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    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in If you could get rid of one bodily function...?   
    Some bodily functions can be an inconvenience or hindrance.
    Once my friend said he'd get rid of the need to eat if he could, I thought he was crazy because eating is one of the best things about being human.
    I thought sleep would be a good one to get rid off as it takes up most of our life, but it's nice to turn off the conscious mind. I absolutely hate sweating but it doesn't get in the way of anything. Really, urinary/excretory related functions are a real problem. If you want to go on an adventure, or just get stuck somewhere with no toilet, it's the worst. 
    Which would you pick, considering that taking it out wouldn't impact your body/life negatively?
  2. Like
    platy reacted to saiko in What Manga are you reading?   
    I've read New York New York from the same author. Very short and very well done series, very pleasant reading. One of the most human and touching manga readings I've had have so far.  70s, 80s and early 90s shoujo manga was a very interesting field of experimentation, which I feel it has been recently lost.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in POLL: Best time to take a shower   
    my roomate: When's the last time you took a shower? You look filthy.
    me, an intellectual:

    I'm an evening washer. I usually end up showering right before I hit the sheets but try to wash up a few hours before going to bed so my hair has time to dry and not form into weird shapes.
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from ghost in POLL: Best time to take a shower   
    I've got into debates about the best shower time with my friends. 
    Not only do some people like taking a shower first thing in the morning, they make it as cold as possible. (masochists)
    For me it depends, during winter I prefer night showers so I can go to bed warm. In warmer weather, it can vary but I still lean towards a shower later in the day. 
    What about you?
  5. Like
    platy reacted to BrenGun in An interview with Scarlet Valse a frontline band from Starwave Records   
    Scarlet Valse is a symphonic metal band who is at the frontline of the Starwave Records lineup. They've been active since 2011, and are renowned for their charismatic and responsible nature. Read on to learn more about them.
    READ: English
    READ: Japanese
  6. Like
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in If you could get rid of one bodily function...?   
    Some bodily functions can be an inconvenience or hindrance.
    Once my friend said he'd get rid of the need to eat if he could, I thought he was crazy because eating is one of the best things about being human.
    I thought sleep would be a good one to get rid off as it takes up most of our life, but it's nice to turn off the conscious mind. I absolutely hate sweating but it doesn't get in the way of anything. Really, urinary/excretory related functions are a real problem. If you want to go on an adventure, or just get stuck somewhere with no toilet, it's the worst. 
    Which would you pick, considering that taking it out wouldn't impact your body/life negatively?
  7. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in ghost's drawings   
    Fung Shui & Chill

  8. Like
    platy reacted to Jigsaw9 in アルケミ (ARCHEMI) reveals new look with new guitarist, announces limited single   
    アルケミ (ARCHEMI) has tweeted their new artist photo, including their new guitarist 玲 (Ryo).
    In addition to this, they announced they will be selling a new 2-track release titled 真言書 (Shingonsho) from 2020/07/08 at lives and through mail-order. The CD will come in a special packaging with a signed photo (you can also see the tracklist on this flyer).
    01. 不動智 (Fudouchi)
    02. 如是我聞 (Nyozegamon)
    The band will hold their 5th anniversary gig at OSAKA MUSE on 2020/10/28.
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Jigsaw9 in If you could get rid of one bodily function...?   
    No question: sweating. I get why the body does it but it's one of the most irritating things ever, lol.
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in If you could get rid of one bodily function...?   
    Some bodily functions can be an inconvenience or hindrance.
    Once my friend said he'd get rid of the need to eat if he could, I thought he was crazy because eating is one of the best things about being human.
    I thought sleep would be a good one to get rid off as it takes up most of our life, but it's nice to turn off the conscious mind. I absolutely hate sweating but it doesn't get in the way of anything. Really, urinary/excretory related functions are a real problem. If you want to go on an adventure, or just get stuck somewhere with no toilet, it's the worst. 
    Which would you pick, considering that taking it out wouldn't impact your body/life negatively?
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from nullmoon in If you could get rid of one bodily function...?   
    Some bodily functions can be an inconvenience or hindrance.
    Once my friend said he'd get rid of the need to eat if he could, I thought he was crazy because eating is one of the best things about being human.
    I thought sleep would be a good one to get rid off as it takes up most of our life, but it's nice to turn off the conscious mind. I absolutely hate sweating but it doesn't get in the way of anything. Really, urinary/excretory related functions are a real problem. If you want to go on an adventure, or just get stuck somewhere with no toilet, it's the worst. 
    Which would you pick, considering that taking it out wouldn't impact your body/life negatively?
  12. Like
    platy reacted to saiko in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    In spanish we say, "qué tiene que ver el culo con pintar", which could be translated as "what [the fuck] has ass to do with painting".
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    Talking about SHAZNA/Izam - there's also this rather unfortunately titled endorsement:

  14. wow
    platy reacted to Shaolan974 in ジュンペロ (Junpero) (DOG inThe PWO Gu.準々(Junjun)) solo CD release   
    Menhera idol 準子 (Junko) first CD "1stCD" will be released at 2020/06/20
    1. ぴえん (Pien) * composed by 公大 (Koudai) (Royz)
    2. 蹂躙 (Juurin)
    3. 生殺し (Namagoroshi)

  15. Like
    platy reacted to jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    [TV-Show] LUNA SEA - Live Broadcast! MUSIC AID FEST. ~FOR POST PANDEMIC~ (2020.05.31) feat.
    AA=(上田剛士、白川貴善) (Takeshi Ueda、Taka Moriuchi)
    一青窈 (Yo Hitoto)
    清春 (Kiyoharu)
    倖田來未 (Koda Kumi)
    コムアイ(水曜日のカンパネラ) (KOM_I) (Wednesday Campanella)
    9mm Parabellum Bullet
    May J.
    西川貴教 (Takanori Nishikawa) from T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school
    Nothing's Carved In Stone
    大黒摩季 (Maki Ohguro)
    シアターブルック (Theatre Brook)
    辻井伸行 (Nobuyuki Tsujii)
    打首獄門同好会 (Uchikubigokumon-Doukoukai)
    part 1 https://vk.com/video38571278_456239428
    part 2 https://vk.com/video38571278_456239429
  16. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in random thoughts thread   
    Photobucket is being stupid and harassing users to buy their premium account or else lose their account or something so I went and downloaded any photos I cared about. I came across some fun little memories like this janky jrock pumpkin I carved of some the GazettE cover art:

    More blurry photos:

  17. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from ghost in random thoughts thread   
    This is the most retarded thing I’ve read all year, I thought this X Æ shit was some scientific discovery trending on Twitter, but now find out it’s some billionaire’s kid.
    please stop breeding. 
  18. 悲しい
    platy reacted to saishuu in Stealing @Peace Heavy mk II's moment   
    Hi! I'm leaving the forum as well.
    Thought about leaving quietly -- and I did --, but the message @Peace Heavy mk II posted made me think otherwise. Sure there's quite a few people here that will celebrate not having to deal with me anymore and that's fine! But I'd rather focus on the fact that I've been here for 13 years and that leaving a goodbye note feels appropriate.
    I joined the forums when I was 16, only knowing much about VK, and I leave at 29, not knowing much about the current state of VK but knowing just enough about life and my personal boundaries to make me comfortable enough to realize I don't feel at home here anymore. And I used to feel like that for years and it sucks that this feeling has gone, but I suppose that was bound to change eventually -- and that's cool! Things change and end all the time.
    Anyway, I'm grateful for the few friends I made here throughout the years (y'all know who you are!) and for the countless downloads I leeched along the way. It was a good and entertaining ride for the most part. If any of you would like to stay in touch, I'm over at Twitter at @reomulus. See ya.
  19. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Quitting   
    Peace heavy mk II has disbanded at 2020/05/29 due to losing confidence to M-H after being prohibited to log-on in M-H for 6 days by n' mod since the same date, and his alter-ego band "le_newtype" has been eliminated by that mod at the same date
  20. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Quitting   
    It has come to my attention that I have nothing left to share with this board. While most people leave quietly unless they aim to make their departure a publicity stunt, I feel that saying goodbye to a forum where I've more or less spent every day for the past 10 years is the least I could do.
    I've made a lot of good friends here, had fun as a mod for like 15 minutes, and loved being an official reviewer. In spite of all of that, I cannot help but feel it is time I move on.
    I do not plan on fully deleting my account so I can still leech, but if you'd like to chat about music you can find me:
    -On Twitter
    -On the VKGY discord
    -Adding scans and lyrics to ZombiexJuice
    -Making half-assed unboxing videos of rejected vkei maxi-singles
    It's been fun 💋
  21. Bitch, excuse me?!
    platy got a reaction from Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    Oh man, I was walking and the person in front of me was phlegmy coughing with his mouth wide open for a while. I wanted to drop kick the vile bastard.  HAVE U LEARNED NOTHING
  22. Bitch, excuse me?!
    platy reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    My favorite part about the relaxation of the anti-corona measures over here is that it's apparently instantly become acceptable again for people to just open mouth cough without covering their face while out on the streets or something
  23. Yikes
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
    A lot of people can't tell apart Japanese from Chinese or Korean but I'll never forget that one time someone asked me to "read the Japanese" on their hoodie and it was actually Hebrew
  24. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in Guys vs Girls   
    sir, no double posting in this thread. edit: just realised you've tenfold posted in this thread since the dawn of time lmao edit2: wow this thread is full of double posts and it was the one rule 😂
  25. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Jun_ in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Japan's definition of pedo  or criminal is very different from the west's, that's all. 
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