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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. Not sure If I can tune in next weekend. We will see.
  2. What about the 3 cell CD's? Any special price for those 3? Shipping to NL
  3. BrenGun

    wow Tenso is really cheaper now. Maybe someday I will use it too. Even if I know that I also can use my friends address. If I would ask him XD
  4. seems also your paypal address has changed? I'll try to Pay tomorrow... I said Saturday in my e-mail, but I doubt I can pay at Saturday.. because just got a phonecall that a farmer need me that day. (For the rare delicious White GOLD, Asparagus, news plants will be put inside the ground) And after that is done I feel probably death and need sleep (since I need to get up at 4:00am, for doing my news paper round first) ^ also means, I will have more money to spent at May 2 and May 3rd. hehe. XD So if I cannot pay Friday, I'll pay Sunday. XD
  5. BrenGun

    Well people should hate Kiwamu much more than Kisaki. *just saying* Kisaki is simply a funny guy, who just fails in to keep his lies secret. XD
  6. BrenGun

    And I never knew that there were 2 versions. I've never read that before. not even in the history BOOKLET ()/ Well then this is also solved!~
  7. BrenGun

    ah and true.. then I got the limited edition without the photobook. And I guess that one was only available via fanclub... since that version isn't even listed at cdjapan. http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1012189830 Also panda if you ever get FREEDOM with 3 tracks.. or KISS me with 4 tracks (also only the regular version) Then please keep it for me!
  8. BrenGun

    Well if its really true then why nobody never said that there where 2versions. ( ̄ー ̄) I always thought that there was only 1type. So that it always included the secret track. Well if I see freedom somewhere again I buy it again since this type is useless.
  9. BrenGun

    Mm never knew that... Then I guess this is the limited edition without the photobook then. XD Hopefully lavenderkiss can confirm this later.
  10. BrenGun

    Back then there was no limited editions at all.. At least as far I know. Limited edition had a poster as bonus only. At least thats what cdjapan tells us. And since its a secret track it doesn't appear in any official discograpy list (-.-) But freedom pv was never released on a cd+dvd release. Only on a pv dvd : arcaida clips.
  11. BrenGun

    then I wonder why my copy only has 2 tracka and not 3 tracks as he should have. It should hve 3 本作には通常版のみにシークレット・トラック(「桜 (acoustic ver.)」、1stアルバム『D・N・A』収録曲のアレンジ版)が収録されている。
  12. BrenGun

    Gekkouka? nope that one doesn't have a secret track at all. only FREEDOM and KISS me have secret tracks. if you check http://prologue-end.livejournal.com/ I also have her on twitter. And she also said to me that her own copy has 3 tracks. and she said its strange that my copy only shows 2 tracks when puting the CD in my PC This is her rip http://prologue-end.livejournal.com/28422.html However the rip is kinda a bad rip. XD and isobuster doesn't seem to work XD you can see the track but you cannot rip it
  13. BrenGun

    The problem is.. I don't have physical cd player anymore at all.... So maybe someone can burn that CDimage on a CD to try it inside a physical player? XD Maybe this copy was kinda.. damaged or something by pressing it. If I put JDA dolls inside it has the same .exe file stuff on the CD. but that CD doesn't have a hidden track, and I don't have any other JDA single with hidden tracks, so I cannot check it out.
  14. BrenGun

    It shows a 3rd track with exact audio copy, however its impossible to rip that track with that program Also VLC shows a 3rd track
  15. BrenGun

    huh it was shared well here again https://yadi.sk/d/w7BtxG4Cg5Pkc
  16. BrenGun

    nope track 3 is an hidden track. But because this CD is copyprotected it kinda comes in a .exe file. Which you can open with Windows XP. Higher versions of windows will give a problem ()/ There are 100% 3tracks. But I can only see 2 if I put the CD inside and play it with any player.
  17. BrenGun

    if you could please. somehow Foobar doesn't work on my PC. EDIT: I did check with foobar but also only 2 tracks
  18. BrenGun

    Yo, SOLVED!
  19. BrenGun

    AHH found this at a Japanese website http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~veltair/review/l/lamule01.html 情景ノ都 80/100 Lepra 月ト影 情景ノ都 Lepra 4曲入りのCD。 ちなみにCDジャケットに書かれているトラック表記では、1曲目が月ト影、2曲目が情景ノ都、3曲目が×××××となっています。 実際には収録曲は上記の通り、1曲目と4曲目は両方ともLepraですが、4曲目に収録されている方はやたらとエフェクトがかかっていて非常に聴きづらいです・・・。 全体的に王道といった感じの疾走感溢れる楽曲が揃っています。 ですがその分、ボーカルの声のインパクトが弱いせいで全体的に味気ない印象に・・・。 ジャケットはモノクロで1輪の百合の花が載っているだけで、非常にシンプル。 歌詞カードとメンバー写真くらい載せてほしかったなぁ・・・CD自体は表面にすら全くプリントがされていませんし。 そういう意味でもお得感の薄いCD。 もったいないなぁ・・・いい曲と思える要素のある曲ばかりなのに、全体的にインパクト薄い、もっといえば安っぽい印象です。 Soleilの表記がどこにもないので、おそらくレコード会社所属前の音源なのかな? EDIT: Also here: http://www.geocities.jp/illegalxdrag/la-mule.html
  20. BrenGun

    EDIT Then I guess this one is the crossed out version? I really think so.. 01 Lepra http://www.last.fm/user/Keiyuu88/journal/2012/01/19/5am96q_la%27mule_-_lepra 02 月ト影 (Tsuki To Kage) http://m-pe.tv/u/m/novel/?uid=itandirkyo&id=1&act=viewPage&PID=2697&CID=219&p=21 03 情景ノ都 (Jōkei no miyako) http://m-pe.tv/u/m/novel/?uid=itandirkyo&id=1&act=viewPage&PID=2695&CID=219&p=19 04 Lepra http://www.last.fm/user/Keiyuu88/journal/2012/01/19/5am96q_la%27mule_-_lepra So any one knows which track the 2nd is, and if I got the other 3 tracks right? (by listen to it) So then I guess, 01 & 04 are kinda hidden tracks?!
  21. BrenGun

    Nope its not that one. It's I believe really the version I think it is: http://www.discogs.com/LaMule-%E6%83%85%E6%99%AF%E3%83%8E%E9%83%BD/master/582143 But then still the 2nd track; if I check the lyric by listen to it... then it's not "情景ノ都" however the 3rd track is: 情景ノ都 and the 4th track is somehow 月ト影 (Tsuki To Kage) again, just a different version so then we kinda have 01 月ト影 (Tsuki To Kage) 02 ? 03 情景ノ都 (Jōkei no miyako) 04 月ト影 (Tsuki To Kage) Well be free to move it in the help section.
  22. BrenGun

    Yo, I've no clue what this CD is. It got 4 tracks; The cover say's its: 情景ノ都 But that CD only has 2/3 tracks (and doesn't sound like the rip I know) The CD himself has no print at all. This CD has 4 tracks. SOLVED!! So I hope someone can tell me and us what it really is! EDIT I guess the tracklist is: Then I guess this one is the crossed out version? I really think so.. 01 Lepra http://www.last.fm/u...la'mule_-_lepra 02 月ト影 (Tsuki To Kage) http://m-pe.tv/u/m/n...97&CID=219&p=21 03 情景ノ都 (Jōkei no miyako) http://m-pe.tv/u/m/n...95&CID=219&p=19 04 Lepra http://www.last.fm/u...la'mule_-_lepra So then I guess, 01 & 04 are kinda hidden tracks?! Anybody who knows more about this? EDIT Yup track 1 and 4 are hidden tracks at least if I should believe a few Japanese websites.
  23. And look!~~ I will review and post unbox photos later today! look forward too.
  24. BrenGun

    You cannot see theirs, but they still can see yours as.so long you don't block them too and they don't use twicca. Thats for twitter. But I don't like the new vocalist... i miss riku!
  25. I'll will check it out if I'm home.
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