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About Azaeroe

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 03/07/1994

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    North Dublin

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  1. Why the F U C K was my comment deleted?

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    2. Zeus



      If I wanted I could just list your entire post history, but that is besides the point. Let us not play dumb. I have a difficult time believing someone who posts about "The Desolation of Art in the Late 20th and Early 21st Century" or posts about "The Value of Debate" doesn't understand why the rest of their content is inappropriate for a forum about visual kei and Japanese music. You act inappropriate and edgy because you want our attention, but when you get our attention and get modded as a result you play the victim. You have broken more than enough rules to have warnings taken against your account, and the extent of action that we've taken against you has been to just hide your posts. Let us not do this. The staff has dealt with situations like this before and it almost always ends in a ban. You telling @suji to suck you off is more than enough reason for a temporary ban, but I'll extend one final chance for you to shape up and become a proper member of the site.

      If you think I'm joking about that ban, ask @suji yourself. She was a trouble maker before she was a moderator and she can tell you all about how we moderate in detail.


    3. Azaeroe


      No, you can go first; and I'll make sure you gag to death on my seed.

    4. Azaeroe


      I'm a nigger, you noble Greek god, so cut me some slack. You aren't a racist, are you?

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