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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. It's funny, I've actually thought about this one.


    If I had a band I'd name it Synaesthesia. It's just a really cool concept and there's so much you can do with it, plus it sounds good as a band name.


    As for stage name... well, it would probably be a VK-ish sort of band, so a japanese stage name lol but I'd most likely use a stage name slightly darker than "Komorebi". 

    I can sing decently, or so they say. But not powerful enough for a rock band. I'd love to learn to play bass. Or maybe keyboards. Maybe. I'm just too lazy to take piano lessons and play childish tunes for a year.

  2. Even though I always say I can't cook/don't cook I'm actually a pretty decent cook. Just lazy af because when I cook I must cook for 14 people.


    But there's a few stuff I can make that are really good. Basic, but good.


    I'm more of a stove coocker though. Once I put shit in the oven I forget it's there and it burns to death. RIP endless batches of christmas cookies...

  3. FB lurker all the way. I'm on it the whole damn time. Or FB messenger rather. Easiest way to contact my friends. I run street teams for varios VK bands in Chile and do a lot of promotion, and that's the easiest/most used social media here so...

    I've been forcing myself to use twitter because bandomen update everything there and it's a good place to stalk bangyas.

    Same reason to have an instagram account, though I haven't uploaded anything.

    I think I may still have a tumblr but I never go on it, couldn't get used to it. 

    I have whatsapp because everybody uses it here and my different bosses contact me there.

    I also have skype, never really got used to Line, though I do have/had an account...

    And now MH, of course <3


    I'd say currently FB and MH are the most effective ways to get in touch with me, besides my email.

  4. I actually stumbled upon this forum a few times when downloading, but never really stuck around. (never did on any dl website anyway).


    Then one day I was lurking around sales groups on fb looking for rarez (even though I was jobless and moneyless, I'm such a masochist) and Val had posted a link to Rarezhut promoting a stream (was it june?). So I went to the stream and everybody seemed to know each other and also know a lot about VK. I asked "where do you guys even get all that info" and the instant answer from a few users was MH. So voilá, I joined.

  5. I would. That is, if i find someone crazy enough to put up with me. Then again he would also have to put up with my incredibly annoying mother...


    I do believe in marriage and commitment. I believe true love isn't feeling butterflies on your guts for +10 years but actually caring enough about a person to put that person before you and set aside your selfishness. Because a commited relationship means sacrificing time, things you want to do, money and a whole lot of things people nowadays do not want to sacrifice.

    True love, as The Little Prince said, means giving while expecting nothing in return. If I could achieve that, I'd probably make the choice of staying by that person's side for as long as I can.


    But for now I have a cat :P

  6. On 2/6/2016 at 5:09 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    So I'm wondering ladies, Is this something I have to worry about? What is going through your mind when you see something like that? Feel free to crack jokes, or say I'm bragging, idc. I just really wanna know for my own sake. I'm not self conscious, but it does make me uncomfortable when women look. Should I just go back to wearing baggy clothing?

    Well... that must be uncomfortable for you, both physically and emotionally. I guess what would go through my mind is the same that goes through guys minds when they see I have big boobs? 


    On 3/6/2016 at 8:45 AM, Laris said:

    it's pretty much like what guys have with big boobs, they either think "he got lucky" or "holy shit that's huge", nothing to worry about too much, but if you are really uncomfortable about it, look at androgynous fashion? they often wear long shirts or extra scarvs around their waists, some vk bands even do it

    This proves my point XD
    Try VK fashion for colder weather, I'm sure it would not only help with the issue but since you say you are rather skinny it would look great on you.


    On 5/6/2016 at 7:18 AM, Nyasagi said:

    Is there also any underwear for men that would keep it in place? Women have shaping underwear, so maybe there's something for men, too? Idk...

    If there's bras to keep big boobs in place there must be boxers with a similar function...


    On 6/6/2016 at 9:16 AM, YuyoDrift said:

    Right. that's for me to decide haha. Yeah it's cool that I'm "so lucky", but I'd rather have women tell me I'm great to talk to and fun to be around instead. Some people don't think men can feel bad about being simply used as sex objects, but it's real folks.

    I wish I would hear/read guys say this kind of things more often...


    On 10/6/2016 at 9:07 AM, Tokage said:

    Girls, is it true that once a month you lay one single perfectly white egg? I read it somewhere once..

    Sometimes I lay two.

  7. 16 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Probably because you aren't an idiot. 

    I believe the way you view attraction, and the way you believe everyone else sees it, should not be mixed.

    Different priorities. Some people will fuck anything that moves, or vice versa. 


    Someone with their head on straight will actually take the time to get to know someone before letting those sparks fly.

    I think the butterflies in my stomach feel a lot nicer than the throbbing sensation between my legs that will be forgotten quickly.


    VK does not mess you up. If anything, it has helped remedy some of the worst periods of my life. I feel people who have their own interest in genre, are much more interesting b/c they aren't sheep and follow the mainstream.


    You read? That's awesome!

    You don't often hear anyone talk about literature, let alone utter the word "book".


    Where are you from? People are shit everywhere.

    Yeah, most likely because I'm not really interested in those "touch and go" kind of relationships...


    Sex is overrated, how long does it last anyway? 


    I read. I used to read A LOT, to the point I only did that XD Now I evenly split my time between reading and other hobbies. But yes, sometimes it's hard to find people who are interested in books.


    I'm from Chile, where people are obsessed with sex and cheating, apparently.

  8. I usually go by Tsuki everywhere but that name is either already taken or everyone knows someone who uses it, and since my last name on fb was Komorebi and no one seems to go by that I am gradually changing my "stage name". A new forum seemed like a good place to start xD


    I can't remember when and what for I first used it, probably because I just like the meaning of the word and there wasn't already an anime character named like that. (I really hate how Suigetsu has the beautiful meaning of moon reflected on water but now it's just that dude from Naruto). 


    It's funny because I'm definitely not a sun person AT ALL, and yet Komorebi makes direct reference to the sun... Yet a veiled sun I can tolerate :P


    I might switch it someday. I go by like 4-5 different aliases. 

  9. I'm trying to decide whether I eat and drink more on Christmas, New Years or September 18 (Chile's 4th of July). 


    Since I come from a Catholic family Chistmas is filled with religious spirit and boring masses and chanting and that side of the family I can't stand. But free books, free books, free books <3 and the foooood


    New Years mean my favorite cousins are in town and we drink until we run out of booze or we just know hangover won't be pretty. Whatever happens first. Also, we stay safe and comfy at my place and play games all night long. 


    And September 18 means a week of vacation... Usually for everyone but me, but I eat like a pig for a week straight and the whole month is very festive...


    I think I'll go with NYE.

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