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    reminiscing2004 reacted to anadentone in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    this one right here,
  2. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Hakoniwa in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    About MUCC's Kuchiki no Tou, didn't they say they're never playing that song live again? The studio version is already very emotional and this... this is just... ugh. ç_ç
    I get why they'd choose not to play it again... and also, like you said: TATSUROU.
    THIS. :'(
    Do As Infinity - Fukai Mori
    This live of Fukai Mori has a lot of meaning to the band and the fans in general. I remember how I felt the first time I watched this, even though I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. There were a lot of theories around, but in reality she talks about how this song is important to her and to the band and how she felt the first time she listened to the demo tape. And now they're doing that live. That was not long after the band was formed and they felt overwhelmed by all that's been happening. That song was a huge success and it's an emotional song by itself. And then she starts crying and.... ç_ç
    And... this.
    MUCC - Akatsuki Yami
    It helps that I love that song and that it's an emotional song by itself, but the way he sings it there is also overwheming... the lyrics to that song make it even stronger. But even if they lyrics aren't clear to the one who's listening, you can clearly feel he's pouring his emotions into it.
  3. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from emmny in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    Hello, all.
    I was hoping you could share some of your favorite live clips that fall under the category of most emotionally intense performance. These tend to be the clips I revisit the most, because there's something quite satisfying about a sentimental moment in a live setting. Here's my vk/jrock picks:
    ムック Mucc - 朽木の塔 Kuchiki no Tou (??? 2004)
         Tatsurou. That's all that needs to be said here, really. Footage is actually taken from two separate performances, so do your best trying to figure out which one the audio's from. Whichever, this performance kicks ass. I'm always amazed by how unforgivingly dark the performances in this era often were. Again, Tatsurou...
    DELUHI - s[k]ape:goat (Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall 2011)
         Generally really hype song and hype performance, but the bit @ 2:05 - 3:00 sends shivers down my spine. Just such a cool buildup and the vocal work/screams here are ace.
    Killie - H19.09.07 (a.k.a Ressurection a.k.a キリストは復活する) (Shinjuku Loft 2008)
         YES!!! If you're unfamiliar with this song or band, try your best to sit through the whole thing. It's a bit unorthodox in structure and really can only be consumed in a full listening. Pretty much the only proper live recording of Killie and man, it makes me wish they had recorded a whole show rather than just this one song. Still, incredibly cool. The cohesion of this group in their bittersweet stop-and-go antics is exhilarating.
    るう゛ぃえ Ruvie - パラダイス・ロスト Paradise Lost (Shibuya O-EAST 2008)
         With this clip in particular, I feel like the synchronicity of the members is what brings a lot of that convincing emotional energy. I really love the vocals and guitar/bass lines during the quietish section right before the last sort of blowout at the end. Shame they couldn't do the backing vocals live in that bit, but still pretty good imo.
    Please post your favorites! I'm excited to see your picks
  4. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    As an entity made up of several children stacked on each other's shoulders, I take offence from this statement.
  5. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Hakari in DIR EN GREY vs. X JAPAN: The battle of the century   
    Dir en grey is my favorite band of all time. Over the last decade they easily surpassed all other bands in terms of listens.  They have my attention and rightfully so, consistently releasing new material and evolving their sound through the years they are far from boring. I love x Japan they are so talented make beautiful music. What a shame they can't release anything and be a more prominent band
  6. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Furik in Show Yourself (again)   
    my bae and me
  7. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to rebelstrik in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me n my wife  

  8. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to gekiai in Show Yourself (again)   
    Get ready to be disappointed
  9. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Nisimaldar in What song has the balls to make you cry?   
    Due' le quartz - Requiem ;_;
  10. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to one-chan in What song has the balls to make you cry?   
    9goats: heaven
    alice9: time machine
  11. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to chemicalpictures in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    You guys are joking, right? I'm no fan of Kisaki by any means, but dude earned some respect with his career, and this lineup is nothing short of STELLAR... would be awesome if we could get a few releases...
  12. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to hiroki in Your last music-related buy!   
    1 copy to listen to, another copy for safekeeping + eternal preservation, and a 3rd copy.. uhh.. in case the 2nd copy fails to preserve eternally.
    there wasn't even any bonus for panic panic lol.
  13. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Alkaloid in Your last music-related buy!   
    Moran - L'oiseau bleu

    ドレミ團 - 夢幻洋灯 ~まぼろしらんぷ~

    Ruvie - Awakening your's

    Versailles - A NOBLE WAS BORN IN CHAOS

    D'AIR - moment

    Zillapark - 最終兵器「Human being」

    FEST VAINQUEUR - ヴァレンシアとヴァージニア

    nord - press

    Cure Vol.6 w/poster featuring ヴィドール, マーディレイラ, 12012, シュガーフォークフル, HISKAREA, カレン and KISAKI.

    Cure Vol.27 w/poster featuring Phantasmagoria, ヴィドール, 12012, カレン and 秘密結社コドモA.

    All from RarezHut!
  14. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Danao in Your last music-related buy!   
    Arrived today !
    chariots - 忌際 with live limited purchase bonus 邪 -LIVE ver.-
  15. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Kawaii_Minpha in Show your Room !   
    Edit: Message Deleted
  16. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Tanishi in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    This video gets me every time. It's just so powerful.
  17. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Original Saku in Tereko section   
    not enough demand for a new subforum , it wouldn't have enough threads to justify it and really you can just tag the topic with 'tereko' and find them all in one place that way.
  18. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to wesjrocker in Tereko section   
    I know this may be an impossible request because these are the kind of files that people usually trade, but anyway, it would be very nice to have a Tereko 『テレコ』 section as a subcategory of the download section.
    For those that don't know what a tereko file is; It is simply an unofficial live recording of a concert, and there are tons of it but only for trade, so it isn't very simple to get it.
    It is now prohibited to take pictures and/or record audio/video inside japanese live houses, but that wasn't a problem back then, so many tereko were recorded in MD discs since the 80s.
    I think these files are very important to the jrock history.
  19. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to dannemannen in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    - Recent Nogod sucks, used to be my favorite band.
    - Jupiter sucks, they really have no talent to write memorable songs.
    - Recent Alice 9 sucks, Diawolf is also very generic and boring.
    - Recent Nightmare sucks, what happened to that band?
    - Recent SUG & Sid sucks, where did the spark go?
    - Gazette hasn't released even one good song the last 6 years.
    - Kamijo's solo is better than versailles.
    - I miss KuRt

    Glay is the best Japanese band of all time.
  20. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Bear in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    If you had heard a song like Kakusei Heroism without knowing Bou had left and Takuya had replaced him, you would NEVER have guessed it was a different guitarist. You may not like the song itself, but no way would you have said "oh shit, they must have gotten a new guitarist because this sounds so different from before". You wouldn't have heard a god damn difference at all.
    The difference between Shikisai Moment and Magnya Carta is a million times bigger than the difference between Magnya Carta and Gokutama Rock Cafe. Music-wise Gokutama Rock Cafe is nothing but a Magnya Carta v2.0, and you can hear that the majority of the songs are written by the same guys who wrote the majority of Magnya Carta. It's weaker, sure, but it sounds more or less the same.
  21. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Zeus in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    The way I understood it, visual-kei is a big umbrella which has several sub-scenes, including but not limited to oshare-kei, nagoya-kei, kotekote-kei, etc. So for example all oshare bands are visual but not all visual bands are oshare. I just see them all as different flavors of visual-kei. I have heard of some more esoteric *-keis which describe the mannerisms of how they dress, but I have never heard anyone claim that these sub-kei's are completely separate from visual kei.
  22. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from Hakoniwa in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    Hello, all.
    I was hoping you could share some of your favorite live clips that fall under the category of most emotionally intense performance. These tend to be the clips I revisit the most, because there's something quite satisfying about a sentimental moment in a live setting. Here's my vk/jrock picks:
    ムック Mucc - 朽木の塔 Kuchiki no Tou (??? 2004)
         Tatsurou. That's all that needs to be said here, really. Footage is actually taken from two separate performances, so do your best trying to figure out which one the audio's from. Whichever, this performance kicks ass. I'm always amazed by how unforgivingly dark the performances in this era often were. Again, Tatsurou...
    DELUHI - s[k]ape:goat (Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall 2011)
         Generally really hype song and hype performance, but the bit @ 2:05 - 3:00 sends shivers down my spine. Just such a cool buildup and the vocal work/screams here are ace.
    Killie - H19.09.07 (a.k.a Ressurection a.k.a キリストは復活する) (Shinjuku Loft 2008)
         YES!!! If you're unfamiliar with this song or band, try your best to sit through the whole thing. It's a bit unorthodox in structure and really can only be consumed in a full listening. Pretty much the only proper live recording of Killie and man, it makes me wish they had recorded a whole show rather than just this one song. Still, incredibly cool. The cohesion of this group in their bittersweet stop-and-go antics is exhilarating.
    るう゛ぃえ Ruvie - パラダイス・ロスト Paradise Lost (Shibuya O-EAST 2008)
         With this clip in particular, I feel like the synchronicity of the members is what brings a lot of that convincing emotional energy. I really love the vocals and guitar/bass lines during the quietish section right before the last sort of blowout at the end. Shame they couldn't do the backing vocals live in that bit, but still pretty good imo.
    Please post your favorites! I'm excited to see your picks
  23. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Biopanda in Most emotional live performance/clips?   
    For me, that easily goes to Psycho le Cemu - REMEMBRANCE from their last live. Since it was the last song that they would play together as a band(barring the later revivals, of course), it was set to be a pretty emotional performance regardless. It felt very apt that they picked REMEMBRANCE as it's a very emotional song to begin with and, as PLC was the first VK band that I really got into, it had a very special place in my heart as well.
  24. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to hiroki in Interview with LIEVRE CLAY (Cure V-splash #34)   
    There was a short interview with LIEVRE CLAY in the 34th issue of Cure V-splash.

    Q1. Please introduce yourselves!
    shion: I'm shion on vocals.
    kiria: I'm kiria on guitar.
    hibari: I'm hibari on bass.
    waju: I'm waju on drums.
    Q2. Could you tell us the origin of your band's name?
    shion: Our name was taken from the French words libre ("freedom") and créer ("create"), which were then made a little easier to pronounce and we ended up with "LIEVRE CLAY." There's another meaning to our name which I can't say here!
    Q3. What is your band concept?
    shion: Our concept is based on our band's name, that is, "the art of freedom."
    Q4: What do you think is the appeal of your band?
    shion: If you try searching for a band like LIEVRE CLAY you probably can't find it. That's our appeal.
    kiria: I think it's the individuality of each of us and how striking we are, as well as the musical aspects growing out of that.
    hibari: How each one of us has a really unique personality.
    waju: It's how well we get along--something you'll notice this if you watch our lives or follow our SNS.
    Q5: Can you tell us more about your individual role in the band and what's important to you?
    shion: It's important that we're independent and bring something different to the band.
    kiria: I mentioned the musical aspects previously. Our music isn't of the devastating or brutal kind; instead I aim for fans to be able to experience a surreal and fresh setting created through our music. If you listen to it I think that's the sense you'll get.
    hibari: Instead of doing heavy music, it's important to me that our music is based on refined and fresh melodies that are easy on the ears.
    waju: In my case I try not to be overly conspicuous since my role is to support the other parts and push them to the foreground.
    Q6: Any artists you've been influenced by?
    shion: Acid Black Cherry's yasu, UVERworld's TAKUYA∞.
    kiria: X JAPAN, Mr.Children.
    hibari:  SID, SCANDAL.
    waju: X JAPAN, DaizyStripper, heidi.
    Q7: Tell us more about what you look forward to as far as lives are concerned.
    shion: Regardless if it's a taiban, presents live, or one-man, I place a lot on emphasis on how we perform as one unit. Also, to not get my lyrics wrong *laughs*
    kiria: Every single time, I treat it as if it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I always do my best!
    hibari: Each live is a wonderful opportunity for us to figure out an area in which we require more work, as we want to improve and become a better band!
    waju: We always put everything we have into it until the end because we don't want to lose to anyone!
    Q8: What does music (or this band) mean to you?
    shion: We're really close just like members of the same family, and this is the place where I'm able to express myself in the best way possible.
    kiria: It's my life.
    hibari: This is what I live for!
    waju: This band is a place I can rely and always fall back on, and we're always looking for others who feel the same way.
    Q9: What's the aim of your band moving forward?
    shion: We want to always stay true to ourselves!
    kiria: To successfully hold a one-man live.
    hibari: A successful first one-man.
    waju: What's immediately before us is important, but I also hope we'll still be making music with the same members 10 years down the road.
    Q10: Finally, a message to the readers?
    shion: I really hope that more people can hear of LIEVRE CLAY and get to know us.
    kiria: I'll be really glad if you read this and have an interest in us, and please come have fun at our lives!
    hibari: Please come see us at our lives! I think you'll find something fresh in us!
    waju: We certainly have something that you won't find anywhere else. Let's meet at the livehouse!
    Translated by me.
    For people who don't know them but want to check them out:
  25. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Yukimoto in Ongakusenkasha (publisher of SHOXX) files for bankruptcy   
    So true like you can order it online like an online magazine... easily accessible to all
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