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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. As I was reading this I thought "wow, no one has mentioned Yasu yet". Then I reached the last page. In the Crisis PV he actually honors the artists that inspired him with the different looks he uses. He is also a big Morrie fanboy and talked about it on an interview. The video is somewhere in youtube, I'll look it up.

    Ruki is a big Marilyn Manson fan. Or at least some of his costumes say so.

    Ruiza said a few times in interviews that Yoshiki was his main inspiration/motivation to learn to play guitar and that he is his favorite performer.

    Despite Asagi being a huge Gackt fan, I dare say he admires Atsushi even more. He mentioned that he changed his major after listening to Buck-Tick and he dropped everything to become a visual kei singer like Atsushi. And Taboo was the first album he ever bought.


    Ice from Black Gene For The Next Scene has cosplayed Asagi in some session events. 

  2. This thread is the most fascinating thing I've read regarding VK in a very long time. Including the Ains thread. 
    Kudos to inartistic for all his/her hard work and detective skills. Be it true or not, this was entretaining af.

    After all that evidence I'm inclined to believe those bands were real but the demotapes weren't.

    Thanks for the laughs.

  3. 1. Acid Black Cherry
    2. L'Arc~en~Ciel
    3. Vamps
    4. Geek Sleep Sheep
    5. Destrose
    6. Mardelas
    7. Ling Toshite Shigure
    8. Galneryus
    9. Spin Aqua
    10. Flow

    Had to think real hard. Do As Infinity I think are in the Jpop department, so I didn't include them... and Buck-Tick and Luna Sea I'm never sure if they count as jrock or vk...

  4. I know Anna Tsuchiya has two kids but I don't remember if there's photos of them... 
    Hyde has a son, and I have a photo of Naru with his nephew (his brother's son) but I don't know if that photo was ever posted publicly so I'm not sure I should share it.

    Edit: Luna looks so much like Sugizo!

  5. 1. D
    2. Jiluka
    3. lynch.
    4. Matenrou Opera
    5. Gotcharocka
    6. Acid Black Cherry
    7. Diaura
    8. Hollowgram
    9. exist trace
    10. Keel



    1. Kagrra,

    2. As'REAL

    3. VRZEL

    4. Malisend

    5. Morrigan

    6. 9Goats Black Out

    7. Janne Da Arc

    8. VII-Sense

    9. Holyclock

    10. -Oz-

    Though this changes.

  6. Some form of reborn or rebirth... I've got plenty of those. Akai-something, Angel-something, Beautiful-something, a few "believe",  a long list of Black-something, blue.somethings, every-color-somethings... Carnation seems to be common too, references to circus or carnivals... just found like five daybreak. 

  7. I've gotten some of my tweets liked by Cion (VRZEL), some facebook posts liked by some random indie guys, a message reply from Sion (ex-Biosphia) and I used to talk to Reki and Naru quite often, before Naru got superbusy with Diealo, though he still replies to my messages every once in a while.

    Ah, and I've gotten birthday greetings by Dai Nagao and h.Naoto. I also met Naoto in person, he was very nice.

  8. I don't think I hate any bands... not bands I've actually heard. I hate oshare bands in general, despite some of them being good, I just hate their colorful style... but I don't think I've heard enough of them to actually hate them.
    I hate Malice Mizer and X-Japan being so overrated and all, but I can't say either that I hate the bands per se.

    I do hate Aoi from gazette. He is obnoxious, whiny and throws tantrums on Twitter like a teenager. 
    I realize Kiyoharu is a great musician with an undeniable sex appeal... but I hate his face. He is ugly as fuck. I'd like him way more if he worn a paper bag over his head.
    Not really VK but I also hate Daigo's clownish persona. 


    I hate the gazette fans who refuse to acnowledge there are other good vk bands and Versailles fans that go "omg D and Misaruka are totally ripping off Versailles". Bitch, no. Those bands have been using the vampire theme/Renaissance looks before Kamijo even had Versailles' theme in mind.

    I also hate when people hear just one song and say "omg this band is total crap!". I don't think a single song can account for a band's overall quality. I personally bother to listen to a full album, EP or a couple of singles before saying "this band is crappy". After one song I can say "this band is not my style/I don't like their sound/they don't really strike my fancy" but going all music-critic and go out of my way to bash a band after one try... idk why so many people on social media seem to love doing that.

  9. Unpopular opinions, this is my cup of tea.


    Here I go...


    Malice Mizer is overrated and boring. Moi Dix Mois is better. I get that Malice was a HUGE influence on VK and lauched Gackt’s career… but they bore me to death.
    People moaning over MM’s disbandment and Hide’s death, when they’ve been listening to VK since 2004, are soooo stupid. You didn’t live it. Quit crying over a band you didn’t even follow while they were active.

    Everything The GazettE released before Nil (or was Dim first) is crappy. Even half of Nil and Dim are crappy. Their mini albums are terrible, Ruki couldn’t sing and more than songs it was a jumble of sensless noise. I have gotten actual headaches listening to their earlier stuff and not even Deathgaze and Nocturnal Bloodlust combined have made my head hurt yet with their heavyness.
    I’m judging quality solely on sound, not even going to touch lyrics or looks because I simply not care about a band looking edgy but sounding crappy. The new GazettE sounds way better, at least to my ears.

    People who whine about VK being expensive and being “too poor” to buy a CD but spend a shitload of money on expensive VK-like clothing are cringe-worthy. “Yass, The GazettE is my favorite band in the world. I mean, I LOVE them. I WORSHIP them. I’d rape Ruki and if they disband I’ll suicide. What? Buy a CD? Nooo I download everything, I’m too poor” Says the fangirl who is wearing a $150 Sexpot Revenge shirt. 
    In my country (Chile, that long noodle in the South American map) there actually is a VK “scene”, for lack of a better English word in my mind, outside of the internet. There’s places for VK fans to hangout, you can even go to Blondie club and “dance” (headbang) to VK one or two nights a month. I’ve seen a shitload of fans who claim to be “the number one fan” of band x or y, wear expensive clothing, have money to get drunk once a week and smoke pot more often than not, yet are too poor to even consider buying their favorite album from the band they claim to worship so much. Are they on the scene because they enjoy the music or just to become popular for wearing Black Moral?

    I don’t like Dir En Grey. I never liked Kyo’s singing. I’ve heard some of their albums twice in an attempt of giving them another shot… there’s no use. 

    I like Miyavi as a person waaay more than his music. XD I love what he does to bring Japanese rock to a more western audience, how he manages his personal life with his work, I follow him on social media and his daughters are the cutest thing out there. I just don’t listen to him :P

    Someone mentioned types of voice and there was some sort of debate… I won’t get into compositions, but many bands sound similar because the vocalists have the same type of voice. When I first heard ViViD they sounded exactly like Alice Nine to me, same with the Lotus. Listening to more of their discography one comes to realize that they have indeed different sounds, but their vocalists do have the same type of generic voice you hear in so many other VK bands… Singers like Asagi, Juka and Sono do stand out because they have different voices from the average Japanese male. Another unpopular opinion: Kamijo’s voice in Lareine sounded like crap. And I’ve heard that in Versailles he got it… what’s the music equivalent of photoshop? Thing is, he doesn’t sound that great to me as he does for everyone else, though he does make good music XD

    And I’ll rant a bit now.
    Some people who claim everywhere they love a band but actually only like specific releases also get on my nerves. This one is a personal one. The Vice-president of the (unnoficial) D fanclub in Chile goes around spreading her undying love for Asagi, fangirling, running a fanpage and nagging me to translate every single interview and ameba post for her… and every release I ask her if she wants to buy the new CD with me and share shipping expenses and every single time she refuses and goes on and on about D’s musical quality decline (something I’ll not get into now) and how nothing will ever be at Tafel Anatomie’s level… and everybody on the community wonders why on earth she is going out of her way to keep a community active for a band she no longer likes instead of letting fans who actually are into the band’s current work step in for her. I know there are other people like that and I wonder if they are still on it because x bandmember is hot af or because they enjoy having a “position of power” over the rest of the fans.

  10. I was skeptic of giving these guys a shot since their looks creep me out and the lyrics I've read even more so... but I hate to judge a book by it's cover and listened to the whole album. Holy shit. It's good.

    They still creep me out a bit, definitely not my favorite band on the visual side, but they have potential on the musical side. This is an album I'd most definitely reccomend, they had me from the first track.

  11. 1 hour ago, fitear1590 said:

    Thanks for checking out the list, Komorebi! We hope you discover something you like! I need to check out more from MORRIGAN, because "NECRO" left a good impression on me.

     I am sure I will. It's hard to keep up with so many bands, I don't know how you guys do it.
    Morrigan have some great songs, I personally like them a lot, but then again I don't really know much about music :P 

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