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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    Kousai last 3 lives are: ●2020/02/17(月) 難波Mele - -MiNO×虹彩RaveL 2MAN SPECIAL- ●2020/03/05(木) HOLIDAY SHINJUKU - 虹彩☆RaveLラスト主催 【ラスト☆RaveL-TOKYO-】 ●2020/03/18(水) 心斎橋 VARON - 虹彩☆RaveLラスト主催 【ラスト☆RaveL-OSAKA-】
  2. and they have it from janne da arc 😉. all Those songs this band creates sounds almost the same as janne da arc and acid black cherry. Please check it out if you like this band.
  3. BrenGun

    Do they have a big fanbase? I've listened to their music, but it's... but still good to see that a band doesn't give up.
  4. BrenGun

    The PV is a little over the top, however the song sounds really nice. Just don't fall in love with a bandman....
  5. BrenGun

    I always love their style and choice of design. However, I'm not a fan of their music it's too poppy, but it's not bad.
  6. BrenGun

    VERTICAL, SQUARE band photos. Well they are cool, but please also have a HORIZON photo to use for "event flyers", that makes designers very happy. A complicated logo. Logo's are cool, however to be able to read the band name if the logo size is small, is also nice. and one or 2 color logo is also fancy enough. I also dislike those "metal band" logos where it's difficult or impossible to read the band name whenever the logo is in big or small size.
  7. Only slightly... Maybe vocal somehow reminds me of DEZERT... Melody only slightly but maybe only their first few releases. Beside that, I guess, if this band is keep going on and stays alive... they might even can grow pretty big. Vocal voice is nice, melody is also good!
  8. sounds as they are kinda inspired by DEZERT? Or I am thinking bullshit now?
  9. BrenGun

    エラー。から重要なお知らせ 本日を持ちまして サポートギターしょーちゃんの 活動を終了することをお知らせ致します。 急なお知らせとなってしまい大変申し訳ございません。 別途、本人のTwitterアカウントからも ご報告がありますので 目を通して頂ければ幸いです。 既に出演が決定している日程につきまして なんとか出演が出米ないか検討を重ねましたが、 断念せざるを得ない状況ど1町断致しました。 その為、2月12日のライブより エラー。 4人体制での出演となりますので、 何卒よろしくお願い致しま玄 なお、既に発売されておりますチケットについて 返金対応は行なっておりませんのでご了承ください。 2020年1月30日 _ Support Guitar ーしょーちゃん has left the band. 2/12 scheduled live will be performed by 4 members.
  10. BrenGun

    0 visual kei artist. There is still 1 pop artist named MiO Also king zeebra is the owner of live house Osaka Namba Melo.
  11. BrenGun

    虹彩☆RaveL will disband this March after playing one more live in Tokyo and Osaka. More details will follow soon. I will update all details later on vk.gy. Please wait a little bit more until I receive more details officially! thanks : 3 ___ Own comment; I already expected this happen since last year; almost no lives; no design requests etc. Also fans suggested that they will disband soon since September or so.. So for me it doesn't come as a shock to.. I was waiting for it...
  12. BrenGun

    and new single is up to download via itunes. https://linkco.re/Cv1FrMxM If you have apple music, you also can stream the single. Or if you live in Japan and you use LINE music you also can stream it. It's not on spotify.
  13. BrenGun

    Yes those "Edgy face reveals" I would say, just don't announce your new band until the day you gonna announce everything. I also dislike like the "My age is secret", "It's secret in which previous bands I played" kinda of crap shit. But I don't mind the Engrish part. Engrish is a known common thing in Japanese bands. not only visual bands are doing it.... no it's a daily thing in Japanese language anyway. Even if it's in the common language spoken in the Japanese way and written in Katakana, English is something which just flew in the language. Only we Gaijins can often only hard get what that Japanese human is actually saying. Which remembers me of a Dragon ball song, which they sing "ANGEL ANGEL ANGEL" and I misunderstood it for ears as ENJEM ENJEM ENJEM So for me Engrish is simply amusing Give me more of wrong English. Whenever they know what they are singing or not it's fun! But I still must say, if a band decide to write a lyric in complete English; then please sit down with a English/Japanese speaker to form a bit of correct English sentences which you 100% understand the meaning off. But even so... It's fun to read such "not corrected google translated" lyrics.
  14. BrenGun

    To share a short summary. SARIGIA will hold TWO-MAN live shows for 5 consecutive months starting this March. followed by a one-man performance with a meaningful title will be hold on July 26!! The tour but also the ONE-MAN is an revenge act to have a full venue of fans at July 26. Their 2nd anniversary live wasn't filled up with enough fans. SCHEDULE SARIGIA presents 5ヶ月6連続2MAN「SARIGIA Vs.」in 東高円寺二万電圧 Vs.1 2020.03.12(Thu) SARIGIA vs MIMIC Vs.2 2020.04.14(Tue) SARIGIA vs DOBE Vs.3 2020.05.11(Mon) SARIGIA vs リブラヴェル Vs.4 2020.05.25(Mon) SARIGIA vs 仮病 Vs.5 2020.06.05(Fri) SARIGIA vs ジグソウ Vs.6 2020.07.07(Tue) SARIGIA vs マチルダ 2020.07.26(Sun) 池袋BlackHole SARIGIA presents ONE MAN LIVE『終わりと未来』〜 Revenge of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS 〜
  15. BrenGun

    I guess so..... Their next 2 lives still have only cover songs But since they took band photos and also member photos I guess that they maybe turn into a formal band soon? They also will hold their own sponsored event this March... EDIT: @suji They are already around since last year... so I wonder if the topic title is still correct?
  16. BrenGun

    Today they played songs of this setlist request list https://twitter.com/osks_sora/status/1206922021377990656/photo/3
  17. Still being a session band, however session band ASIA decided to be a more formal band. They opened twitter, announced their members and they shared a band photo. Vo. Sora seems to be ex.少年団. but I've no clue which position he had in that band...
  18. BrenGun

    Eh, excuse me... "Looks" makes a band Visual KEI. And I still do think that many visual bands have a TYPICAL vkei sound even in 2020.. but I guess that's just me thinking that... so I guess I'm stupid aff. If the looks of DIMLIM isn't Visual Kei, then what the hell are they?
  19. BrenGun

    What's so not VK about the video?
  20. BrenGun

    He did?? Well the video and the sound is still Visual Kei pretty much aff tho. If he doesn't want to be visual kei anymore... Then he truly should change his whole image... Also then what kind of gerne band is it, when it's not VK? o.o
  21. BrenGun

    They are 100% visual kei, even the melody is vk lol but it's perfect vk. perfect melody and perfect vocal. because melody and vocal it fits 100%. 100% in harmony. non visual kei bands truly play different melody and also different vocal.
  22. Demivee, platy, sleepy coffee and 3 others reacted to this


    lovely those reactions XD


    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Best reply on that thread yet tbh

    2. BrenGun


      Thank you!
      Maybe someday i will see DIMLIM live.. don't know.




      However next time I go to Tokyo I hope to see this band. lol.
      Actually the vocalist of this band is also a kind of "well known" person. But people forgot about him.
      Also ex- Calmando Qual Kenka is playing bass in this band. 

      I saw them once LIVE and it's simply amazing seeing them.

      But... I must say it's thanks to Kenka.
      Kenka is actually one of the best bassist I ever met and saw lol.



    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      i have an infection x 

  23. BrenGun

    I also will react to this topic. I've listened to more songs on their youtube.. and all their previous songs are just bad, shit visual kei music.. not even amazing rock quality, just typical boring visual kei, with no heart with no feelings just.... no. but the new song... The beat, the melody, the kinda vocal sound... It all mix nicely together as a perfect mix.... it really though your heart. Truly 10/10 song. And believe me it is. Lately I only listen to masterclass rock music. music who is played by bandguys who are longer in the music world as those young dudes. music of people who know what music is. I follow lot's of "legend Japanese rock stars (which most of you never did hear off tho lol)" So because of that I became very picky of what GOOD music is. However, I call this song really a master piece. it's a perfect song, easy to like, it touch your heart. vocal fits perfectly to the melody.... But by listening to their previous songs,, I kinda doubt their their album will only contain this masterclass songs. If they will release more music like this... then I surely will support them. I'm looking for this kind of visual kei bands, who really put everything into music. if you dislike this kind of sound, well then. you really don't have a good taste for music.
  24. BrenGun

    DAVID if he is DAVID and SUI if he is cula vocal? o.o
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