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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    Rango! Pretty fun!
  2. Licio123

    Now, that's disappointing =(
  3. Licio123

    The track names were so cool til "UNTIL THE END OF MY SCREAMING". That's probably the song I will enjoy the most when the album is released, LOL
  4. Licio123

    exactly. SOMETHING. that makes the single pretty bad, since not one song is entirely good. I agree with DAAVIS, but unlike morbiusss, I found them to be good songs on a whole. Their previous singles were better, though.
  5. Licio123

    YES! They are one of my favourite right now, looking forward to it!
  6. Licio123

    Thanks! I love you <3 I'm still waiting for the dudes who are translating AAI 2 since Capcom won't release it outside Japan D: No trouble sai, <3 you too! I miss Miles, got my DS just to play the AA series and loved the fisrt one, but Radiant Historia is keeping me too busy to play the others, damn it! XD
  7. Licio123

  8. Licio123

    OMG! Unexpected but mighty happy!
  9. Licio123

    Their covers kick a lot of ass! TIK TOK is also great.
  10. Licio123

    Exactly 1 year after their first release, faster than Giru. Wow.
  11. Licio123

    Favourites: Judas, Bloody Mary and Electric Chapel. Addicting songs.
  12. Licio123

    [Release Date] 2011.6.22 [initial Limited Version] CD+DVD SFCD-0084~85 \1,890 (tax in) [Original Version] SFCD-0086 \1,260 (tax in) [Track List] 1. DIFFERENT SENSE 2. Tsumi To Kisei 3. RED SOIL [LIVE] *Live take at NAMBA Hatch on November 9, 2010 *Available on Initial Limited Version only DIFFERENT SENSE (Scenes From Recording) Spurce: DEG Facebook page
  13. Licio123

    I agree with sai. At first, I found Vermillion to be pretty weak, ByeBye fun but bland, and Trauma really awesome. ByeBye really grew on me, it's friggin addicting! Vermillion's not so bad and Trauma is still awesome! XD Vermillion: 8/10 ByeBye: 9/10 Trauma: 8.5/10 Waiting for the album!
  14. Licio123

    They quitted in being BR00TAL a long time ago, so it's quite obvious bro Yet everyone comes and posts "Karma suxx" or "I miss their BR00TAL songs" or "poppish shit". MUCC and Giru's topics are all about that. Just take Karma out and put GO/NOW. XD
  15. Nice track titles. Many people with birthdays in July too XD (including me, but I'm on the 15th)
  16. Licio123

    Don't get your hopes up, people. It won't be BR00TAL.
  17. Shounen's there, right above MARIA!
  18. Licio123

    Yeeeaah! And it's actually not far, a little more than 2 months and it's released! =D
  19. Licio123

    11:35 AM São Paulo Brazil.
  20. Licio123

    If BUCK-TICK fits in this topic, it's one of my favorite bands ever. Though it's mostly well known around here.
  21. Licio123

    The Hip-Hop Era: Back in High School days I used to like Eminem, Ja Rule, 50 Cent, Akon, Outkast. Still listen to them occasionally. The Anime OP/ED Era: That's when I started watching anime, 4 years ago. Used to like the J-Pop and softer rock songs, especially Aya Hirano, eufonius, FLOW and Orange Range, but never got really "addicted". Then came Death Note, the anime. Maximum the Hormone / Nightmare: They were the first japanese bands I really dug, listened to them a whole lot (if I had lastfm in 2008, they would be at the top charts, for sure). MTH baffled me, as I wasn't even too much into rock, and I was suprised I actually like their style, much more into metal. Funny that, nowadays, I like Nightmare much more than MTH. Atreyu: Soon after MTH/Naitomea I had a girlfriend that loved metal, especially Atreyu, which became my "gateway" into the metal scene. Other bands that were important at this time were Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace and System of a Down (which I had a torrid affair with XD, but got kinda bored with them after some time). Green Day: Got into them by the time they released 21st Century Breakdown, but it was after American Idiot thta I started to really like them. Still a unique band, even if they changed their style so much from the Dookie days. Arctic Monkeys: First indie rock band I listened too, love the music direction they've taken, but I miss their songs like Teddy Picker and Mardy Bum. DIR EN GREY: Other than MTH, they got me in the Japanese Metal scene. And became one of my favorite bands really quick. Galneryus: The only Power Metal band I really like, thanks to another anime (Mnemosyne, which sucked balls but intoduced me to them). Was really addicted when started listening to them. Escape the Fate / Chiodos: Got me into post-hardcore stuff, now one of my favorite styles.
  22. Licio123

    ギルガメッシュ - ULTIMATE 4
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