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Posts posted by zaa_zaa

  1. Their pv is ok, but I really like how irrelevant they are - less than 300 views in under two days, it's been a while since I saw such a low view count for jrock band. And take into consideration that this is somewhat established band.

  2. On 17.04.2018 at 12:16 AM, suji said:

    I don't blame him for wanting to leave. He looks absolutely miserable (red dude on the far left) :



    He does look miserable.

    The thing I wonder about, tho, is whether they write their own music or it's written for them. I can't recall another j-rock band whose members were all recruited (kinda like any k-pop band)

  3. 2 hours ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Here's the last song of the live dvd were Tsuzuku collapse at the end:


    What do you guys think about it ? Do you think it's real ? Or was it staged and Tzk and Koichi wanted to make a statement maybe ?

    It did look like a statement to me. Way too artistic, especially Tsuzuku's seemingly fake tears.

  4. 17 minutes ago, mikarudio said:

     Dead Children it's disband and ray it's sopport for other bands like NOW and yu play de piano in OUSIA and Souhaku no Kisetsu

    I think it is Daiki (ex. Aikaryu) who plays support for NOW according to his twitter.

  5. 4 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    didn't their bassist and drummer (two most replaceable members, altho w. nega the debate is open on everyone xcept for vo.) retire completely at this point

    Wasn't their drummer the main composer, though?

  6. 19 hours ago, efuru said:

    Chobi as a vocalist?!! Is this gonna be a yumehito kind of thing where he’s actually really good?

    There are some videos online where he's singing, and he also was a back-vocal on some of DIV tracks. He's quite good, actually.


    EDIT. My bad, it was Shogo, not Chobi.

    EDIT 2.

    Maybe you will be able to distinguish Shogo singing here.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Danao said:

    The bands were so bad so far xDDDDD


    I thought lack co was pretty good though ! great live, and tenten is a great singer too


    let's see how is zero mind now x_x


    EDIT: ok zero mind infinity won't be streamed cause they don't want to, nice one guys, great idea. 

    I am so pissed rn because of ZMI ._.

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