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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. Komorebi

    Welcome back!!
  2. Komorebi

    I thought so, Biosphia's Reki retired as far as I know and isnt' really interested in returning to the stage.
  3. Komorebi

    Reki as in ex-Biosphia Reki? My ability to recognize faces sucks big time and make up doesn't help...
  4. Komorebi

    Yes. This brings to mind the complaint I've heard lately about the happy chorus not fitting the rest of the song.
  5. I have been crying for the past two hours, my ribs hurt like hell... I can't remember laughing this much in a very long time.
    Kisaki is like the Birtney Spears of visual kei.

  6. Komorebi

    This doesn't surprise me at all.
  7. I thought for a sec Kohakuiro was a PV XDDD honest mistake, sorry
  8. Total noob at lycaon, not at VK though. * I don't know how watching their PVs explains marketing techniques though. Same with Yuuki's statement. You don't need to announce a disbandment to take a short break and rethink. You don't even need a hiatus for that.
  9. Am I the only one not hyped over Lycaon?

    1. Elazmus


      Not the only one, but by far the loudest about it XD

    2. blackdoll


      after the fact they admited to being a noob and said they didnt have time to mourn? weird

    3. Komorebi


      What? Butthurt over my ignorance/half-hearted indiference over Lycaon? 

    4. Show next comments  210 more
  10. I feel I didn't even have time to mourn. I hate these short lived hiatus because they seem more like a marketing technique more than anything else. "Yeah, let's disband/go on hiatus and come back less than a year later with an expensive release, the hype will make everyone buy anything"
  11. Komorebi

    This is... interesting.
  12. Komorebi

    Personally, Morrigan is one of the few "new" bands I'm actually looking forward to their new releases, I don't really care about how many others do it XD Ah, I remember Gackt's "all number" titled album... It confused me a while ago. But why not just call it a best-album? XD
  13. Komorebi

    Well, if he is the one working hard and feels he isn't growing as a musician, one can't really blame him :c
  14. Komorebi

    I was interested in D's Treasure Box and Bon Voyage single.
  15. OMG D: now what's next? .__.
  16. I can't decide whether I like ot or not... also... Track one: The Rising, track two: Phoenix. How original considering the album is called that XD
  17. Komorebi

    Kind of unfair that they disband just right when I got into them :C Any particular reasons for parting ways or the usual?
  18. Komorebi

    Wow... I feel my musical culture is shit because all I can recognize in CAT5 list is the GazettE XD 1. and She Said - L'Arc 2. Nehankyou - Kagrra, 3. Lolitawork Libretto ~Storytelling by solita~ -Kanon Wakeshima 4. Shitai miss me - Ling Tosite Sigure 5. Dolls - Janne Da Arc 6. Boku wa Shitteru a.k.a is this still on my ipod? - Miyavi 7. Tonight, at the seaside without the moon - Moran 8. LEM - Keel 9. Remember the Urge - The GazettE 10. Story - Ayumi Hamasaki Gonna pick and she said for the sake of all those nights dancing to it at the club. My list doesn't really have anything outstanding and turned out to be pretty mellow, and I'm surprised no D came up since they occupy a good share of space in my iPod
  19. Komorebi

    Cause size does matter? XDDD
  20. Komorebi

    What do you still have avaliable here?
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