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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    LMAO! I love this band so much, they never cease to amaze me. I guess it's just a joke video though, but I am glad to see theyre still around XD
  2. Licio123

    Whew, I didn't see the "NOT" in the title, almost had a heart attack. XD Contrary to most people, I like their recent releases more than the older ones, so I can't wait for the next single =D
  3. Licio123

    It's ok Phones, just don't make us have a heart attack next time! XDD
  4. Licio123

    Hope not, I like them so much... and there's no James on this band XD
  5. Licio123

    Thought that Mission code was really weak too, it's the downpoint of this really good album. And the intro of 見????????離 is also familiar for me too, guess it's from another song of theirs, but not sure XD
  6. Licio123

    This topic is so full of win XDDD
  7. Great, loved their STORM cover and recent single!
  8. Licio123

  9. Licio123

    I liked it, ok, no heavy songs, but they are all fun to listen. ??会 is very good, and Never ending story was pretty enjoyable. All others are good.
  10. Licio123

    Gonna start Texhnolyze today!
  11. Licio123

    Whew, great XDD
  12. Licio123

    Great news! Their 2 releases were pretty good, looking forward to this, especially with a name like INVIERNO XD
  13. Licio123

    I.... actually enjoyed NO OUT NO LIFE. Does that make me a bad person? XD
  14. YES! Razzle Dazzle was awesome, cant wait for this live...
  15. Licio123

    This. I actually enjoyed Loveless, so...
  16. Licio123

  17. Licio123

  18. Licio123

    Ore Imouto! Great, so cool.
  19. Licio123

    I got one last year, as I side effect, I got feverish and throat pain. But it only lasted that day =D
  20. Licio123

    I feel relieved, since it's SO MUCH better than 7th Rose, which was a total disapointment...
  21. Licio123

    Mao from SID, was really addicted to his clean voice thes past months
  22. Licio123

    Black Swan... maybe it will feature Natalie Portman? XD
  23. Licio123

    6:45 PM
  24. Licio123

    Sadie and Plastic Tree new albuns, what an amazing day XD
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