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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 9 hours ago, DarkWater said:

    because kiwi hates me to much

    This kinda made me laugh... both the nickname and the fact that he hates you.

    I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person XD

    And unless you are downloading and yelling everywhere you are downloading, you shouldn't have much trouble.

  2. X Japan postpones the album once again due to someone having the flu.
    Kisaki throws in two more scandals and three threats of retirement. He doesn't.
    Rockstar Records goes kaput.
    At least one Ains band disbands. 
    Yukika pulls another Malisend/Mediena that don't last a year.
    Half of the bands formed this year will disband before 2017 is over.
    MiA get's another plastic surgery.
    Nokubura quit VK.
    Tenten forms yet another band that won't make it to 2018.
    Ryo (Girugamesh) will keep doing covers on youtube.
    D will not disband because Asagi is stubborn as fuck, instead they'll release another Alice themed single.
    Ruiza will keep teasing with his solo project and not actually release another album.
    JaY will make it as an official member of Matenrou Opera, yet Anzi won't do better than being Kamijo's support.
    Kaya will form another band.
    L'Arc en Ciel teases with some other shitty collab.
    Vamps tours the states again, with no new releases.
    Another Gackt scandal that ends up buried somehow.
    Yasu either cancels another tour because of polyps, either releases another ABC single.
    Morrigan keeps releasing similar sounding shit but Aryu keeps up his shitty singing.
    A Bloom band disbands.
    Ayumi Hamasaki releases another mediocre album.

  3. Matenrou Opera's Kumo no Ito and Tataeyou Hahanaru Chie De are just bad.

    D's 時空航海記 ~光の彼方へ~
    Hell, I even liked Happy Unbirthday. But this song sucks. 

    Bon Voyage is bad too.

    Acid Black Cherry's Dragon Carnival. No matter how much I try I just don't like it.


    L'Arc en Ciel's Anemone sucks big time. They have great songs, lousy songs, repetitive songs, bad songs and then Anemone on it's own category of really terrible song.


    And I'll probably come up with more later.

  4. 11 hours ago, Zeus said:


    This is actually a very common cause of death in Japan, believe it or not.


    3 hours ago, cvltic said:

    the themes and image of visual kei attract self-harmers and people who aren't always in a great mental state on top of that.

    I wish you weren't so right about this...

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