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Status Updates posted by heresytrash

  1. Hyde’s coming to Utah.


    what even 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. heresytrash


      He's the support artist, and honestly I'll go to support him-but it's still so random. Everyone skips over Utah. lmao 

    3. God


      that’s even more bizarre?  who’s he supporting?  🤔

    4. heresytrash


      A group called Starset. Not sure who they are, not sure if I will stay long enough for their set either honestly.

  2. It was so weird growing up mormon and then getting into vkei


  3. So cdjapan is gonna pay my return charges in shopping points.



    1. platy


      > spends new points

      > they send the wrong thing again

    2. heresytrash


      I'm so tired, I just wanted to watch it cause apparently I'm in the dallas portion 

  4. So we had an earthquake earlier where I live. We were doing our morning stretches and I felt the ground shake, plus all our roll up doors were shaking too. 


    2020, if you're gonna kill me just do it already.

  5. Someone who didnt draw a comic, changed one part of the dialog is now demanding people dont repost because they 'worked hard to make it on mematic' 😒😒


    Was it too much of me to call them out on it?

  6. Whenever something trends on twitter, K-pop stans like to hi-jack with stupid fan cams. 

    Imagine if Vkei fans went that far......or probably they already do and I've not seen it yet. lmao 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. heresytrash


      I say hijacking kpop news with vkei tweets would be funny lol

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      be the change you want to see in the world

    4. psychonnect_rozen


      I wanna do that lol. I already have roasts with my friends about Kpop and VK

  7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  8. ~Currently listening to~DRIPPING INSANITY-the GazettE~

  9. Ah, I'm going to Seattle in April. Hopefully I'll get to see my friend at least once while I'm there.

  10. Ahhh, it's Aoi's birthday today :ghost:

  11. All my friends are the GazettE's 15th anniversary and my greatest accomplishment today is not strangling my coworker

  12. All my friends got their World Tour DVDs already and I'm waiting like 'where's mine?' but now I gotta stay away from twitter because everyone be spoiling it for me lololol

    1. Biopanda


      How do you spoil a live DVD? 



      At the end they play an encore!


    2. heresytrash


      It's the World Tour DVD, they don't show the entire show but snippets of their tour. I got mine though, so.

  13. All my GazettE friends showed up in the WORLD TOUR DVD teaser. And I'm probably gonna be in it for like a second, but I can probably be like "LOOK MA, I MADE IT" or something.

    1. Komorebi


      At least you made it.

  14. And I remembered the Youtubers reacting to Visual Kei.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanivani


      That's probably why they did it, and they chose new songs. Probably wanted to introduce them to current visual kei.

    3. heresytrash


      That's true. I also they kind of did their research, so there's that.
      I really liked the guy in the pokemon shirt, he was into everything. lol I want him to be my friend.

    4. vanivani


      haha yeah, thought it was pretty cool he wanted to check out vkei.

  15. Anyone else here ever been subjected to dave and ava? I dont get to listen to any of my music anymore, my life is full of nursery rhymes.

  16. As fun as the Dallas show was, I met great people, I realized how crazy some GazettE fans actually are. 

    But hey I met a Utah fan so yeet.

  17. both Panic! at the Disco and the GazettE are coming out with new albums in June, but Brendon is feeding his fans with two new songs as opposed to just one so Panic! already has a point from me. Also Say Amen (Saturday Night) is a banger.

    1. nekkichi


      feed me Brendon

  18. Call me a clown, because I bought Gotcharocka's live DVD when a week ago they uploaded the entire thing onto their youtube LOL

    1. evenor


      it always happens ;(

    2. suji


      just think, they may probably have it online for a limited time, but you'll still have ur copy ;)

  19. Catching up on gotcharocka and I suddenly became obsessed with their song Ash. 

    1. Komorebi


      It's soooooo gooooood!!!

    2. leighla


      *o* if you need any recommendations, I'm a huge fan :3 Ash was sooooo great to hear live.

    3. heresytrash


      I'm currently going through their discography, thank you <3 

  20. Christian girl is praying for me today. Okay. 

    1. nekkichi
    2. platy


      Pray for her too, so that one day she might stop being a pain in the ass. 

  21. coldrain needs to come back to the states. Please.

  22. Dear anyone playing pokemon sword or shield, what's the best strategy for beating leon 

  23. Definitely missing GazettE right now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeybanana4


      Same here. I've been listening to their Ninth album, but it'd be great to hear something from them soon~

    3. Seimeisen


      I can't believe it's been two years since NINTH


      I hope they're working on something good right now

    4. blackmoral


      omg, same. Like,they were supposed to announce something during the cancelled live, right? I wander what it was supposed to be... Maybe a Spooky Box or an album? 

  24. Did my eyes deceive me on twitter or is nightmare returning?

    1. nekkichi


      they were on hiatus until 2020, their anniversary year, so idk yeah i guess??

    2. heresytrash


      This could turn out really great or not so great I'm nervous lol

  25. Do I sleep when I get home or take some pent up anger out on some guardians in breathe of the wild?

    1. CAT5


      Turn on the game and then go to sleep with it on. This way you can take out your pent up anger on some guardians in a dream, and you'll be getting sleep at the same time. win/win. :P:lol:

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