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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    Kick-Ass was... KICK ASS! really fun movie.
  2. Licio123

  3. Licio123

    I agree, and though I miss Heartless too, boogieman is really surprising me so far. They're good!
  4. Licio123

    These singles were the first time listening boogieman for me, but I liked Shu in Heartless previously. And this band is pretty good, COcain is really the best track but I enjoyed them all. Old boogieman's 99.9 reminds me of that movie Suicide Club XD
  5. Licio123

    X JAPAN isn't really one of my favorites, but I'm happy they're comingo to Brazil. Kaya too.
  6. Licio123

    The Untouchables! Classic, awesome movie.
  7. Licio123

    It's still pretty good. 3 or 4 songs are memorable!
  8. Licio123

    Atreyu - Someone's Standing On My Chest
  9. Licio123

    Books about Bossa Nova, for college
  10. Licio123

    They got inspired by that great cover of Winter, again XD
  11. Licio123

    http://kibeloco.com.br/platb/files/104/ ... -Osama.jpg
  12. Licio123

    That's good, I like them!
  13. in b4 "oh noes, another soft MUCC song" XD Looking forward to it.
  14. Licio123

    this theread makes me lol. HARD XDD
  15. Licio123

    That's a nice japanese girl, I envy him, and will never listen to chemical pictures =(
  16. Licio123

    First time I heard Daisuke, and he really was pretty good. But Wataru's track >> all. XD
  17. Licio123

    I also want it to be more like Hageshisa, not that LOTUS was bad, but was just.... meh.
  18. Licio123

    Hmm, way too fast. But they're good.
  19. Licio123

    Going chronologically, first was D's Vampire Saga, a pretty good album, much much better than 7th Rose, which was a bit of a disappointment. Then came January 26th, a day with 4 big releases. Girugamesh's GO was pop rock-ish, ok, but had some nice tracks. DeG's LOTUS was a dissapointment. Like Zesshoku said, it need more progression, ended too soon. Pay Money to My Pain's Remember the Name is one of the best of the year so far; heavier tracks and lighter songs balanced pretty well, a band that is growing and deserves more attention. Lastly, Crush's 90's VA Covers is really nice, some good covers, headlined by D covering Malice Mizer's Gekka no Yasoukyoku. February started with BORN's DOGMA, a small letdown, comparing to their 3 minis last year, which blew me away. Alice Nine's Gemini surprised me, since I didn't even like them so much, but the GEMINI trilogy and Fuuin were pretty awesome. Kuroyume cover album was decent. coldrain's The Enemy Inside was good, but nothing memorable. The best was saved for last, with dead stock by SID, a very very good album with some great highlights. Jumping to March, there's Philia from Versailles, which had 2 nice songs and Desert Apple, which I didn't even care. Maximum the Hormone came back with a solid single, 3 great songs, with my girl being outrageously fun. April's being awesome so far. Sadie blew me totally with COLD BLOOD, currently the best album of the year until now, IMO. Plastic Tree released ammonite, with lots of good songs, though the singles are still the highlights. NoGod's Raise a Flag was average, with PAIN being the only track with some innovation. I think that's it, until now. Waiting anxiously for Helios too, also, Nightmare's Vermillion and VORTEX (the GazettE).
  20. Licio123

    Never liked ReS much, but I like Satsuki solo, a few catchy songs.
  21. Now, that's what I call FAST O_O
  22. Licio123

    it's inverno, damn it And damn it, I forgot about this, seems like no one has it
  23. Licio123

    Didn't knew the band, but it's always damn sad =( RIP
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