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    crossparallel got a reaction from *littlelamb in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    @*littlelambOh no, your posts were very helpful and not cringey at all! There was this one about Gara's radio dorama that still makes my day any time I think about it. (If you remember that, would you happen to have a link to the actual recording still?)

    By the way, recently made subtitles for the BURST EP DVD concert, the translation a mix of my imperfect efforts, mitsu's and Dely's (Russian) translations. If it could be useful to anyone, here (video here).
  2. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Ro plz in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Merry is a band that i leave alone for long chunks of time and then when i revisit them its always a pleasurable time. They also are a band that I purposefully try not to know much about the older stuff in their discography because I absolutely love randomly coming across gems like this one  
    Speaking of their recent material, I think im maybe the minority that enjoys Beautiful Freaks a lot. Its the first album that i really sat down and listened to through out and it was very appealing. Hella good gems on there especially Zaa Zaa and The Cry against me. I need to listen more to Nonsense Market but i remember my initial opinion on it was that it was just an okay album. It didn't grab me as much.  Either way, MERRY is a pretty special band in terms of sound and band chemistry. Their live stuff radiates this kind of genuine feel and you can tell that these guys really enjoy each other and what they do. 
    Side note: That recent single of theirs is ballin. 
  3. Like
    crossparallel reacted to *littlelamb in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Haha, I cringe just thinking about my old posts and even more so someone reading them now, but I'm glad if they've been helpful! And no need to thank me, Merry is pretty easy to love. It is almost unreal that they are still going after all they've been through and it just shows how dedicated they are and how much they love their band. It's not like they even have a big fanbase as in a monetary incentive to keep going, pretty sure they're broke most of the time. The fact that they're still making music and letting me watch them live every now and then from my sofa for a nominal fee is something I will never take for granted. They are special!
    As for the lives, "better than ever" may have been a slight overstatement, more like better than for the past 6 years. The BURST EP DVD is still my all time favourite. That Gekisei! Must've listened to it 50 times at least.
  4. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from *littlelamb in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Oh yesss littlelamb!  <3 Sorry for the over-familiarity, ever since I fell for Merry and started looking up things on them I've just happened on so many old posts by you around the internet. Just thank you for loving them, ok? 
    The way I remember that interview, Kyo and Gara were still speaking, just not about music. May be mistranslation or just information getting corrupted along the way, shouldn't really matter now. I agree, it is miraculous how Merry survived everything and... do I have the right to say I am proud with them, or at least proud of being their fan? Because I am. I also love NO SMART, there's just so much humanity and integrity to that album. [ @midi:netteNah, I loved Happy Life too. Straightforward songs like that are also needed, and the message is just right. Though my favorite song on the single is 臆病者の眠り方 by far.] I also believe Merry can still grow. So many new songs by Nero and Tetsu! And they did eventually get better at writing songs out of their mold. Time will show on that one.

    Still about the lives, I may be misjudging here. I do feel Gara's voice hasn't been at his strongest (even as his control is stellar), but I have been watching the '09 concerts a lot recently, so that may be setting the bar too high and screwing my perspective. The fact that we are talking about a niconico recording (and a crappy rip in the case of the last DVD, as I can't afford to buy it at this point) isn't helping. I really hope you are right, as it is something I've been worried about - at this point I have reason to believe they can survive anything else. 

    So hyped up for tomorrow!
  5. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Tokage in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    its still wild to me how fucking crazy good that live dvd that came out around the same time as the BURST EP is, that one's like... unreal
  6. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from suji in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Smiled so much while reading this - it is true! Preach, preach, preach.
  7. Like
    crossparallel reacted to r... in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Happy life is a banging single, y'all. One of their best, actually and it totally fits with their current mindset. Plus, the acoustic version MERRY's been playing live recentIy? Pfff... talk about gorgeousness!
    You can tell MERRY are in a really good place musically and mentally. They seem to be really happy with the band and themselves. You should've seem them live, especially now that テツ is back. They are always smiling, laughing, cracking jokes about each other. The mood seems to be excellent. Confident in their habilities, but still hungry to prove people that they are still relevant. NOnsenSe MARkeT was such a big step to them and quickly became one of my favorites. MERRY is a band that I've loved since the beginning and this one I can say from almost the very beginning. I've been following them for over 14 years (since 個性派ブレンド!).
    They always had good and bad moments, ups and dows in their career. When MERRY went major in 2005 was a bit wierd, they had some cool songs here and there, but there was something off. Then, joining sun-krad and FIREWALL DIV., and trying to become a DIR EN GREY clone was also a baffling mistake (from an artistic standpoint and maybe even a financial one, it just didn't make sense to alienate your fanbase like that...), Still, I think they created some good albums during the Victor-era, especially revisiting some of them now. For exemple, I love M.E.R.R.Y. and I think it's criminally underrated among the western fanbase. And, Beautiful Freaks, while uneven (and, truthfully, not very good) had some really, really great MERRY moments, so yeah, they recovered.
    I think they have complete freedom to do whatever the hell they want now, and also a level of maturity that makes sure that, since 2014 with NOnsenSe MARkeT, they are able to combine all the aspects of their catalog and create some cool things. 平日の女 is kinda like that, it has the retro-feel and モダンギャルド-ness that I love, but with their current production values (that I'm not really a fan, to be honest, ネロ sounds like crap and 健一 and 結生 sound too fuzzy. But that might be a stylistic choice, albeit a poor one). All in all, I'm happy that MERRY seems to be in such a good place and I'm really looking forward to their new album next year. (or maybe even THIS year, who knows... there's still time!) It just makes me glad being a fan.
  8. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from suji in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Oh yesss littlelamb!  <3 Sorry for the over-familiarity, ever since I fell for Merry and started looking up things on them I've just happened on so many old posts by you around the internet. Just thank you for loving them, ok? 
    The way I remember that interview, Kyo and Gara were still speaking, just not about music. May be mistranslation or just information getting corrupted along the way, shouldn't really matter now. I agree, it is miraculous how Merry survived everything and... do I have the right to say I am proud with them, or at least proud of being their fan? Because I am. I also love NO SMART, there's just so much humanity and integrity to that album. [ @midi:netteNah, I loved Happy Life too. Straightforward songs like that are also needed, and the message is just right. Though my favorite song on the single is 臆病者の眠り方 by far.] I also believe Merry can still grow. So many new songs by Nero and Tetsu! And they did eventually get better at writing songs out of their mold. Time will show on that one.

    Still about the lives, I may be misjudging here. I do feel Gara's voice hasn't been at his strongest (even as his control is stellar), but I have been watching the '09 concerts a lot recently, so that may be setting the bar too high and screwing my perspective. The fact that we are talking about a niconico recording (and a crappy rip in the case of the last DVD, as I can't afford to buy it at this point) isn't helping. I really hope you are right, as it is something I've been worried about - at this point I have reason to believe they can survive anything else. 

    So hyped up for tomorrow!
  9. Like
    crossparallel reacted to *littlelamb in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Oh wow, life in the Merry thread. Needless to say they are my favourite band ever, the only one I've been a proper fan of. Their music just hits all the rights spots in my brain and never seems to get old. Maybe because it's pretty "old" in the first place, not tied to some fad. I'm really happy with their current direction and I feel like ever since NOnsenSe MARkeT they've gone back to being themselves so to speak.
    What happened with the Beautiful Freaks era is a combination of things I think. I sort of blame Kyo as well for some of their bad decisions, I mean he was credited as producer on their releases back then. Kyo and Gara weren't even speaking for years, but then Kyo reached out to him after Merry had left Victor and were in disarray, and I think him caring and wanting to help made Gara a bit too prone to his suggestions. I do think Kyo is brilliant in his own way and I appreciate him helping Merry get started on their career, but he really shouldn't be meddling in their music at this point. That's why I'm happy he started Sukekiyo, since he clearly doesn't have any time or interest in getting involved anymore. Thank heavens for that! It's not all his fault though. From what I've read in interviews, the members were well aware that they'll never be able to outdo the brilliance of their eary compositions, so that's why they were trying to find a new direction, but it didn't really work out. Heijitsu no Onna is the product of realising you should stick to what you're good at. The period around the switch to Free-Will was also a generally miserable time for them. They didn't particularly want to join Free-Will, the fans absolutely hated it, Gara was having constant problems with his back, people close to them were dying and just when things started looking up, Tetsu broke his neck and was out for years. It's not like BF is even close to unlistenable, the basic song-writing is still there, but the arrangements are just too simple and the sound all muddled and boring. Merry is not the kind of band who should be sending their tracks to Sweden or where ever to be finished either. It's of no benefit to them.
    I think they sound better than ever live at the moment. At least based on the two lives they've already broadcast on nicovideo this year. They were pretty stellar. The only song Gara struggles with is the A-side of Heijitsu no Onna, but it's no wonder, since it goes so high. Thankfully the B-side version is made for lives. In case someone didn't know, they're broadcasting their 15th anniversary White Sheep/Black Sheep live tomorrow, as in 16 hours, so don't miss out! Put it on timeshift beforehand, if you don't have time to watch live or pay the 540 yen for premium membership. Epic acoustic versions to be expected. http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv280746643
    BTW, I noticed the other day that someone had upped the entire nico live this summer on Youtube . The acoustic versions of Makka na Aoi Haru and Happy Life are so good!
  10. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Komorebi in crossparallel says 'hi'   
    Ohh new fan, I like meeting new fans.
    you'll have a great time here and learn a lot, I am sure! Welcome to Monochrome Heaven
  11. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Takadanobabaalien in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Can this topic be about funny parts (basically the entire thing) from the AMA?
    like this:

  12. Like
    crossparallel reacted to saishuu in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    March 3rd of what year?
  13. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Tokage in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Update on March 2nd: "oooh noo, hide reincarnated as a dog and ate all the master tapes so we cant release the album guys : - ( dont forget to  come to the memorial live!!!!"
  14. Like
    crossparallel reacted to plastic_rainbow in Ryutaro (Plastic Tree) will release a solo abum   
    so only the second track is shoegazy? :/ damn, we've been tricked!!!
    but i'll still take this. i LOVE the regular edition~ <33
  15. Like
    crossparallel reacted to suji in MERRY 15th anniversary special live events   
    MERRY 15th anniversary live, "Greatest Hits or Not Greatest Hits ~Special 2night 【白い羊】【黒い羊】~” will be broadcast live on Nico Nico Douga
  16. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Zeus in Tokyo Comic-Con places ban on males cosplaying as female characters   
    I'd just like to add that they rescinded this ban a mere twelve hours later with the concept of gender badges.

    The fear which prompted this move was cause for concern about male perverts cross dressing to sneak into female changing rooms. They didn't have concerns about female perverts sneaking into male changing rooms, which is why this was a one-way ban. Apparently, voyeurism is a huge problem in Japan and cons have historically been their time to strike. "Gender badges" are way of identifying a cosplayer as male or female so they can monitor what bathrooms you use.
    Did you know Japanese smartphones are built to create a fake camera sound every time you take a picture? This is to deter pervs taking surreptitious pictures of women in public places without their consent. There is no way to turn the sound off. What's more interesting is if you take an unlocked American phone and put a Japanese SIM in it, it will force the sound on! This info was purely for context.
  17. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Zeus in The Irrational Downfall of Park Geun-hye   
    Quite a long read, but it's pretty shocking stuff and a good place to start if the South Korean presidency scandals are new to you. There's so much juicy stuff I'll end up reposting the whole article if I don't cut myself off. I just copied context & some juicy bits.
    There's so much to this I can't even...
  18. Like
    crossparallel reacted to TokyoCinderella in THE GALLO   
    Hey, thanks!  That makes me happy to read
    There was a time when we had the entire discography translated -- but when we looked back after getting a better understanding of Jojo's lyric-writing style, we decided there was a lot of junk. Unfortunately we lost the spark of motivation to get back to revising everything. BUT, I did bring a new mod on recently who should be helping get the site back up to speed when they settle in.
    And I'll keep trying to update when I can, but alas, life.
  19. Like
    crossparallel reacted to Tokage in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    A MERRY cover album with new oldies covers would honestly be good as hell, I doubt it'd ever happen, but I'd like to see them cover Maki Asakawa, Kan Mikami, Morita Douji, INU or something like that..
    Would love for them to some day cover "Virgin Blues" as well, in a way I'm actually genuinely surprised they haven't already done that one yet.. It feels so "them".
  20. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from Seimeisen in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    @TokageEither that or Kyo's influence. I mean, there was this joint interview with Gara and Kyo from around the time MERRY changed labels that just infuriated me. It was all about how MERRY had lost their way according to Kyo, and how he was always keeping an eye on them and ready to help. So as they didn't have much other support from inside the industry (leaving Victor, not being constantly featured in Fool's Mate any more etc.) and as their popularity was on a downward slope, they finally gave in and signed to Firewall Div., and started taking his advice. (Seems like Gara has/had? this respectful-slash-competitive attitude towards Kyo that I just hope he outgrew, as I think he is the more interesting artist out of the two). Anyway, Kyo oversaw the recording of Beautiful Freaks. If you combine that with MERRY genuinely looking for a direction to change and grow, I can see The Cry Against... materializing from that even without supposed label pressure.
    @BearYesss, the Gekisei b-sides, eternal favorites <3
  21. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from Seimeisen in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    It may be the case that the Kyo connection was emphasized for the purpose of rebranding MERRY and selling them to the Diru fanbase, we'll never know. But to retell that interview, yes Gara was their roadie, and he also used to brainstorm with Kyo, bouncing ideas off of him, when Merry were just starting. Kyo thought Gara's vision was all wrong and backwards , but he let Gara do as he please, as he thought Merry were forming to be a fascinating band. They stopped talking music when Merry signed to Victor. Gara would send Kyo his CDs, Kyo would say stuff like "it sounds like karaoke" (this specifically was re:Ringo to Uso), so of course Gara would be too stubborn to ask for his opinion later  Until the critical year 2009, and the rest is history. For the record, I also love under-world, it was a really fresh direction for them and they pulled it off wonderfully, but I guess the fans didn't take to it, punk, noisy production and all.

    Re:lives, Gara's voice sounds fine in the recordings we have from 2012 and 2014, but he's been hit-or-miss again recently. At least he seems to be more careful now, no more shouting at the top of his lungs when he reaches his limit as he used to. And just performance-wise, their concerts have more color again compared to Beautiful Freaks era.

    A MERRY cover album will be a dream come true. I love about all of their covers.
  22. Like
    crossparallel reacted to nekkichi in MERRY 15th anniversary special live events   
    holy shit yæsssssssssss
  23. Like
    crossparallel reacted to suji in MERRY 15th anniversary special live events   
    Super Merrys:
    MERRY(メリー) 2016.10.29 クリエイティブセンター大阪
    「Merry Halloween Party~Trick or MERRY~」

    05.Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~
    08.[human farm]

    02.Happy life

  24. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from suji in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    It may be the case that the Kyo connection was emphasized for the purpose of rebranding MERRY and selling them to the Diru fanbase, we'll never know. But to retell that interview, yes Gara was their roadie, and he also used to brainstorm with Kyo, bouncing ideas off of him, when Merry were just starting. Kyo thought Gara's vision was all wrong and backwards , but he let Gara do as he please, as he thought Merry were forming to be a fascinating band. They stopped talking music when Merry signed to Victor. Gara would send Kyo his CDs, Kyo would say stuff like "it sounds like karaoke" (this specifically was re:Ringo to Uso), so of course Gara would be too stubborn to ask for his opinion later  Until the critical year 2009, and the rest is history. For the record, I also love under-world, it was a really fresh direction for them and they pulled it off wonderfully, but I guess the fans didn't take to it, punk, noisy production and all.

    Re:lives, Gara's voice sounds fine in the recordings we have from 2012 and 2014, but he's been hit-or-miss again recently. At least he seems to be more careful now, no more shouting at the top of his lungs when he reaches his limit as he used to. And just performance-wise, their concerts have more color again compared to Beautiful Freaks era.

    A MERRY cover album will be a dream come true. I love about all of their covers.
  25. Like
    crossparallel got a reaction from suji in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    @TokageEither that or Kyo's influence. I mean, there was this joint interview with Gara and Kyo from around the time MERRY changed labels that just infuriated me. It was all about how MERRY had lost their way according to Kyo, and how he was always keeping an eye on them and ready to help. So as they didn't have much other support from inside the industry (leaving Victor, not being constantly featured in Fool's Mate any more etc.) and as their popularity was on a downward slope, they finally gave in and signed to Firewall Div., and started taking his advice. (Seems like Gara has/had? this respectful-slash-competitive attitude towards Kyo that I just hope he outgrew, as I think he is the more interesting artist out of the two). Anyway, Kyo oversaw the recording of Beautiful Freaks. If you combine that with MERRY genuinely looking for a direction to change and grow, I can see The Cry Against... materializing from that even without supposed label pressure.
    @BearYesss, the Gekisei b-sides, eternal favorites <3
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