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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    8-eit - baby swindle
  2. Licio123

    Kimi ni Todoke 2nd, <3
  3. Licio123

    Hey kittie! Welcome back =D
  4. ^ Totally. It just adds to the engrish fame of the japanese bands, now not even CTRL+C, CTRL+V works for them, LOL! But maybe there are copyright issues and that stuff.
  5. I like them, but that damn misplaced comma bothers me.
  6. Licio123

    Good luck Zess! =D
  7. Licio123

    At least there is no PASSWORD PRAYER. LOL
  8. Licio123

    thx for the lyrics!
  9. Licio123

  10. Licio123

    Resident Evil Degeneration. kinda decent, actually.
  11. Licio123

    All the best for you gin, I hope things get better for you!
  12. Licio123

    This band is so badass, so dramatic. Love it.
  13. Licio123

    鳥籠御殿 ~L’Oiseau bleu~
  14. Helios was nice, but got old kinda quickly, still looking forward to this release, though.
  15. Licio123

    theme song of an event? Poppy, but I'm not complaining.
  16. Licio123

    I knew that couldn't be Kyo, just now I realized, of course it's Robert Plant on MOO. Duh me.
  17. Licio123

    Oh boy, yet another. This is just so sad... RIP
  18. Licio123

    Guess DSS leaked O_O
  19. Licio123

    Yama-B is legendary XD, but Sho isn't half bad.
  20. Licio123

    Awesome! Good to see these guys are back again =D
  21. Licio123

    Oh boy... RIP
  22. Licio123

    Loved Cold Blood, was already wondering when they would release something new XD
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