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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. Do you trust Crowd-Funds? Depends on which kind of Crowd-fund it is. But I never would trust a Crowd Funds of musicians. Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund? Nope not yet. I've not even the money to spent to such things. What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project? 0 bands. I would only donate like that if they would spent the money to some good cause. (or how do you call that in English, ya know those projects to safe people in the world because of a nature disaster or something) What do you think your donation range would be? (Be honest, you don`t have to worry about being seen as a cheap-skate, and don`t have to be Mr. / Mrs. Moneybags.) 20 euro maximum. (because they should be happy, that you give them SOME extra money) Are special awards or gifts valuable to you? (Early access to tracks, special messages from the band (or whoever), other perks, etc...) Depends on what they will give you. But for Alice nine, you really get less for ya money. Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans? I think bands who try this, simply want to gain lots of money from fans... its still stealing from us, because they never use it for MUSIC only If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level? HAHA no no no no no no really NO. What do you think of Alice Nine`s project so far? I know which label they are under now... I don't know if it should stay secret? But they could better find a different label with more money. Even Kiwamu would have been better But there first song is nice, so lets see what they will give us in the future. Any notable musical crowd-funds you want to mention (worldwide or Japanese, though they are different markets)? - I don't know any... Should a Crowd-Funded release be free? Or should it only be free for those who donate? Does crowd-funding affect your view on downloading a release? Yes, Crowd funded releases should be free. Since they got the money for FREE. they didn't spent their own money inside the whole project. And those who donate should get lots for free before the actually release date. But still it won't affect me at all.
  2. nya its not that much if you think in dollars.. its about 42000,- dollar. which they want to get.
  3. But btw what is that Fund project? They still ask a lot of money. 5,000,000 Japanese yen... for real? I'm not joining that project. XD anyway here working link for DIAWOLF For now, I'm not going to support DIAWOLF
  4. BrenGun

    Tracklist: 01.霧の中の展翅 02.Estampie 03.指先の筵 04.Easy eery words 05.Infantile corpse 06.Narrow step 07.DDP(Dear Doctor Pepper) 08.百年の標本 09.体温の無い歌姫 10.優しい針 11.厭世のエンドロール -Bonus track- 12.Ghost of romantic echo machine (new song) 13.Puncture in the glitter line (oldriver mix) Will be available as digital download too. Hopefully soon after the release date.
  5. BrenGun

    woa thats a nice review template! Also nice review, I sitll need to check the album out, I should do it.
  6. Hopefully its good. Since they are live stronger than on CD.
  7. BrenGun

    3000yen for 2pv and making?? Thats way to expenisive.
  8. Why are people so shy about his?!! I shared 2times the bed with that dude. Maybe there will be a 3rd time. I don't know yet. However there are no secrets anymore. I tell his ex everything, because we promised to HAVE no secrets anymore. But I don't know because that dude is big big drama and loves to fuck so many other girls... and thats for me. just a thought of "YUCK". He turned in such idiotic stupid player ()x
  9. BrenGun

    If I rip a CD I always use the original Japanese text, so the song title in "Kanji/Katakana/Hiragana". Sometimes I even re-name my downloads into the original Japapanese. I actually simply hate ROMANJI for music. And sometimes its difficult to know how to write a Kanji down. because it can be read in 2 ways.
  10. Wow switched so fast to a different label. I will try them Later.
  11. BrenGun

    Its not surprising since they Where already close to themselves label. XD Well lets see.
  12. Sen left this world with his wings at december 24 (2014). With a young age of 39. Its written on his twitter account. He will be missed.
  13. BrenGun

    any updates for this?
  14. BrenGun

    I also don't go because I don't want to waste 26euro for a band I don't like. EVEN if EINDHOVEN is very near my home. Also its on a week day. Even if I often don't sleep before 1-2AM for getting up at 4AM in the morning. Diru.. I saw them back in 2010? and I was so fucking bored the whole time. I also don't need to see this overrated band.
  15. BrenGun

    I just got a new flyer of the band. 2015.09.25 Takadanobaba area 4rth anniversary one man gig. new album is named: [sTORY] 2,800 yen (CD+DVD) release 2015.05.27 there will be a SHOP cover and a live venue Cover. However there is not yet a tracklist known
  16. BrenGun

    Last year at 2014.05.21 Janne Da Arc bassist “Ka-yu” released a brand new Mini album with his solo project DAMIJAW. The price of the album cost you only 1,000 yen + tax, which is very cheap for a Japanese release. Everyone was waiting for this new release because his last full album was released on 2012.06.07. The first press of this album came with a beautiful poster which was created with photos of fans. (Add who I have created ) Ka-yu isn’t just a bassist, you really can hear his bass skills during this whole mini album. You notice his bass-lines because they sound heavy and fast and he always puts much feelings inside. Also he release music with real and good quality and his style is heavy rock. Ka-yu proofs once again that he is one of the most talented bassist which Japan knows. This mini-album contains 6 beautiful tracks. Every song has their own taste which is played with so much love and power. Everything in the song fits. good vocal, perfect guitar, perfect drum, perfect bass. and perfect solos. The 2 year wait for this mini-album, yes it was worth it, since they did give us something which is made from the heart. The album has a heavy rock taste and also starts with this heaviness, which made it even sometimes possible to headbang on parts of some songs or almost the whole song. But “THIS IS MY WING” is a more soft song, a kind of rock ballad also “I fear silence” is a bit more calm song however still with much heaviness inside, but these 2 songs makes you hear Ka-yu’s clean voice, which is far out beautiful. It really has been a while since I did listen to such great mini-album. It has truly everything inside what an album need. If you are looking for something new and different from many visual kei bands, then please check out DAMIJAW’s THIS IS MY WING. TRACKLIST 01.wrath 02.薔薇の棘 03.ダミージョウ♂とダミ嬢♀のラブゲーム~略してダミラブ♡~ 04.I fear silence 05.ダーミー城の吸血悪魔を愛したダリア(哀) 06.THIS IS MY WING Official homepage Official youtube channel Official Twitter Official Facebook ALBUM RAITING: 10/10
  17. Nya I don't care, they where never my cup of tea. But still a pity that they disband. Since so many loved them.
  18. BrenGun

    Then I wonder how I can see the chapter list with that program. kinda need to figure that out with my next DVD rip. I don't have a DVD now which I want to convert into mp3. but vob files also can be very easy converted into mp3 with "WavePad Sound Editor" its a very easy to cut songs out of a long mp3 file. with a very good saving into mp3 192/320kbps however lots of DVD's are 192kbps (but thats something you can check with spek if a dvd vob file is 192 or 320 )
  19. BrenGun

    But can you also cut the file? I'll gonna try it too. lets see if its more easy.
  20. BrenGun

    Effenaar is big enough for diru. 1300 people can go. and I doubt that it be that full I can't go since I need to work the next day.. otherwise I cannot get up at 4:00
  21. BrenGun

    Hopefully this song will be also added on an album or something.~ But I'll drop it here. If you ask me, then REMNANT is growing and getting better and better. I truly love their sound!
  22. BrenGun

    I will check the album at spotify if its out. I'm not such big fan of Velvet Eden anymore. doesn't really belong here but I will drop it here
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