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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

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    2. Hakari


      Awesome! Leather field is such a beast opening track. Kyo's vocals are amazing. Their Immortalis album is really good, but very long. It takes some investment but well worth it.

    3. Mamo


      I don't believe I would consider anything by Dir en grey and definitely Black Sabbath  even remotely "Psychadelic" but I get your point.

    4. Bear


      If you want something psychedelic, that's also incredible, check out these albums:


      Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

      The 13th Floor Elevators - The Psychedelic Sounds of The 13th Floor Elevators

      Love - Forever Changes

      Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno - Ominous from the Cosmic Inferno

      The Devil's Blood - The Time of No Time Evermore

      The Devil's Blood - The Thousandfold Epicentre

      The Devil's Blood - The Graveyard Shuffle

      The Devil's Blood - Come Reap


      These are all very different from the ones you mentioned though, but these are real psychedelic rock classics. Real psychedelic rock. If I did drugs I'd probasbly do a shitload while listening to these albums, because they are perfect soundtracks to different type of trips. I could imagine at least.

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