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Everything posted by Hakari

  1. Hakari

    In the process of buying a home. Dang life happens fast.
  2. Hakari

    Super Beaver track is fun as hell. What a great tune. My favorite by far
  3. You forgot the option for neither.
  4. Hakari

    Is this recommended tracks or just a list of everything that was released this month? But seriously I really appreciate this thread, awesome way to catch up on some tunes i missed
  5. Hakari

    ^YESSS! Has anyone seen "Lights Out" any good? My wife and I love these kind of movies and want to check it out.
  6. Hakari

    I am intrigued...
  7. Hakari

    Buck Tick - Speed
  8. Hakari

    I am actually enjoying these previews...Im not sure why.
  9. Hakari

    Great! curious to see what they bring to the table for this.
  10. Hakari

    Django Unchained This is an absolutely amazing movie. My third or fourth time seeing it. Enjoyable throughout.
  11. Hakari

    There is nothing better than waking up early to some nice coffee and listening over all the new tunes you just got.
  12. Liar Liar is such a great movie

    1. Hakari


      I just saw it for the first time today. I miss old Jim Carrey

    2. vanivani


      Nice! It's a classic!! I miss old Jim Carrey too! He's the best!

    3. Hakari


      One day we can tell our kids of his greatness. But they will just think we are stupid haha

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  13. Hakari

    Buck Tick - Climax Together
  14. Hakari

    If you believe people are inherently good, then you haven't worked in food service.
  15. Here is my top ten because I wanted to contribute but couldn't even think of 50 albums without my choices being to watered down. *edit: my computer is broken so ill upload this later i gues
  16. Hakari

    huh, am I the only kinda maybe perhaps just a little excited about this? If this comes to fruition of course.
  17. Hakari

  18. Hakari

    Of course this is only one single. But I really hope this is a left over and not a step in a new direction. I don't want to be dramatic, but could Dir en grey finally be crumbling under their own brilliance? It seems that whenever dir en grey releases a new single it always captivates me. This does not unfortunately. Like you said i think it's a good song but for Dir en Grey standards does it really stack up?
  19. Hakari

    That's a pretty sweet setlist
  20. Hakari

  21. Hakari

    Buck Tick is amazing. I love catchy tunes.
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