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Status Updates posted by heresytrash

  1. My coworkers say it's my fault that they didn't get work done now, because I went on vacation. Bitch I've been back for three weeks.

  2. My ex coworker expects me to pay for her ticket for Panic! again this year, how does one tell someone that you are not in the nicest way possible?

    1. heresytrash


      Thing is, I've already told her this twice but it seems she thinks I'm going to pay upfront for it and 'she can pay me back later' when I know it won't happen. orz 

    2. platy


      then just say I CAN'T REALLY DO THAT AT THE MOMENT BITCH. Play the victim, your financial situation isn't good at the moment, you gotta pay for health bills or something lol

    3. heresytrash


      Yeah, I'm going to go that route. Thank you!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. My most played album right now is VENA by coldrain.

  4. NINTH songs sound so much better live. Ahh.

    1. raspberrynilla


      YES! I found so much more enjoyment out of them at the concert than I ever did while listening to it at home.

  5. Oh man I went back and screenshotted the messages and wowwwwie I'm so glad I did not see this woman in Texas.

  6. Oh my god I was supposed to do a Visual Kei panel for a convention three years ago, and I found my powerpoint. This did not age well. Though I'm wondering if I should try again, though would like someone to help me with some of the history as some of the stuff I got was just from Wiki lolol

  7. Oh, I forgot about this place.

    1. togz


      You can check out any time you'd like but you can never leave.

    2. heresytrash


      I can't believe I got that reference. lmao 

  8. Okay CDJapan replied to me, said to not open my item and wait for their email about how to exchange the item.

    I'm so confused. I also should get the external bonus, I wonder if they'll let me keep that at least LMAO 

    1. BrenGun


      But do you wish to exchange it?


      if its an bluray I guess you can play it with your ps3/4 (at least if they accept blurays from every regio or if its regiofree)

  9. Okay had to go to instacare last night, RIP 

  10. Okay Metallica concert wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. They played like four songs from their new album, then they played a lot of their more popular older songs.  

    Though I found it odd that Jim Breuer (comedian) was their opening act. Like I guess it was different, but didn't really set me in the mood.

    1. reminiscing2004


      They had a comedian open? LOL That is very strange

    2. heresytrash


      It was really strange lol he was a little funny but went on longer than I would’ve liked. 


      Though Metallica still played 17 songs so that was nice 

  11. On another kpop note, I do like ice cream by blackpink 

  12. Once this shit show of a pandemic is over, I'm looking for a new job. ._. Getting tired of telling people to follow safety rules when all they do is be assholes about it.

    1. solaris05


      Good luck dude!!! I hope you can get outta that business. Does the current company at least treat employees better than the last one?

    2. heresytrash


      Depends on the supervisor. I was fine on Graveyard where it was a small crew and we knew how to get along. But now I'm on days and we got clashing people left and right. orz

    3. solaris05


      Ahhh gotcha. Omggg thats the worse. 

  13. Panic!at the Disco is coming back to my state, and I legit started crying with happiness.....

    I need help.

  14. Pretty sure my workplace is haunted. I was at work alone last night with one other person (I work the graveyard shift) and as I was kitting (putting stick packs into cartons to be shipped out) I heard my warehouse manager say "Hey!" except it was 1 in the morning and no one else was in the building except me and our QC. I turned thinking he had to come by for something but no one was there. Then when I went back to kitting, I started to hear like a snap coming from across the warehouse, like someone was pushing a chain against a wall. Everytime we went to check to see what it was out there, it stopped. 

    Also when I went to the front office to ask the QC something he asked me who I was talking to, I said "No one." 

    "I swore I heard you having a conversation." 

    Yeet, I almost just quit right there. LOL

    Long status but I had to share it somewhere.

    1. fruitfork
    2. nekkichi


      a poltergeist, we stan 👏 👏 👏

  15. Probably shouldn't drink three shots of Rum and two shots of Sake anymore. The 'dreams' I have are wild and I hope it was just a dream and not sleep paralysis.

    1. heresytrash


      @reminiscing2004 The thing is I don't even remember waking up from the dream. I turned what was my bf's bedroom, it was dark and a shadow was over him. Then it was crawling on the ceiling. But I don't really remember waking up from it. LOL

    2. togz


      I can't really drink at all anymore. One beer has me goofy so don't even get me started on shots haha. But power to you Ash ;o; 

    3. heresytrash


      @togz Honestly Beer makes me buzzed at this point, but not drunk lol It's when I get my hands on hard liquor that I'm in trouble.

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  16. Random question, but when will Nightmare ever resume activity or did they disband?

    1. Alkaloid


      I believe one of the reasons they paused activities was to prepare for their 20th anniversary, which would be next year. So my guess is they'll be back around then.

    2. heresytrash


      Okay yeah that makes sense. It probably will end up they disband, I follow Hitsugi on twitter and he's all about his new project.

    3. sixblacknine


      Well I dont think he should be posting about how he misses Nightmare or anything like that, they're all working on other stuff, even Ni~ya now, so its not fair to single him out like that. But Yomi starting another band when he said he needed to recover is very sketchy, then Ruka and Sakito were at the same event and just completely ignored eachother; so it doesn't look promising. 

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  17. Seeing HYDE tonight.

  18. So apparently Christian girl at my work got let go, I didn't know until today. Yeet,

    1. nekkichi


      loving this concept.gif

    2. platy


      It's God's wish

    3. YuyoDrift


      Damn it @platy that was my line lol



  19. So CDJapan just emailed me saying they may have sent the wrong format to me, and that I might receive the Blu-ray instead of the DVD because of a miscommunication with Sony....but they only told me not to open it if that's the case.

    So....how do I go about sending it back? LOL I never had to do this and they said nothing about how to return it.

    1. YuyoDrift


      If the notice was in email form then you simply wait for the package to arrive and verify if it was a mistake by replying to that email. This is an awesome thing to happen but only if you intend to keep it. If it was a notice from your CDJ account then I would just email customer service and document any info should it bite you in the ass later.


      CD Japan is solely responsible for any return shipping processes and should provide a return label for you to use. DO NOT PAY OR DO ANYTHING YOURSELF. 

      Obviously this is going to get fucking expensive on their behalf and may not be worth the hassle due to fees and exportation expenses, for what, like $40 dollars lost?

    2. nekkichi


      ohmygod can you check with this person if you've ordered the same dvd and maybe you can trade or something? - https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/profile/11825-thezigzagoon/?status=29692&type=status



    3. seys


      just keep it lol

  20. So I got a free Metallica CD cause I got tickets to see them in November, but I dunno if I wanna listen to it. lmaooo

  21. So I just.....got someone fired at work. I mean he's been written up so many times, but like....my complaint to the HR was the final straw.

    1. YuyoDrift



      Most tend to do this as a coping mechanism for slipping up and being put in their place.


      Very hard to elaborate on but these types of people believe that they would never get fired/reprimanded/accused by their shitty actions, let alone believe that someone would actually go to HR about it, or for it to gain traction whatsoever.


      Dude knew it was a possibility, shrugged it off denying that anyone would dare say anything cuz he's a badass/untouchable, and well, here we are lol. Dude is having a hard time processing he got rekt.


      My question is how the fuck he knew it was you? I thought this stuff was anonymous.

    2. heresytrash


      @YuyoDriftoh no that is the reason I turned him in, he's also been written up for production loss  but this incident threw him over the edge. He doesn't know I reported him....as far as I know 

    3. YuyoDrift


      Oh I gotcha.


      Just let him simmer down and realize life moves on, just now somewhere else lol.


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  22. So I-tunes can't give the songs back, but they credited 10 song credits to my account to make up for it. *shrug*

    1. nekkichi


      buy reputation on itunes

    2. heresytrash


      Nah, I'd rather spend it on Hayley Kiyoko songs.

  23. So I'm seeing Metallica next month, and I have no idea what to expect.

    1. Bear


      Expect them to suck. Should've ended their band 30+ years ago tbh.

    2. heresytrash


      This is more of a family thing, for some odd reason. So I don't expect much with their newer material so.

  24. Somehow with the little content we got with the WT documentary, I ended up on the Dallas portion of it. Thanks GazettE, I look pissed AF. 

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