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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. Kanji @peffy KLACK CURE 15 テロリスト達が放つ破壊行動の記録に迫る! 先月号で突然発表されたDVDリリース。 「TERRORISM OF RED PISS」と題された初映像作品は、 衝撃の1st GIGから約6ヶ月間の破壊活動の記録。 ありとあらゆる手段を使って目的を遂げるテロリズムになぞらえた収録内容。 KLACKが語るその真意とは!? ―今回のテーマは「旅行」という事なんですが。 聖也 そんなの行く金ねえよ。 u 興味ない。 烈 はい、次のテーマ。 ―DVDが発売されるという事ですが。 昌亜 タイトルは「TERRORISM OF RED PISS」。 聖也 血尿のテロリストです。 烈 でも本当は、血尿はBLOODY URINEって言うんだけどね。 ―えっ? 烈 どうしてもテロっていう言葉を使いたがったんだけど、テロリズムだけだとちょっと重くて。 昌亜 テロリズムって政治目的を遂げる為にありとあらゆる手段を使うって意味なんですよ。実際KLACKがやってきた事って、売れたいとか、人気者になりたいとか、「ロック」という言葉を利用しての商業に対する挑戦で、服屋でのGIGやSMクラブでのGIGとかもそうだけど、詞や曲、インタビューとありとあらゆる所で毒を吐いて、不満や鬱憤をそのままぶつけていく姿勢ってテロみたいじゃないですか? ―内容はどんな風? 昌亜 さっき言った服屋のGIGとSMクラブでのGIG、あとPVとインタビューですね。 聖也 PVだけは俺らがやってきた事の中で自信があるね。 昌亜 元々あったアニメ入りの「INTIFADA 2004」とイラク人質事件のパロディ「JAPANESE STANDARD」。で、全体構成は今までの活動の流れが分かるようになってます。 ―新しいPVも入るよね? 聖也 北朝鮮の生映像です。 昌亜 この前の金正日の誕生日の爆発事件を知って、「そういえばuと俺が帰ってきた直後にも、ウチらの乗った鉄道が爆破された」って事思い出して、あの時に撮った色んな映像を見直してみようってなって。それで、見てみると面白い物が色々あったんですよ。 u 本当の北朝鮮を見せたくなったよな。 昌亜 で、普通に演奏している所と織り交ぜて使うことに。 u とりあえず、俺が見た物だけはホントでしょ。行ってからマスコミは色々くっつけてると思って、だから何も手を加えずにそのまま映像を出して伝えようと。 昌亜 恐怖心とか、テレビで結構伝わってくる物とか、民衆まで軍事的な事とかって出してますけど、実際行ってみるとそうでもない。 聖也 マスコミに対するテロみたいな。 昌亜 絵もマイナスなエネルギーを感じて俺らとあってる。 聖也 曲調も会うしね。 u ただ、歌詞とは全く合わない。 聖也 でも、歌詞と会わないところも新しいって事で。 u キムも浮かばれますよ。 ―映像はいっぱいあるの? 昌亜 いっぱいありますよ。行進とか、交通整理。 ―? 聖也 ロボットみたいなんですよ。婦人警官が。 ―?? インタビュー・シーンが入るのは? u 俺は真面目にロックを語るつもり。 昌亜 前回も言ったようにロックバンドって曲とか詞とかGIGとかインタビューとか全部ひっくるめてだと思うんで。 聖也 俺は甘いフェイスと巧みな話術を。 u あと臭い脇な。 一同 (笑) 聖也 それは俺と烈だよ! 烈 聖也だけだよ。 ―今回もジャケットは凝ってるの? u ロシアで学校を占拠して爆破したテロあったでしょ。表紙は俺が小人の死体を抱きかかえてるんだけど。 昌亜 死んだ子供を抱いた親の写真をロシアの新聞社が次の日の一面に出したんですよ。そしたらロシア政府は自分達が不利になるような記事が出るのが嫌で、その新聞社の編集長がクビになったんですよ。形は辞職なんですけど。裏にはロシア政府からの圧力とかそういう物が強くあったらしくて。それにuがピンときたみたいで。 u 虐げられている感が俺らに合うなって。 烈 新聞社はKLACK。 u まだ撮ってないけど。新聞社も浮かばれるかなと。 昌亜 また浮かばれんのかよ(笑)。 烈 逆に裏ジャケは笑いなんですよ。 聖也 オリンピックのマラソンで選手にいきなり突っ込んだスカート履いたガイキチがいて、あれをニュースで見た時にメチャクチャだなって思って。再現しようと思ったんですけど、再現するとチャチくなるがなと思って、写真にそのまま俺らの顔貼り付けてメッチャ合成バレバレにしました。 u 昌亜は首以外はロイクちゃんだよね。 一同 (爆笑) ―マラソンを妨害する所もKLACKの世界って事? 聖也 エセ・ロックがチャートに入るのを妨害してやろうがなみたいな…うそです今作りました(笑)。 一同 (爆笑) 聖也 まあ要するにジャケットまで全部含めて「TERRORISM OF RED PISS」って事です。 昌亜 KLACKが作るジャケットとかチラシとかって、「いつやった事かな」って、いつでもみんなが思い出せるように常に時代と出来事を背景にやってるんで。だから六本木ヒルズの回転扉とか、イラクとか、今回のロシアのヤツとか、マラソンのオリンピックのヤツとか。 u 小泉訪朝も蓮池の子供が帰ってくるのとタイミング合ったしな。 聖也 あのタイミングですよ。 一同 (笑) 昌亜 そういえば小泉首相は最近泣いてましたよね。 聖也 ふーん。俺知らねーや。とりあえず六本木ヒルズの回転扉が無くなったのはKLACKのお陰かなと…。 ―そういえばuさんセッションやりますね。10月末に。 聖也 セッションのバンド名言ってやんなよ、ドカンと。 u KAIKI PROJECT。 一同 (爆笑) 昌亜 どっかで聞いたことあるんだけど。 聖也 何か関西で有名な。 u KAIKIさんが決めたんだよ。 一同 (笑) u メンバーは名古屋のボスのKAIKIさんとキング・オブ・インディーズのKENZIさんと、あと元EllDoradoの憂さん。 昌亜 同じ名前だよ。 聖也 ダブル・ユーじゃん! 一同 (笑) u 名前はダブル・ユーにしたかった。 昌亜 そうなのかよ(笑)。 烈 アイドルじゃん。 昌亜 アイドルでダブル・ユーっていたよね? u 知らねーよ。 ―なんでKAIKI PROJECTなの? KENZI PROJECTじゃなくて。 u それはKAIKIさんが何か企んでるんじゃないですか? 烈 KAIKIさんにベース貸さなきゃ。 u KAIKIさん服が無いって言ってた。 烈 さすがボス。 u 服も巧みな術を使って持ってくればいいのに。 昌亜 術ってそれはいけない事だろ! ―巧みな術? u 借金踏み倒した時に使ったような。服も買って踏み倒…。 聖也 なんて事はしたらだめですね。 昌亜 今回のセッション踏み倒されるんじゃねえ? u そしたら困るなあ。 聖也 曲は決まってんの? u KAIKIさんが「ピストルズやれ」って言ってたんで、ピストルズをやります。 ―似合いそうだね。 u そうですかね? 烈 ピストルズ好き? u …好きじゃないよ。 一同 (笑) 昌亜 バレバレだけど。 u 尊敬するバンドなんかいねーよ。 昌亜 思いっきりやせ我慢だな(笑)。 u それより挨拶の練習をしとかないと。歌の練習はしないけど、目上の人を怒らせるととても悲惨だという事を学習したんで。 昌亜 あと11月にイベントに出るね。もしかしたら新しい曲とか出来るかなという感じで。 烈 チ〇コ先生どうなるの? 聖也 でも10回契約で先にギャラを払ってて。 昌亜 だから出てもらわないと。 u それに彼曰く彼がKLACKなんで。 聖也 もう飽きた事ない? u 曲はもう……口ずさめるしね(笑)。 聖也 そろそろチ〇コ先生にも新しいバージョンに変わって欲しいかな。 ―では最後に一言。 u この前渋谷で「〇〇〇」ってポスターに書いてあったんだけど、あんな権力の犬でマザコンのオカマ野郎がROCKなら、俺らはROCKじゃねーな。ふざけんな、くたばっちまえ!
  2. Hello, I'm currently checking online the contents of CURE MAGAZIN However I can't find everything back easy. i do know: http://asiahouse.co.jp/cure/backnumber/backnumber.html Over here only vol. 60 has Klack but if I check jrockscans on live journal there were some more volumes. http://cure-net.shop-pro.jp/?mode=cate&cbid=889133&csid=0 So I don't know if someone still owns magazines from vol. 35 on and can type down the contents or show scan/photograph the content page until vol. 70. Hope. Would be a big help. I'm currently researching for the band KLACK. (their old official website was made in flash so unable to look back , not even with the wayback time machine) I don't remember which volume was KLACK's last appearance. Maybe vol. 60 was. Until now I have this list for KLACK Thanks~
  3. BrenGun

    omg. new starwave band!! didn't expect a brand new band signed up to them.
  4. I already have interviewed them in 2016, however in the meanwhile they released a brand new album and gained a new guitarist (still support). Big thanks to vocalist Ryo-suke who is always kind towards me! last year he and shinichi (MMS, THE MINKS) organized a special solo live for me at LINDA GARAGE bar, which was visited well by their fans and bar supporters~ was very fun! If you have a change to see them, 100% check them out, also no worries about "language barrier" as long Rosy is around he will help talking with everybody. Oh and if you want to buy their CD's, it's possible! contact them via facebook and you get in though with Rosy! THE VACK’S has been active for 10 years. They have released 3 CDs and performed a lot of lives. Slowly they are getting more and more popular, and stand aside of a few famous “rockers.” If you think of recent ojisan Japanese rock music, you can’t miss THE VACK’S!  “Never give up! You still can do it!” THE VACKS LINE UP Vo、Ryo-suke Gt、Danna Ba、Kudo Dr、Rosy The interview was answered by Ryo-suke and Kudo. Danna and Rosy didn't take part of it, however their "all" answers are how they think together about things. https://jrocknroll.wordpress.com/2020/03/06/interview-with-the-vacks/ Thanks to @inartistic for helping thinking of a few questions and also of course some of the questions are re-used out of our visual kei interview series and another bunch are translated by my Japanese friend Yasu and translation check was also done by Yasu. Also a big thanks to my friend RIORIO who helped me to translate a few of the questions. ps. I deliver interviews on a FRIDAY 22PM(JST). can be weekly, 2 weekly etc. depends on the respond times of the bands (^_^)v
  5. I know enough bandman who don't listen to visual kei music that often, but who prefer other style of bands much more. And often those bands are really amazing bands, because they don't follow the "normal usual boring compose melodies of vkei" We shouldn't judge someone who doesn't care much about vkei music about this matter at all. Visual kei is not only about the sound, but also the way of your looks and attitude.
  6. Well there are some more people who don't really listen to visual kei bands but still are visual kei musicians. Nothing wrong with that. I never saw that as an issue, if members really can go along with each other, it can be a truly strong point.
  7. When the vocalist of one of JAPANS biggest ojisan ROCK BANDS said, that an interview is alright!


    They were really popular end 80ties early 90ties. disbanded came back, went on break again and now they are back again. 


    Their last gigs were good visited, many people came to watch them, I believe the gigs were sold out or almost sold out. 

    I keep the name secret until I received the questions back, but hopefully we can look forward to it (^_^)v

    Hopefully this interview will also help to interview more visual kei bands ^_^

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. BrenGun


      Morrie is kinda visual kei isn't?? 


      However, I do think that Morrie knows them. 



      But with biggest I mean in the time they were active. kinda between 1989 and 1997

      Nowadays they are more "known" than "popular"  because of their long activity break.  


      anyway, checked Morrie(&crea &dead), but he seems to play nowadays also in halls with capacity of only 200-300 people.



  8. luvielle (ルヴィーユ) is a very new band, who at the time of this interview had held very few lives. Their style evokes a feeling of “the good old days of VK,” and for that they've gained some attention. They were gracious enough to speak with us about their concept and their plans. https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-luvielle/
  9. always around, But they are on a LIVE gig break now. the drummer has back problems.
  10. BrenGun

    2members left?
  11. BrenGun

    @Messenger84 @ everyone the event has been postponed.
  12. After Kenka left Calmando Qual, he became more closer to Tomo (ex-Neurotic Doll and Japanese Babies), They played together also in 4marble colors, after both ended 4marble colors because 2 members left, Tomo and Kenka decided to form a new band. Sunamegamafy is one of the most amazing non-vk rock bands around. Tomo's voice is wonderful strong which truly can hit your heart if you like their type of music! Please read the interview: https://jrocknroll.wordpress.com/2020/02/28/interview-with-スネメガマフィー-sunemegamafy/ And of course you also can discover more of them on the same website! https://jrocknroll.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/スネメガマフィー/ Anyway, the questions also thanks to John of vk.gy of course, with who I also interview visual bands! ~ (^_^) __ Next Visual Kei interview will be out this Tuesday March 3rd! Next Non-visual kei interview will be out hopefully mid March! If you think that I should interview a non-vkei band please drop me a DM with their information!
  13. Hopefully Kazari is okay. But sometimes it's hard to give a yell where you are. Things which could happen are: being arrested, being in an accident, being sick, family matters, Hopefully it's not another disappearing drop out.
  14. BrenGun

    Vo.はる Gt.松浦宏次郎 a.k.a コウ @gt_kxoxu Ba.Ryuji @ryuji_saikyou Dr.佐藤 蘭 @meltyran_sato If you update at vk.gy please write a little extra story; (don't have time right now) http://www.visunavi.com/news/356090/ ^ text can be found there to use.
  15. BrenGun

    I added the details to the first post ^^
  16. BrenGun

    Album will be released on 4/21 (・∀・)人(・∀・)
  17. READ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-burgundy-rain/ Please give your thoughts about the band answers of this interview.
  18. There is nothing rock'n'roll about this release. But sounds alright.
  19. BrenGun

    who is that Dr.めぐる(Meguru) dude? ex- clack inc? So it's also not Loa EX-IGGY? Since he write 3/3 and 3/27 are the last lives he support =_=
  20. not that mega, but we can't say unknown singer. 😂😂
  21. @Nighttime Jae I feel happy that the guys responded to the questions very well. Also thank you for sending questions we could use I will check their new single for sure if it really wiill be also a digital release. I personally don't like clack.inc previous works, just not my type of sound, still surely not a bad band. The sound they pour out sounds good. However the member change made me want to check out their new work ASAP. Can't stand it that they still didn't publish any preview or anything yet o(>o<)o
  22. unknown? he has 4,832 twitter Followers lol
  23. https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-clack-inc/ Big thanks to Kenbo! He helped with translating a few questions to Japanese. And surely also that every member answered the interview very nicely! It's an interview everybody enjoys, so please read even if you aren't a fan! ^^ EDIT: Why did we choose this band for an interview? CLACK inc. is maybe not the most popular or best band around (for some of us), but if a band changes their members it's always interesting to dig in them a little bit. I'm also glad that Jae_agent33399 helped us with giving a good direction of questions we could ask. Looking at the history of this band and members and current members it's a good band to have interviewed too, because hey it's interesting what they have been up to and if they can hit more people hearts! Because this band starts a new area I won't share their music in this topic. Still I hope that people are exited to discover more about their upcoming single. I'm looking forward to it! So keep tuned okay? A really big thanks to Kenbo, without him, this interview maybe wouldn't be possible at all.
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