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Everything posted by Hakari

  1. Hakari

    They have that fire
  2. Hakari

    I can't believe that in the last year I have gotten married, my wife got pregnant and I am now in the process of buying a home. Life sure happens fast
  3. Hakari

    I like them but I wish Die would just have someone else sing. I hear what he is trying to do but his vocal ability doesn't quite portray his ideas. But with that being said I am looking forward to this. I think their music is fun and a little unique
  4. Hakari

    To be fair that is the premise for just about every Anime/Manga. Maybe in a different order but essentially the same. I love bleach but the filler kills it for me. The main story is amazing. I just skip full seasons to get back to the main one.
  5. Hakari

    Viral Effect I would play bass since i play bass in da real world. I would love a dir en greyish type band. I love the sound from MOAB/WTD/Vulgar. So something along those lines, very obscurish with those soaring choruses. I love the dark tunes. We would be visual but not to crazy, but some visual elements for sure.
  6. Hakari

    Im sorry that sounds awful
  7. Hakari

    YUSSSSS. Still waiting on a mini or something from these guys.
  8. Anyone else eat ketchup on their rice?

  9. Hakari

    Sometimes i miss old dir en grey and i wish we could have gotten even more from their vk era. But other times i realize that is nonsense.
  10. Hakari

    Hello and welcome
  11. Hakari

    This was everything
  12. Hakari

    I feel like the vocals don't quite match riffage. This still though isn't that bad
  13. Hakari

    axkey - dahlia
  14. Hakari

    Life advice
  15. Hakari

    Update on this news https://sg.news.yahoo.com/man-flies-china-waits-10-093111940.html
  16. Hakari

    The Deeper Vileness is terrific, I think the song's chorus is a gut punch. And I never really cared for Schwein no Isu or any other "heavy" old dir en grey tracks like Zan and every other track on Kisou.
  17. Hakari

    I miss Harry Potter. I hope the new film brings back the wonder of the old movies/books.
  18. Hakari

    Hmmm this could be good.
  19. Tired all day...until you actually want to sleep.

  20. Any news on this? Still waiting...
  21. Hakari

    I don't mind remixes as along as they aren't wannabe wub wub wub tracks. Hard for me to bash on Withering and Marrow since that was about the time I got into Dir en grey so they are pretty special albums to me. I feel like withering specifically has some amazing songs on it. And I disagree with what was said earlier, Macabre is a fantastic album, Berry is such a dope song.
  22. Enjoyed this one. It's a nice mixture of all the genre and bands im into thanks for bringing this to my attention!
  23. Hakari

    Buck Tick - Kourin
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