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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Please go and write a live report!
  2. platy

    I got curious after reading this and looked up Diverse glare in Riot. I dunno what it is but Aki's voice does a lot more in the two songs I listened to than in the entire arlequin repertoire. I still love arlequin though.
  3. platy

  4. platy

    This sounds like music straight from a shoujo anime with different hot guys and they all sing the ending theme together while doing kawaii moves.
  5. platy

    My top three: dokuhaku, higame, nega ability. Bonus: Zou because it must be super fun live. Thanks for the great list, I want to go through their entire discography again now. Which reminds me of two songs I would've included: lullaby and BURN.
  6. platy

    That basement is the most overhyped thing in this series. It won't be worth it, trust me lol. The song is growing on me, but I think it should be an ED.
  7. platy

    Oh, they meant that song is gonna be an ending, right? Right? He just mistyped it. Silly Yoshiki...
  8. platy

    Please just announce a EU tour
  9. thank you for the live report. Imagining you doing furi surrounded by 89 girls is actually hilarious.
  10. I might be going to that one.
  11. Now I'm curious about these allegations @cvltic
  12. I thought this was a love ballad. Knowing it's a revenge ballad makes it even more awesome. Thank you!
  13. platy

    It's... So... Cute... Can we have femme fatale back now
  14. platy

    Can you interview him and get his thoughts on the current situation between gosan X Mathilda?
  15. platy

    He's probably just the manager. He went to stand with the crowd to make it seems like the numbers were high.
  16. platy

    Hmm... Disappointed.
  17. Why is it fashionable to wear flip flops and socks up to your calves now? 


    The 97 year old lady who lived next to my house in my hillbilly town has been a fashion icon for years then. The only difference her clothes didn't have the NIKE logo. smh. 

    1. nekkichi


      straight fashion sense coming through again x

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      My uncle wears thick black calve high socks with shorts, sandals and a cowboy hat, we've made fun of him for years....nekkichi is right straight fashion sense is the only logical explanation

    3. Elazmus
    4. Show next comments  144 more
  18. platy

  19. crying because dadaroma will never make something as good as Lucid Dream again

    1. yakihiko


      I had the same thought, but since "ある日、世界は美しいと思った" debut, I changed my mind, and both are my all time favorite now. I hope you can find something similar to Lucid Dream.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Right in the f e e l s

  20. platy

    I literally have lost the last sliver of hope I had for attack on titan. The OPs were the only thing that got me hyped enough to get through episodes. Can't imagine this collab will make for anything exciting. (but I'd like to be proved wrong)
  21. platy

    My summer season: Grand Blue – I'm so excited for this. I need a good comedy anime. Attack on Titan – I will probably regret it but I'm in too deep to back out now. Tsukumogami Kashimasu Edit: I forgot Happy Sugar Life was airing, it's supposedly very fucked up so I'll watch it too.
  22. platy

    I don't think it was his choice, it was the label's. It's a trend that I've noticed a lot in vk. I like masks and such, but not on this guy.
  23. platy

    You mean when they used to hide his face with random shit because he isn't a skinny, pretty boy? He looks the best he has ever looked in their career. Maybe he could have gone without the sunglasses,but yeah.
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