musician who can write true music. Music which is written with the heart. Music which has a story. Music which is written with time. What about the already released tracks? On this album again there are only 4 songs which we already know, for myself I didn’t like 3 of them. Well I liked INCUBUS but, INCUBUS felt as it was not “ready”, not finished. Since it was an introduction to this album. I really did do like GREED GREED GREED, which has such cool rock feeling. The 2 others, Kimi ga inai, ano hi kara… and Kuro neko ~adult black cat~ didn’t get my attention at all, when they where released as a “single”. I didn’t like them. But are the single songs now enjoyable? My answer is “YES”. Somehow this album made all 4 single songs good songs. songs who flow easy inside the album. songs who you won’t put off, even if they aren’t liked as “single” songs. It’s a bit strange, but this is what happens more often if you listen to the work of Acid Black Cherry. What about the new songs? are they enjoyable? Of course they are, I’m glad that yasu did choose to create more calm rock songs. The music is a bit more lighter. But still with a beautiful rocking sound. There is only 1 new songs which I don’t really like and that song is “Versus G”. I truly love; Round & Round “L-Eru”, liar or LIAR, Loves, &You. Those lyrics and sound are splendid, very beautiful, songs which really though your heart. And who really made me fall for this album. Also it was a very good choice to put “Round & Round” as the first track on this album. It introduce you calm but with a rock sound inside this album. You won’t get enough of this album after you put this one on! How does the album really feel? Even if some of us prefer more the harder rock songs, I still think that everyone can enjoy this album highly. Since this album has so much inside. hard rock, light rock also a slight of pop sound. It has cheerful tunes, it has sad tunes. The lyrics are sad, are happy, it can let you cry, it can let you smile. It is a love album. Some tracks even let you remember of “Janne Da Arc”, but that’s cool! Since some of us really miss them and it always gives a good feeling when those tunes turn up. Also yasu’s voice, it really though your heart in this release. Those who didn’t bought this album, really will regret it. A slight detail to the sound, song by song: ♪♪♪ heavy rock | ♪♪ hard rock | ♪ soft rock ♪ 01.Round & Round ♪♪ 02.liar or LIAR? ♪♪♪ 03.S&M ♪ 04.Kimi ga Inai, Ano Hi kara… ♪ 05.L-Eru- ♪♪♪ 06.Greed Greed Greed ♪ 07.7 Colors ♪ 08.~Le Chat Noir~ ♪♪♪ 09.Kuro Neko 〜Adult Black Cat〜 ♪♪♪ 10.Versus G ♪ 11.Nemurenu Yoru ♪♪ 12.Incubus ♪ 13.Loves ♪ 14.& You As you can notice it is a very calm album with a few more heavy rock tracks. This album has also not the “electric rock sound” which many visual kei and other kind of bands add to their music. Which I’m really happy with. Because creating an album which sound like “L” is much more special and showing your fans that you really can “create” music. Which I also did notice by listen to this album over and over is when “& You” ends it actually flows again inside the first track “Round & Round”. You don’t really notice that the album has ended. Which also makes it impossible to put the album off, because if flows over and over. Album rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ I never did expect such great album after I did listen to the 4 previous singles. I never thought that this album could be so great. Its the best work yasu has given us in his solo carreer. Acid Black Cherry did it again, to publish a great album. It’s not strange that more and more people will like them, because they deliver again and again good music. Also posted at Japanese Music Strike
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