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  1. Like
    platy got a reaction from Pretsy in Fav album refining   
    * scrap the last 2 songs.*

    D=Out Shin Gi Tai
    *delete every record of  kokuritsu kyougitou ever being composed/written*
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from AliceParanoid in random thoughts thread   
    I was making some sweets,  which I've made for a few years now and never got the recipe or technique wrong. But tonight it all went to shit. Only one side of the pan was burning, the ingredients wouldnt mix properly and I couldn't roll the mix because they were too gooey and wouldn't set. 
    I'm using the same ingredients as always, same temperature... The only thing that changed? I was listening to the Raid.  while I cooked. 
    And so my hatred for that band continues to grow. 
    Deleted and cleansed off my mp3/computer 
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Yukimoto in ダウト (D=OUT) new single "バクチ / 魁swallowtail (Bakuchi / Sakigake swallowtail)" release   
    Can't wait, I saw they had a new look but I'm not sure if it's related to this.

  4. Like
    platy reacted to CAT5 in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    @nekkichiand @Carmelzors- let's not derail the thread any longer with your lover's quarrel. ; )
  5. Like
    platy reacted to echo in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    Dangan had their one-man live tonight at Tsutaya O-West!

    Apparently this was the first time they've ever taken a picture at their one-man


    Tonight's set list:

    Prepare yourselves for my spazzy write up later. I'm too tired to finish writing it tonight, but here's the short version: THE LIVE WAS FUCKING AMAZING AND I LOVE THIS BAND SO MUCH AFTER EXPERIENCING IT <3333333333 
  6. Like
    platy reacted to Alkaloid in ダウト (D=OUT) new single "バクチ / 魁swallowtail (Bakuchi / Sakigake swallowtail)" release   
    ダウト (D=OUT) new single will be released at 2017/4/26, although further details have yet to be announced.
  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Pentagon new single 「CRAZY TRIBE」 release !   
    Basically the same person.
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from Euronymous in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    Cassis is one of my most hated balads and I'm sick of Guren, but the new Cassis is alright, I can totally stomach this since it's a lot softer and easier on the ears and the guitar sounds a lot more interesting. I still can't understand a word of Ruki's English so nothing changed there.
    New Guren? Still a lame ass balad even if it sounds more polished.
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in Pentagon new single 「CRAZY TRIBE」 release !   
    The beginning of Crazy Tribe is the kind of stuff that makes you check that nobody in the train can hear the music through your headphones. 
  10. Like
    platy reacted to Jigsaw9 in MEJIBRAY new live DVD and 2nd Single Collection release   
    Storage Wars  ~Kiwamu edition~
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Saishu in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    Cassis is a boring, dime a dozen j-rock ballad. In fact, most of the ballads on this collection are.  Untitled is probably the most forgettable one on here. 
    I'm still a Reila fan, but I hope they either shorten it or do something more interesting with those last two minutes, because the slow fade out in the original is lame. 
    Overall, my feelings about Gazette aren't entirely positive anymore, and it's all Ruki's fault because I don't think he's a good songwriter and it seems like he's taken the lead with that lately. DOGMA got tons of praise for being different, but it wasn't. It does have a couple of the best tracks the band has put out in a while (Dogma, Rage, Grudge), but outside of those the album was typical Gazette fare with the only difference being it was all heavy with no ballads. 
    I want Gazette to do some "soul searching". Revisiting stuff like Disorder, Madara, Gama, etc. would be a good idea. They've been stuck in this rut for over a decade and it really does feel like they're just doing a job now. 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to Saishu in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    No Hana Kotoba is seriously a huge mistake. I would rather they rerecord Disorder entirely than get a collection of mostly dull ballads. 
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Euronymous in sukekiyo new album & LIVE Blu-ray+CD release   
    kyo is a machine of creativity,his talent is insane
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Komorebi in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    @Lestat, you are absolutely right. New bands you like won't have the same impact or mean as much to you. That's an undeniable fact.
    I should have been more specific. I keep encountering people who refuse to TRY OUT anything post 2005. Not even a "I heard it, didn't dig it. I like the 90's sound" but a "they don't look like a 90's band so they probably suck". Those are those I complain about. Those who talk ill of bands they haven't even bothered listening, and the reasons for not listening to them are "I don't like how they look", "new GazettE sucks, so all bands now probably suck", "their fans are teenagers so they can't be good", "they all look the same so they have to sound the same". 
    The pessimistic attitude of people who refuse to even try the new scene and their shitthrowing at newer bands they haven't even heard is exhausting. I've gone to parties where they ONLY play indies music from Matina bands and such because if you dare play something post 2006 or something major the majority of the "old farts" (27 +years old) will literally leave the dance floor and start complaining. They don't even stay and listen to something they might dig and it's like they are afraid of liking something new and have their precious reputation of "true VK fan" ruined. And I say true VK in quotation marks because I have LITERALLY heard them talk about what VK is supposed to look like and sound like and cross out VK bands as non VK because they don't look like Kuroyume in 1997.

    No one says you can't enjoy old stuff, but this country has the ENORMEOUS luck of having a thriving scene. The incredible luck of having a meet up for the Deathgaze ST and have 70, yes, seventy, people show up in the same town. There's at least 4 or 5 event producers who try to include VK in their cons and events, throw parties and even bring artists, but this can't go anywhere if half of VK fans are trying real hard to keep the scene in the 90's and early 2000's and I swear I cannot understand why they are so obsessed with that.
    I hope my little rant made some sense and didn't feel too biased.
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I like visual kei
  16. Like
    platy got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I've been playing FF XV more lately. I finally got Ramuh... Yeah I'm still that far behind. I get really distracted fishing or doing fetch quests. It's hopeless. 
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I'm looking forward to Horizon ZD, but after seeing this certain quest video on YouTube my expectations are on the ground. I really hope this lives up to the hype, just don't be a pile of shit, pleaseee. 
    Of course Nier Automata! I'm happy this world and story are still going and getting picked up by highly respected developers. 
    Also I think there's a new danganronpa coming out in summer... I want that more than any game I mentioned so far. 
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    Your stuff is soooo cute!! The lines and the colors are lovely
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    I was making some sweets,  which I've made for a few years now and never got the recipe or technique wrong. But tonight it all went to shit. Only one side of the pan was burning, the ingredients wouldnt mix properly and I couldn't roll the mix because they were too gooey and wouldn't set. 
    I'm using the same ingredients as always, same temperature... The only thing that changed? I was listening to the Raid.  while I cooked. 
    And so my hatred for that band continues to grow. 
    Deleted and cleansed off my mp3/computer 
  20. Like
    platy reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from Furik in Gofundme for Visual bands?!   
    First  of all, if they're 15 years old that makes anything they have to say irrelevant in my view.  You're too hormonal and job-less to be thinking straight and understand what you're doing.
    As for me, I would definitely back up a band via crowdfunding , IF we're given a clear and official outline of the expenses. This way foreign fans can help their favorite musicians stay afloat, disbandment in vk could reach an all time low?!  Since there's such a big overseas crowd, it surprises me that this hasn't been thought of yet. (not really, is crowdfunding even big in JP?)
    Also love the idea of little extras that come with crowdfunding, now that I think about it, a patreon website for bands wouldn't be a bad idea either. 
  22. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    First time listening to this LACK-CO., and probably my last.
    The lack of sync between the singer and the rest of the band, and the fact that he's tone deaf, make me cringe real bad.
    At least it's not as bad as KRAD.
    Been trying to catch up on releases from the entire month I was gone, and the talent is so scarce, that I'm lost for words.
    I do hope I find something new that is enjoyable, otherwise 2017 is the terrible start of more Mejibray "quality" bands.
    Are they gone yet btw?
  23. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in Avex pictures enforces export ban on Blu-rays, DVD, and CDs   
    There's more to the world than North America though.
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Nintendo Switch   
    So after getting to play it and trying a few games out,  I think it's a good console. The screen is big enough to play games but small enough to carry it around. 
    The controllers are a little too small,  but it's a matter of getting used to them, the console comes with a joystick kind of thing that you can stick the tiny controllers in and turn it into an xbox/ps4 controller of sorts,  which was very comfortable to hold. 
    It also has motion controls,  I didn't see any game that used them as well as most wii games have,  but it's there. 
    Handheld mode and TV  mode both run smoothly. Graphics are obviously not Nintendo's selling point,  but I saw variety and creativity which is good enough for me. Imagine wiiu' s graphics a bit more polished. 
    Seem like Nintendo is breathing new life into the Mario series,  I don't care for Mario games (including the kart series)  but after trying the new games out I'm pleasantly surprised. 
    For a 2 in 1 console,  the price is okay. So,  probably something I'd buy in the future. 
    Edit: I'm also not a zelda fan,  but the demo for the new one had me impressed. Huge world,  easy and smooth game play. 
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from appl- in Gofundme for Visual bands?!   
    First  of all, if they're 15 years old that makes anything they have to say irrelevant in my view.  You're too hormonal and job-less to be thinking straight and understand what you're doing.
    As for me, I would definitely back up a band via crowdfunding , IF we're given a clear and official outline of the expenses. This way foreign fans can help their favorite musicians stay afloat, disbandment in vk could reach an all time low?!  Since there's such a big overseas crowd, it surprises me that this hasn't been thought of yet. (not really, is crowdfunding even big in JP?)
    Also love the idea of little extras that come with crowdfunding, now that I think about it, a patreon website for bands wouldn't be a bad idea either. 
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