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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 9 hours ago, eiheartx said:


    @Komorebiyou've bought Wonderland Savior all 3 types? I'm really surprised, I thought you hated this album and that ASAGI needed to go back on hiatus asap. How things have changed :) 

    (I know I'm seeing this only now but I wasn't there during the holidays so I missed plenty of things).

    Despite having a terrible first impression of the album, once you leave that aside it's actually a really solid release, probably more so than their previous album Kingdom, which I loved, and you can really tell it's a concept album.
    I was actually going to post a review of the album but I got lazy lol


    Besides, I always buy every D release, even if I don't love it #BangyaDetected


    Double posting because I just got my copies of Helios from Alucardius, some more old D stuff and VRZELxStigma's Tetra and some Malisend live distributed singles I would love to share but I don't want up on Nihon Ongaku :/

  2. 4 hours ago, vanivani said:

    Honestly my opinion is when people say "visual kei is dead" they're really saying that their fave bands have disbanded and they don't like anything in the current scene. There's nothing wrong with that. Interests come and go. 

    Couldn't have said it better.


    1 hour ago, shiroihana said:

    The only thing about vk that's dying is the old style, but that's only to be anticipated as scenes evolve thru time.

    True. And honestly, it would be quite boring if it stayed the exact same thing through the decades.

    I'll come back tomorrow once I'm fully awake to talk a bit about the VK scene in my own country and how it has changed and evolved here.

  3. 4 hours ago, Biopanda said:

    I somehow didn't see Hikarito's YT channel until just now and... fucking wow am I blown away. He is so insanely talented and it's just bumped up my hype for this album to 11.

    Tell me more

  4. Uh...


    I'll have to go with DarkWater and Waru Chibi, for all those entretaining chats we've had, Biopanda and Valicious for their hard work on RarezHut, which brought me to this forum, all the kind mods and people like Nova who have helped me when I've needed it and, of course, Yuyo.

  5. 1 hour ago, seurong said:

    teach me dem wayz of getting into laruku. can you believe i never gave them a try? except for the rurouni kenshin song. but i do have their albums somewhere in my DLs folder..

    I raided other people's hard drives XD 

  6. While cleaning my hard drive I realized I have a virtual ton of coughillegalcough L'Arc en Ciel material. I'd feel sorry for it, but their last releases have been such shameless moneygrabbers that they kinda deserve to be stolen concert rips.

  7. 22 hours ago, Biopanda said:


    I had to cast in my vote for A because they were my baes. I'm totally hoping that the new band Aiolin can help fill the void a bit, but that'll have to wait until their album drops.


    Also for those who want a little throwback to kagrra imo, I'd check out 凜ひとえ(rin-hitoe). They give me some deffo kagrra vibes and I'd be super surprised if they weren't big fans.


    Actually Aiolin is the main reason I didn't vote for A. I have hopes for them too.


    And I will definitely check 凜ひとえ, thank you so much for the tip, Panda :D

  8. 1 hour ago, Bear said:

    Eh. What kind of drugs are you on? This move has gotten a fantastic reception among the Star Wars fanboys. And for good reason as the film was brilliant.

    Really? Reviews I got from some latin american fanboys before watching it weren't so great.

  9. On 1/1/2017 at 2:36 AM, r... said:

    Yeah both bands are ok, but their style is so very different and generally IN YOUR FACE all the time. Kagrra, had a different feel and an elegance to it. I wish more bands tried going for that. PLUS, the whole japanese sound thing makes it easier to appeal to a wider audience abroad, who WANTS to listen to something EASY BREEZY, JAPANESE-Y with a rock edge.

    I have to agree on this 100%, and with everything Zeuz said.


    Whereas the other bands had nice sounds (and a band sounding like A is most needed), I NEED something with Kagrra,'s atmosphere back. None of the bands playing traditional instruments come even close to what they did, and probably don't make us feel the same way either.

  10. As much as I adore L'Arc, half of their old b-sides always seemed kinda boring to me (metropolis and a swell in the sun for example), while some others were really good.

    I'll have to pick P'Unk en Ciel for this one because there's not one song in that bunch that I didn't like (Dune and Natsu no Yuutsu were da best).

    Their current acoustic arrangements are pretty but haven't blown my mind yet.

  11. 2 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    i want to regain interest in some of the hobbies i've completely dropped (drawing, guitar, learning japanese) and stop being such a lazy shit who doesn't get anything done, yet is constantly feeling sorry for herself, but doesn't do anything to change it



    Also, I want to save money to go to Japan instead of blowing it on VK. And maybe kiss a boy instead of girls, so I can actually prove to myself I am indeed straight.

  12. D

    On 12/12/2016 at 6:26 AM, Usagi said:

    Type B for 7th Rose, Tafel Anatomie limited ed. and Ouka saki some ni keri limited ed. are good examples.

    Don't forget limited editions for The name of the Rose. I wonder what happened to their jacket designer.

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