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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. Komorebi

    Well, I'll be saving some money in case there's things I want in there. 2300 CDs must include something I like XD
  2. Komorebi

    HOLY SHIT do you have a list??
  3. Komorebi

    Well... being the biggest VK dealer I've met, it shouldn't really surprise me HAHAHAHA I hope its good for the business.
  4. Komorebi

    How do you even do that? XD
  5. Komorebi

    Damn. Why don't I have anything interesting to share here except for: AHAHAHAHA better luck next time Yuyo Seriously, I need to start looking at people around me when I go out.
  6. Komorebi

    Well... that must be uncomfortable for you, both physically and emotionally. I guess what would go through my mind is the same that goes through guys minds when they see I have big boobs? This proves my point XD Try VK fashion for colder weather, I'm sure it would not only help with the issue but since you say you are rather skinny it would look great on you. If there's bras to keep big boobs in place there must be boxers with a similar function... I wish I would hear/read guys say this kind of things more often... Sometimes I lay two.
  7. Komorebi

    Yeah, most likely because I'm not really interested in those "touch and go" kind of relationships... Sex is overrated, how long does it last anyway? I read. I used to read A LOT, to the point I only did that XD Now I evenly split my time between reading and other hobbies. But yes, sometimes it's hard to find people who are interested in books. I'm from Chile, where people are obsessed with sex and cheating, apparently.
  8. Well, that could explain a few other bands pulling the same stunt.
  9. Komorebi

    I didn't find Decision to be that bad XDD
  10. Komorebi

    ABOUT TIME!! And no Vanishment, no Madist and no N6... I hate those "live only" songs they never release.
  11. Komorebi

    I usually go by Tsuki everywhere but that name is either already taken or everyone knows someone who uses it, and since my last name on fb was Komorebi and no one seems to go by that I am gradually changing my "stage name". A new forum seemed like a good place to start xD I can't remember when and what for I first used it, probably because I just like the meaning of the word and there wasn't already an anime character named like that. (I really hate how Suigetsu has the beautiful meaning of moon reflected on water but now it's just that dude from Naruto). It's funny because I'm definitely not a sun person AT ALL, and yet Komorebi makes direct reference to the sun... Yet a veiled sun I can tolerate I might switch it someday. I go by like 4-5 different aliases.
  12. I'm trying to decide whether I eat and drink more on Christmas, New Years or September 18 (Chile's 4th of July). Since I come from a Catholic family Chistmas is filled with religious spirit and boring masses and chanting and that side of the family I can't stand. But free books, free books, free books <3 and the foooood New Years mean my favorite cousins are in town and we drink until we run out of booze or we just know hangover won't be pretty. Whatever happens first. Also, we stay safe and comfy at my place and play games all night long. And September 18 means a week of vacation... Usually for everyone but me, but I eat like a pig for a week straight and the whole month is very festive... I think I'll go with NYE.
  13. Komorebi

    I meant physical copies, and merch and concerts XDDD
  14. Komorebi

    Yup, 3rd time :/ I guess he'll recover just like the previous times. I hope he does.
  15. Komorebi

    This is so important. People whine about other people. They whine about their relationships failing. They whine about not being able to find their "true love". But it seems most people today are already thinking about "when we break up" right after starting and no one is willing to last :/
  16. Komorebi

    So interesting to read all your opinions, and so relateable. I've been single my entire life and I am not really in a hurry. Not only I seem to have high intellectual standards, most guys I meet that seem sort of attractive-ish are either taken, assholes or really stupid, but there's also the fact that I hate physical contact and that's probably going to hinder any relationship I intend to have... Anyway. 23 years old, forever single. I think I've been seriously attracted to... two people in the history of ever. And one of them I met online and turned out to be one of those guys who just wants sex. And the other one had a long distance relationship and didn't like me at all that way. Why is it that I just can't be attracted to anyone I meet? Is it VK that messed me up? Is it that I read too much? Somehow I always find unforgiveable flaws in every person I meet. Or is it that men in my country are just too messed up?
  17. Komorebi

    This is a hard to discuss issue... While I say that age shouldn't matter and that as long as two people share the same goals/want the same things in life, it shouldn't matter much how old they are. However, there's a certain threshold under which it does matter. As some users have mentioned already, there's the "brain development" thing and the "life experiences" thing that can really hinder a relationship and no matter how much you love someone, if that person simply cannot fit well in your life because they are too immature to properly discuss some issues or maybe because they are still in highschool and you are already done with college... then why even try to force a relationship? Not to even mention sexual issues.
  18. Komorebi

    I'm exhausted... But jrock ain't free so I'm taking yet another job :'D
  19. Komorebi

    Can L'Arc do that soon please?
  20. I just realized I can rip in lossless quality on iTunes!

    I also realized files end up being heavy af.

    1. Komorebi


      Well, this is useful :P I can now play around on iTunes AND know what I am doing haha

    2. YuyoDrift


      lol im dying

    3. Komorebi


      I'm a computer illiterate, don't judge me XD

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  21. Komorebi

    I got today: D: Tafel Anatomie Live DVD D: Dearest You regular edition VRZEL: Misery Rady I have no clue how to attach photos and this apparently doesn't allow fb links XD
  22. i just saw one of *censored artist*s bangyas tell him he is not avaliable and say she'd cut his dick off if he joked about having sex with someone else... WTF with these gyas!!

    1. Komorebi


      No but like she literally wrote that to him. She better be real good in bed to earn forgiveness after that XDDD

    2. emmny


      LMAo wonder who he was

    3. Komorebi


      I guess no one dies if I say it's not an ex Biosphia member XD

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  23. Komorebi

    They are from Osaka, Naru (ex Biosphia) talks about them often. Anyway, you just sold them to me with the review. I will listen to them, I hope I like them I'll let you know what I think
  24. I am so hooked on Gotcharocka lately.

    1. leafwork


      gotcharocka is so utterly bleh

      and I say this as someone who wishes they were good

    2. Komorebi


      They were so bleh for me when I heard Shortcake ages ago when it came out...


      Do I like them now because of Asagi's and Yo-ka's covers? XDD maybe? Whatever, I am digging them right now.

    3. leafwork


      Gigamous is currently fulfilling my fun-rock-vk urges

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  25. Komorebi

    Too bad. Yu-ki is a great singer and Rino a fantastic composer.
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