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Posts posted by Hakari

  1. On 7/7/2018 at 11:51 AM, Bear said:

    No reactions on Immortal's new album? Dear god, it's so fucking awesome. The reviews of the albums are incredibly positive too, for those that give a damn about that shit. Lots of 6/6 and 9/10's, and it's very deserved. Massive!


    Agreed, absolutely fantastic album. Catchy yet crushing. Black Metal album of the year probably

  2. Saw this on reddit 


    my guess why wtd is getting so many votes is because it was their first release over here in the states and came out around the time Kroc saw its rise in popularity 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Seimeisen said:



    In all seriousness, for all I know, they could either continue with the sound they established with PROJECT DARK AGE, do something different, or revert back to DIVISION DEFORMITY. Whatever it is, odds are I'll stan it, 'cause that's what I do!

    Feel ya on the division deformity things wouldn't be to surprised if they regressed to a softer side now that they got all their angst out


  4. It follows was ok at best. Besides the opening scene which was very awesome. I found myself waiting for the film to get good. The "ghost/monster" was an interesting premise and had a lot of potential but the whole pool scene at the end was waste mcwasterton. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Well... while in Japan I got about 20 Acid Black Cherry CDs, around 25 Kagrra, a few new releases from Diaura, D, Morrigan, Jiluka and The Sound Bee HD, some Gotcharocka and Ayumi Hamasaki CDs and a shitload of magazines amd flyers. 

    About 20-something kg worth of VK. 

    Pics or it didn't happen ;)

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