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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

  • Rank
    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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    Wherever there's wine.

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  1. I was almost beaten to a pulp last night by a drunk "friend" and if three or four other guys had not intervened I'd be probably badly hurt right now.


    I spoke up about it and I've been harassed for the past 10 hours by people whom I have never seen yet hate me and want me to die.


    I can't imagine how much harder it must be for rape victims to deal with that hate. Now I understand why many don't want to speak up. The cyberbullying could leave marks as deep as the abuse itself.  

    1. Gesu


      That's absolutely awful to hear. Being drunk is no excuse for that kind of behaviour and I hope they get what they deserve. Do the police know about this?

    2. Komorebi


      I just filed a police report.

      I'm highkey scared to leave my house as some people for no reason whatsoever decided to publish my actual name and call bullshit on my experience because "he's such a nice guy" and I am known for having a short temper. If they get my name they can get other info such as address and phone number.

    3. Gesu


      So they instantly believe him because he's "nice" but they completely disregard your account when they don't know a thing about you? I don't get how people can be so hypocritical. Hopefully the police will be able to put an end to this and everything will turn out alright for you.

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