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Everything posted by Hakari

  1. Hakari

    I like doing handy things. Fixing stuff. Projects are fun, does that make me a real adult now?
  2. The Office is hillarious

  3. Hakari

    Sure Vk sucks sometimes. Actually it sucks most the time. We search long and hard for a good band and we finally find one....then they break up. Once they break up we like 5 other bands with members from that one band hoping they will sound like that original good band. We eventually get fed up with the VK scene and start listening to other bands, but like an addition we come back and hope that VK will sustain us and we naively believe that it will be healthy.
  4. Hakari

    I can't tell if this is good. is this good? should i like this?
  5. Hakari

    This makes me wanna lean back
  6. Trying to buy this dang house and get a raise. Real life goalz
  7. Ive never fully understood why people get so upset about other peoples opinions? We are all different and have different opinions? I think that's awesome because the alternative is scary.

    1. vanivani


      Yeah, me too. It's one thing to disagree. That's whatever. But to be an ass about it is another thing all together.... 

  8. Hakari

    Kill Bill You have to hand it to Quentin Tarantino. His overall involvement in film stands out. Kill bill is another example of his diverse subject matter and unique storytelling. 7.5/10
  9. Hakari

    Age doesn't matter at all. What matters is maturity. If you and your partner are at the same level of maturity I think it's alright. I know people who are in their late 30's and are ridiculous while I know some young people in their 20's who act years above them. I believe true selfless love is a wonderful thing, putting your spouse before yourself, and in those regards there is no limit or boundary in regards to age difference.
  10. Sometimes I wonder where I would be without coffee...

    1. Biopanda


      In bed, ideally.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I'd be in jail.

  11. I think these guys had a lot of potential. Bummer to see them depart so early
  12. Hakari

    That moment when you realize your future is in someone elses hand
  13. Hakari

    Bills. I bought Bills fml
  14. Hakari

    If anyone needed anymore convincing
  15. Hakari

    I feel like he is wasting his talent.
  16. Hakari

    Sweet! Lot's of metal fans on here. Welcome!
  17. Hakari

    I love watching HGTV shows
  18. Hakari

    Sadie - a holy terrors
  19. Hakari

    I enjoyed the title track. But like Sustain the truth I was only intrigued by this track for a short period of time. Curious to see what they are going to do with their next single/album.
  20. Hakari

    Stoked on this. Something about these guys I really like. I want a mini or album
  21. Hakari

    Sweet Welcome!
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