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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. The only reason I consider Kuroyuri to Kage to be EroguroKei is because they're actually really inspired by Eroguro artists such as Suehiro Mario, and Edogawa Rampo. Also, they're influenced by Caligari and Inugami Circus Dan. However, I will say the term is often overused, and shouldn't refer to just any macabre band. Only ones actually influenced by Eroguro art

    1. Elazmus


      I would still say that KYTK has 'guro' writing a lot about shit and vomit and death, dirty looks etc. but they don't really touch the ero shit XD so yeah this is righttt.


      I always like that lip makeup where it's smeared in the corner of the mouth so it looks like you got jacked in the mouth with some brass haha

    2. Himeaimichu


      The thing about Eroguro is the name is quite a misnomer xD. I mean, not all eroguro art is really erotic or grotesque. It's just that that's how it began, and those happen to be 2 of the most common elements. For the most part, it's based on irony, nonsensicality, and just plain weirdness. 

      But they do often actually touch the ero part, as they do have songs about Rape, etc. For example, Gichigichi and Gesshoku. Gichigichi is actually also named for a one of Suehiro Maruo's manga, known as Gichigichi Kun. What's ironic though is that the manga is one of Maruo's few works that isn't all macabre, or weird and stuff xD. I guess that's why they named the song Gichigichi, because it's ironic and sort of doesn't make sense for the song's content. (Which is kind of the biggest element in Eroguro xD).  


      I really hate it though when people call The GazettE or Dir En Grey "EroguroKei", and then go on to call any band that wears black lipstick (mostly KoteKei bands) EroguroKei. Like The GazettE may possibly be influenced by Sex Android, but that's about it. And Dir En Grey, they're more western style Macabre if anything. 

    3. Elazmus


      I didn't know this about Gichigichi tbh apart from the subject matter I had no idea it was a reference! That's cool considering it was one of my favorites from their album - kind of still one at this time lol!


      I'm really reminded of the internet a few years ago seeing anyone who talked about visual kei tried to identify sub genres unnecessarily XD

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