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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

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    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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  1. Would it be against the forum rules if I share a poor quality rip and once Nihon Ongaku reposts it I switch it for a high quality one?🤔🤔🤔


    Kind of a rethoricak question, Zeus, please don't ban my ass outta here yet 😹

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    2. suji


      I like to think of it like this: it helps the band's music spread. I would have never discovered visual kei, nor would I have ever found this forum had it not been for the VisualScandal blog tbh. But I understand the violation one feels when their personal rip is shared everywhere; however, that's the internet for ya, we have no control over our own content unless we keep it under wraps or don't bother sharing it at all.

    3. BrenGun


      even if you would ban someone, the person friends still can share.


      you only can hope that they respect your wish. if they don't you better stop sharing. 


      I only don't share the real rarez.

      but that's more out of respect for the band. at least if a band is dear to me in reallife.



      but i still wished that artist would do their own promotion work better, to share their music for free or on legal free streaming sites.

      but Japanese musicans are slow in understanding that you cannot get rich via selling your music, since the big illigal market.


      we share but yet we promote Japanese music still we also break the selling market a lot.



      but morrigan music, just share it. 

      maybe wait a bit more, yet they are on tour, so there will be someone, for sure who will share that CD.

    4. Komorebi


      @suji I get your point like you have no idea. I seriously do. And for indie bands that are really dear to me I really want to promote them everywhere but at the same time I know 95% of the people who'll get the rip will see that as an excuse to not buy the CD or digital release. 

      I get that shipping an custom taxes for CDs can get pretty high too which is why it's nice to help out and spread. But there'a also lots of bands who DO make their music available on iTunes. I'm rambling...


      @BrenGunas for Morrigan, it's precisely because they are on tour that I'm waiting a bit. So people actually buy it. It's gonna be right there so they won't have to pay custom taxes and shipping. Once you release something to the public you have the chance of exposure, but sadly you also lose lots of potential buyers who just won't buy something if they can get a free rip. 


      When it comes to VK it's more likely to find a new fan who's willing to buy than someone who's already a fan to suddenly decide to do it. And for that effect maybe youtube previews are more effective? 


      Nihon Ongaku aside this is an interesting topic for debate. Feel free to chime in and contradict me. (God, I missed this forum)

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