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  1. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to togz in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    I have suffered depression pretty much my whole adult life, so I completely understand that it can be overwhelming in itself to even feel depression... especially when you first realize you have it because you kind of feel at a loss on where to start to make yourself feel better. On top of that, you close yourself off and don't really have the motivation for things anymore which sort of drive you downward even more. 
    For some people depression can be a temporary thing caused by stress, lack of mental stimulation, lack of direction, and just generally feeling lost.
    For me I felt that I had too many options on what I wanted to do with my life and I chose to scrape by doing what I felt was correct based on other peoples thoughts. Don't do that. You really have to find it in yourself to live your life the way you want. All the people, including parents, will tell you it's not a good idea or it's not possible, but you have to understand that everyones outcome in life is different regardless if you follow the same path that worked for them. I'm not sure how big of a role your parents play in your educational choices... but in the end no matter what, you're the only one who truly has to live with them. 
    People will try to talk you out of it or bring you down until you've put in the work and you're actually successful and happy in their book, then suddenly they'll jump on the hype wagon in bragging about you and supporting you morally. 
    I agree, if there is counseling available to you, do not let that slide by. There is nothing wrong with feeling lost. What you're feeling is your minds way to let you know something has gotta change. Plus seeking counseling is getting the perspective of an unbiased person. They take things at face value, or they just listen and help you decide for yourself what you need to do. Catch it early while you can before you dig yourself too deep. It gets a lot harder to motivate yourself to seek help once you become... "used" to the way things have become. 
    You asked how other people may have handled depression. I personally bottled everything up, shut my friends out, lost my friends, gave up on a lot of dreams, and set myself back from where I wanted to be so far that I pretty much had to reevaluate my life and come up with a new game plan. Even now some days are still hard and it's been a long time coming. Don't take the long route out of this. Talk to someone. Surround yourself with positive people who genuinely want to better themselves thus motivating you and holding you accountable to better yourself too. While relating to someone else who has depression can be a short term relief... in the long run, unless you are actively trying to change for the better, can turn really toxic really fast and actually prevent either of you from moving past things if you're the only company each other has. 
    If you want to do music, start off by going to local shows and surround yourself with people and things that make you remember why you're so passionate about it. Gradually you'll start associating with people who feel the same way or are already established in the scene. 
    I think the first step would be to talk to someone though to help redirect yourself. You may have some big decisions ahead about new directions etc and while it's hard in the moment it will make you that much stronger in the long run and you will be so much happier later on. 
    Sorry this was so long and I hope it helped. If you ever just need to vent to anyone... I'm all ears to listen.
  2. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to evenor in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    If you have the resources, try to speak with a counselor. If you are still attending university, they might have free mental health services.
  3. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to BrenGun in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    First question? How old are you? If you are below 25th years, think about what might be fun is to learn and start a new education. 
    Or if you finished graphic design and you didn't pass that age, maybe start new?
    Of course if you are older and you have still money and time you also can start to learn something new. 
    You already know the reason why you are feeling depressed, so with knowing why you can find solutions to fix that "dark web".
    Do what you think is fun, do what you want.
    And love... pretty sure there will be someone on your path again. 
    Keep on smiling~
    However music can give you a happy feeling but being around with friends is also a good thing.
    And if you really are about losing yourself you better can see a doctor who can guide  other ways to drag you out of the dark bubble.  
  4. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Reiko in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hi there people, it's been ages since I've been on this website. I've been a member for a really long time (maybe a few of you might remember me), but during the last two years or so I started having depression, and this made me become less and less socially active here, on facebook, etc, and even irl. The only people with whom I was interacting with were my friends at university and my girlfriend (who's in the same group of friends as I). It wasn't bad depression as in I wanted to off myself, but it was bad enough to suck a LOT of my positivity and joy of living, which caused me to slowly closing myself in my cocoon, become pessimistic and unmotivated. And last year it also made my relationship with my girlfriend deteriorate.
    I tried to pinpoint what caused this depression and i think it was partly because of university. What I'm studying there feels completely bland to me. I'm studying graphic design and it has it's interesting moments, but a lot of it is bloated with repetitive and numbing tasks/assignments. And the other part is since I'm doing something I'm not passionate about, I started feeling really scared and stressed about my future.  Recently, before the new year I started to try and pick myself up. I realised that if I continued down this road I would be a speck of who I was, and I don't want to "lose myself" (so cliche omfg sorry).
    I started to try and think more positively and try to make something out of this negativity. I started to exercise, and picking up songwriting, since music is really what I'm passionate about, and I want to work towards it, even though I still have to deal with graphic design and I probably won't be able to make a living out of music if I don't plan things properly, and actually write regularly. Even though I may not make a living with music, I still want to try my best, and if it doesn't work, at least I tried and I can still keep it as a hobby.
    I'd like to know, if anyone ever experienced depression here, however light or heavy it was, how did you get out of it? How did you cope with it?
    Also sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.
  5. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from doombox in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hi there people, it's been ages since I've been on this website. I've been a member for a really long time (maybe a few of you might remember me), but during the last two years or so I started having depression, and this made me become less and less socially active here, on facebook, etc, and even irl. The only people with whom I was interacting with were my friends at university and my girlfriend (who's in the same group of friends as I). It wasn't bad depression as in I wanted to off myself, but it was bad enough to suck a LOT of my positivity and joy of living, which caused me to slowly closing myself in my cocoon, become pessimistic and unmotivated. And last year it also made my relationship with my girlfriend deteriorate.
    I tried to pinpoint what caused this depression and i think it was partly because of university. What I'm studying there feels completely bland to me. I'm studying graphic design and it has it's interesting moments, but a lot of it is bloated with repetitive and numbing tasks/assignments. And the other part is since I'm doing something I'm not passionate about, I started feeling really scared and stressed about my future.  Recently, before the new year I started to try and pick myself up. I realised that if I continued down this road I would be a speck of who I was, and I don't want to "lose myself" (so cliche omfg sorry).
    I started to try and think more positively and try to make something out of this negativity. I started to exercise, and picking up songwriting, since music is really what I'm passionate about, and I want to work towards it, even though I still have to deal with graphic design and I probably won't be able to make a living out of music if I don't plan things properly, and actually write regularly. Even though I may not make a living with music, I still want to try my best, and if it doesn't work, at least I tried and I can still keep it as a hobby.
    I'd like to know, if anyone ever experienced depression here, however light or heavy it was, how did you get out of it? How did you cope with it?
    Also sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.
  6. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from platy in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hi there people, it's been ages since I've been on this website. I've been a member for a really long time (maybe a few of you might remember me), but during the last two years or so I started having depression, and this made me become less and less socially active here, on facebook, etc, and even irl. The only people with whom I was interacting with were my friends at university and my girlfriend (who's in the same group of friends as I). It wasn't bad depression as in I wanted to off myself, but it was bad enough to suck a LOT of my positivity and joy of living, which caused me to slowly closing myself in my cocoon, become pessimistic and unmotivated. And last year it also made my relationship with my girlfriend deteriorate.
    I tried to pinpoint what caused this depression and i think it was partly because of university. What I'm studying there feels completely bland to me. I'm studying graphic design and it has it's interesting moments, but a lot of it is bloated with repetitive and numbing tasks/assignments. And the other part is since I'm doing something I'm not passionate about, I started feeling really scared and stressed about my future.  Recently, before the new year I started to try and pick myself up. I realised that if I continued down this road I would be a speck of who I was, and I don't want to "lose myself" (so cliche omfg sorry).
    I started to try and think more positively and try to make something out of this negativity. I started to exercise, and picking up songwriting, since music is really what I'm passionate about, and I want to work towards it, even though I still have to deal with graphic design and I probably won't be able to make a living out of music if I don't plan things properly, and actually write regularly. Even though I may not make a living with music, I still want to try my best, and if it doesn't work, at least I tried and I can still keep it as a hobby.
    I'd like to know, if anyone ever experienced depression here, however light or heavy it was, how did you get out of it? How did you cope with it?
    Also sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.
  7. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from gekiai in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    Alright alright alright, hello people.
    It's been quite a long time since I last posted here.
    What happened is, I lost my best friend and I had quite a depression during these past few months. We have been friends for a bit more than 3 years, she's a year older than me, and ever the beginning of 2015, I started to go at the same university as her. We became a lot closer thanks to that, and everything was going really well. She's doing Business & Finance, and I'm doing Graphic Design. The thing is that every courses there have exams except for Graphic Design, where the exams are replaced by a shit ton of additional assignments. So as the semester went on, I would get busier and busier, and I explained that to her. For my first two semester in 2015, it went good, I was able to work(except for the last weeks where I had 5 assignments to give back, weeks of sleepless nights), I was able to keep time for her and for my new friends.
    During the holidays in December, a friend from my class and I started dating, and she eventually became my girlfriend. I told my best friend(let's call her Sara) about it, she seemed upset at first, but then congratulated me and then said that she couldn't wait to meet her. I thought she was upset cuz she wanted us to date, but I did propose her before and she said that she'd rather stay friends.
    They met a few times when we were with a group of friends, and everything went okay. They weren't able to get really close though, cuz Sara is someone who's very high maintenance(and also takes friendship REALLY seriously, Fairy Tail level), and my girlfriend didn't really want to become close with someone like that, but she was absolutely okay with me hanging out with Sara, cuz well, she was my best friend. So it all went okay, until university resumed at the beginning of this year. There was an anime convention at another university close by, Sara and I were invited to perform there (me: singing, her: dancing, and other stuffs if she felt like it). Unfortunately because of the huge workload that I got at the beginning of the semester, I had to refuse, but she accepted to perform there, and I was happy for her.
    Sara told me that she was going to do a "senpai - kouhai" sketch, and asked me to help her prepare the script. I told her that I would help her whenever I had the time for sure, because I had a lot of work to do. I was helping her, while trying to keep a grip on my work. Then a few weeks later, she asked to come at the university early(8am) for 2 days, and I told her that I'd come, but only if I'm able to complete most of my work. Sara put a lot of pressure on me, like, a WHOLE lot of pressure, coming near to emotional blackmail. In the end, I did not go, as I still had quite a few assignments to finish, and with her putting even more pressure on me, I nearly snapped. The thing is, something in the past happened to me that now, a real big excess of stress can cause me to snap... I never told her about that, cuz that's a really dark part of my past that I'd rather forget(this story will be for another time), but was unable to. I thought that it was now time to tell her everything, because I know that in the future there would be moments when she'd keep putting pressure on me, and that I would actually snap for real.
    So after my submissions, I decided to tell her everything... and tbh, it felt good to finally let everything out. She was the first person to whom I ever revealed this part of my past. She was really understanding after I told her everything... but after 3 days, she started going back to putting pressure for me to meet her. And this time, this wasn't for one or two days, she wanted to meet me everyday, every free moments that I had, before classes, after classes. When she saw my girlfriend and I, she'd come and butt in between, ask us to not hold hands, etc in front of her. After a few weeks of that, I had enough and decided to tell her that I needed my alone time, time with my girlfriend, and time with my other friends.
    But before I was able to talk to her about it, she asked me if my girlfriend didn't like her. I had a talk with my girlfriend, and she told me that she thought Sara was a good person, and the only thing she disliked was Sara's overpossessive and clingy manners. I was honest with Sara and told her what my girlfriend thought, being precise about the part where she ONLY disliked her clingy ways, and nothing else. And before I could say anything about me needing time for myself, she told me that she's tired of that(her old best friend's girlfriend didn't like Sara, and he decided to stop talking to her because of his girlfriend), and that no matter what she does, she just feels that we're drifting away, and so on. I told her again that my girlfriend didn't mind at all that Sara and I stayed friends, it wasn't because of one thing that she didn't like that she'd prevent us from staying friends. Sara didn't want to hear any of it, and then decided to end our friendship. I told her that we could end it on good terms at least, she said okay and went away.
    I fell into depression... and after 5 months, I was able to get back on my feet, thanks to my girlfriend, friends from my class, and mutual friends I had with Sara. I started to get better. But then around 3-4 weeks ago, I got to know from a mutual friend that Sara was talking shit behind my back, that she was putting the end of our friendship on my back, saying that it was all my fault, saying that she made every efforts and that I nothing... She said that she wanted to "hurt" me, and tried to use several our friends to trick me and invite me to their place, and she would be there to "trap" me. She even used a friend to try to send me emotional blackmail. Fucking emotional blackmail. But luckily, they all came clean to me, telling me what Sara was planning. Even two days ago, Sara tried to manipulate a good friend of mine to trap me, but it failed. At least I know there are some friends I can trust
    After this, I felt so stupid that I fell into depression because of someone like her, and that I am now better off without her. I am now so fucking over her. I have a happy life with my girlfriend and with all my friends, I don't need any of her bullshit in my life.
    And woah... as I am typing this part, she just sent me a message on Facebook: "Sup nigga? ~w~"
    I can't even-
    Anyway, yeah that's the story. Sorry for the absurdly long post, but this is the only place where I feel can really share this.
  8. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to Zeus in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    You need to change your title to "How I Found My Best Friend". Your girlfriend is a champ. She has a good nose for crazy girls, let you work out your personal and emotional issues, and is still there for you regardless even 5 months later. Don't let her go.

    If I were you, I would not be friends with this Sara person. You've mentioned several other people that don't like this person? And pressure, emotional manipulation, extreme possessiveness, and black mail? And your friends told you she was talking shit behind your back? This girl is a nightmare and the best thing she ever did for you was to refuse to date you. You do not need this kind of person in your life. Don't just ignore her; make it your prime directive to not talk to this person at all. Cut her off, lose her number, block her on social media...this kind of person will only ruin your life, your relationships and your self-esteem. But I think you know this already.
    Congrats on making it out of your quagmire of confusing feelings.
  9. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Aferni in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    Alright alright alright, hello people.
    It's been quite a long time since I last posted here.
    What happened is, I lost my best friend and I had quite a depression during these past few months. We have been friends for a bit more than 3 years, she's a year older than me, and ever the beginning of 2015, I started to go at the same university as her. We became a lot closer thanks to that, and everything was going really well. She's doing Business & Finance, and I'm doing Graphic Design. The thing is that every courses there have exams except for Graphic Design, where the exams are replaced by a shit ton of additional assignments. So as the semester went on, I would get busier and busier, and I explained that to her. For my first two semester in 2015, it went good, I was able to work(except for the last weeks where I had 5 assignments to give back, weeks of sleepless nights), I was able to keep time for her and for my new friends.
    During the holidays in December, a friend from my class and I started dating, and she eventually became my girlfriend. I told my best friend(let's call her Sara) about it, she seemed upset at first, but then congratulated me and then said that she couldn't wait to meet her. I thought she was upset cuz she wanted us to date, but I did propose her before and she said that she'd rather stay friends.
    They met a few times when we were with a group of friends, and everything went okay. They weren't able to get really close though, cuz Sara is someone who's very high maintenance(and also takes friendship REALLY seriously, Fairy Tail level), and my girlfriend didn't really want to become close with someone like that, but she was absolutely okay with me hanging out with Sara, cuz well, she was my best friend. So it all went okay, until university resumed at the beginning of this year. There was an anime convention at another university close by, Sara and I were invited to perform there (me: singing, her: dancing, and other stuffs if she felt like it). Unfortunately because of the huge workload that I got at the beginning of the semester, I had to refuse, but she accepted to perform there, and I was happy for her.
    Sara told me that she was going to do a "senpai - kouhai" sketch, and asked me to help her prepare the script. I told her that I would help her whenever I had the time for sure, because I had a lot of work to do. I was helping her, while trying to keep a grip on my work. Then a few weeks later, she asked to come at the university early(8am) for 2 days, and I told her that I'd come, but only if I'm able to complete most of my work. Sara put a lot of pressure on me, like, a WHOLE lot of pressure, coming near to emotional blackmail. In the end, I did not go, as I still had quite a few assignments to finish, and with her putting even more pressure on me, I nearly snapped. The thing is, something in the past happened to me that now, a real big excess of stress can cause me to snap... I never told her about that, cuz that's a really dark part of my past that I'd rather forget(this story will be for another time), but was unable to. I thought that it was now time to tell her everything, because I know that in the future there would be moments when she'd keep putting pressure on me, and that I would actually snap for real.
    So after my submissions, I decided to tell her everything... and tbh, it felt good to finally let everything out. She was the first person to whom I ever revealed this part of my past. She was really understanding after I told her everything... but after 3 days, she started going back to putting pressure for me to meet her. And this time, this wasn't for one or two days, she wanted to meet me everyday, every free moments that I had, before classes, after classes. When she saw my girlfriend and I, she'd come and butt in between, ask us to not hold hands, etc in front of her. After a few weeks of that, I had enough and decided to tell her that I needed my alone time, time with my girlfriend, and time with my other friends.
    But before I was able to talk to her about it, she asked me if my girlfriend didn't like her. I had a talk with my girlfriend, and she told me that she thought Sara was a good person, and the only thing she disliked was Sara's overpossessive and clingy manners. I was honest with Sara and told her what my girlfriend thought, being precise about the part where she ONLY disliked her clingy ways, and nothing else. And before I could say anything about me needing time for myself, she told me that she's tired of that(her old best friend's girlfriend didn't like Sara, and he decided to stop talking to her because of his girlfriend), and that no matter what she does, she just feels that we're drifting away, and so on. I told her again that my girlfriend didn't mind at all that Sara and I stayed friends, it wasn't because of one thing that she didn't like that she'd prevent us from staying friends. Sara didn't want to hear any of it, and then decided to end our friendship. I told her that we could end it on good terms at least, she said okay and went away.
    I fell into depression... and after 5 months, I was able to get back on my feet, thanks to my girlfriend, friends from my class, and mutual friends I had with Sara. I started to get better. But then around 3-4 weeks ago, I got to know from a mutual friend that Sara was talking shit behind my back, that she was putting the end of our friendship on my back, saying that it was all my fault, saying that she made every efforts and that I nothing... She said that she wanted to "hurt" me, and tried to use several our friends to trick me and invite me to their place, and she would be there to "trap" me. She even used a friend to try to send me emotional blackmail. Fucking emotional blackmail. But luckily, they all came clean to me, telling me what Sara was planning. Even two days ago, Sara tried to manipulate a good friend of mine to trap me, but it failed. At least I know there are some friends I can trust
    After this, I felt so stupid that I fell into depression because of someone like her, and that I am now better off without her. I am now so fucking over her. I have a happy life with my girlfriend and with all my friends, I don't need any of her bullshit in my life.
    And woah... as I am typing this part, she just sent me a message on Facebook: "Sup nigga? ~w~"
    I can't even-
    Anyway, yeah that's the story. Sorry for the absurdly long post, but this is the only place where I feel can really share this.
  10. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Shir0 in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    Alright alright alright, hello people.
    It's been quite a long time since I last posted here.
    What happened is, I lost my best friend and I had quite a depression during these past few months. We have been friends for a bit more than 3 years, she's a year older than me, and ever the beginning of 2015, I started to go at the same university as her. We became a lot closer thanks to that, and everything was going really well. She's doing Business & Finance, and I'm doing Graphic Design. The thing is that every courses there have exams except for Graphic Design, where the exams are replaced by a shit ton of additional assignments. So as the semester went on, I would get busier and busier, and I explained that to her. For my first two semester in 2015, it went good, I was able to work(except for the last weeks where I had 5 assignments to give back, weeks of sleepless nights), I was able to keep time for her and for my new friends.
    During the holidays in December, a friend from my class and I started dating, and she eventually became my girlfriend. I told my best friend(let's call her Sara) about it, she seemed upset at first, but then congratulated me and then said that she couldn't wait to meet her. I thought she was upset cuz she wanted us to date, but I did propose her before and she said that she'd rather stay friends.
    They met a few times when we were with a group of friends, and everything went okay. They weren't able to get really close though, cuz Sara is someone who's very high maintenance(and also takes friendship REALLY seriously, Fairy Tail level), and my girlfriend didn't really want to become close with someone like that, but she was absolutely okay with me hanging out with Sara, cuz well, she was my best friend. So it all went okay, until university resumed at the beginning of this year. There was an anime convention at another university close by, Sara and I were invited to perform there (me: singing, her: dancing, and other stuffs if she felt like it). Unfortunately because of the huge workload that I got at the beginning of the semester, I had to refuse, but she accepted to perform there, and I was happy for her.
    Sara told me that she was going to do a "senpai - kouhai" sketch, and asked me to help her prepare the script. I told her that I would help her whenever I had the time for sure, because I had a lot of work to do. I was helping her, while trying to keep a grip on my work. Then a few weeks later, she asked to come at the university early(8am) for 2 days, and I told her that I'd come, but only if I'm able to complete most of my work. Sara put a lot of pressure on me, like, a WHOLE lot of pressure, coming near to emotional blackmail. In the end, I did not go, as I still had quite a few assignments to finish, and with her putting even more pressure on me, I nearly snapped. The thing is, something in the past happened to me that now, a real big excess of stress can cause me to snap... I never told her about that, cuz that's a really dark part of my past that I'd rather forget(this story will be for another time), but was unable to. I thought that it was now time to tell her everything, because I know that in the future there would be moments when she'd keep putting pressure on me, and that I would actually snap for real.
    So after my submissions, I decided to tell her everything... and tbh, it felt good to finally let everything out. She was the first person to whom I ever revealed this part of my past. She was really understanding after I told her everything... but after 3 days, she started going back to putting pressure for me to meet her. And this time, this wasn't for one or two days, she wanted to meet me everyday, every free moments that I had, before classes, after classes. When she saw my girlfriend and I, she'd come and butt in between, ask us to not hold hands, etc in front of her. After a few weeks of that, I had enough and decided to tell her that I needed my alone time, time with my girlfriend, and time with my other friends.
    But before I was able to talk to her about it, she asked me if my girlfriend didn't like her. I had a talk with my girlfriend, and she told me that she thought Sara was a good person, and the only thing she disliked was Sara's overpossessive and clingy manners. I was honest with Sara and told her what my girlfriend thought, being precise about the part where she ONLY disliked her clingy ways, and nothing else. And before I could say anything about me needing time for myself, she told me that she's tired of that(her old best friend's girlfriend didn't like Sara, and he decided to stop talking to her because of his girlfriend), and that no matter what she does, she just feels that we're drifting away, and so on. I told her again that my girlfriend didn't mind at all that Sara and I stayed friends, it wasn't because of one thing that she didn't like that she'd prevent us from staying friends. Sara didn't want to hear any of it, and then decided to end our friendship. I told her that we could end it on good terms at least, she said okay and went away.
    I fell into depression... and after 5 months, I was able to get back on my feet, thanks to my girlfriend, friends from my class, and mutual friends I had with Sara. I started to get better. But then around 3-4 weeks ago, I got to know from a mutual friend that Sara was talking shit behind my back, that she was putting the end of our friendship on my back, saying that it was all my fault, saying that she made every efforts and that I nothing... She said that she wanted to "hurt" me, and tried to use several our friends to trick me and invite me to their place, and she would be there to "trap" me. She even used a friend to try to send me emotional blackmail. Fucking emotional blackmail. But luckily, they all came clean to me, telling me what Sara was planning. Even two days ago, Sara tried to manipulate a good friend of mine to trap me, but it failed. At least I know there are some friends I can trust
    After this, I felt so stupid that I fell into depression because of someone like her, and that I am now better off without her. I am now so fucking over her. I have a happy life with my girlfriend and with all my friends, I don't need any of her bullshit in my life.
    And woah... as I am typing this part, she just sent me a message on Facebook: "Sup nigga? ~w~"
    I can't even-
    Anyway, yeah that's the story. Sorry for the absurdly long post, but this is the only place where I feel can really share this.
  11. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from CELESTIAL CIEL in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    Alright alright alright, hello people.
    It's been quite a long time since I last posted here.
    What happened is, I lost my best friend and I had quite a depression during these past few months. We have been friends for a bit more than 3 years, she's a year older than me, and ever the beginning of 2015, I started to go at the same university as her. We became a lot closer thanks to that, and everything was going really well. She's doing Business & Finance, and I'm doing Graphic Design. The thing is that every courses there have exams except for Graphic Design, where the exams are replaced by a shit ton of additional assignments. So as the semester went on, I would get busier and busier, and I explained that to her. For my first two semester in 2015, it went good, I was able to work(except for the last weeks where I had 5 assignments to give back, weeks of sleepless nights), I was able to keep time for her and for my new friends.
    During the holidays in December, a friend from my class and I started dating, and she eventually became my girlfriend. I told my best friend(let's call her Sara) about it, she seemed upset at first, but then congratulated me and then said that she couldn't wait to meet her. I thought she was upset cuz she wanted us to date, but I did propose her before and she said that she'd rather stay friends.
    They met a few times when we were with a group of friends, and everything went okay. They weren't able to get really close though, cuz Sara is someone who's very high maintenance(and also takes friendship REALLY seriously, Fairy Tail level), and my girlfriend didn't really want to become close with someone like that, but she was absolutely okay with me hanging out with Sara, cuz well, she was my best friend. So it all went okay, until university resumed at the beginning of this year. There was an anime convention at another university close by, Sara and I were invited to perform there (me: singing, her: dancing, and other stuffs if she felt like it). Unfortunately because of the huge workload that I got at the beginning of the semester, I had to refuse, but she accepted to perform there, and I was happy for her.
    Sara told me that she was going to do a "senpai - kouhai" sketch, and asked me to help her prepare the script. I told her that I would help her whenever I had the time for sure, because I had a lot of work to do. I was helping her, while trying to keep a grip on my work. Then a few weeks later, she asked to come at the university early(8am) for 2 days, and I told her that I'd come, but only if I'm able to complete most of my work. Sara put a lot of pressure on me, like, a WHOLE lot of pressure, coming near to emotional blackmail. In the end, I did not go, as I still had quite a few assignments to finish, and with her putting even more pressure on me, I nearly snapped. The thing is, something in the past happened to me that now, a real big excess of stress can cause me to snap... I never told her about that, cuz that's a really dark part of my past that I'd rather forget(this story will be for another time), but was unable to. I thought that it was now time to tell her everything, because I know that in the future there would be moments when she'd keep putting pressure on me, and that I would actually snap for real.
    So after my submissions, I decided to tell her everything... and tbh, it felt good to finally let everything out. She was the first person to whom I ever revealed this part of my past. She was really understanding after I told her everything... but after 3 days, she started going back to putting pressure for me to meet her. And this time, this wasn't for one or two days, she wanted to meet me everyday, every free moments that I had, before classes, after classes. When she saw my girlfriend and I, she'd come and butt in between, ask us to not hold hands, etc in front of her. After a few weeks of that, I had enough and decided to tell her that I needed my alone time, time with my girlfriend, and time with my other friends.
    But before I was able to talk to her about it, she asked me if my girlfriend didn't like her. I had a talk with my girlfriend, and she told me that she thought Sara was a good person, and the only thing she disliked was Sara's overpossessive and clingy manners. I was honest with Sara and told her what my girlfriend thought, being precise about the part where she ONLY disliked her clingy ways, and nothing else. And before I could say anything about me needing time for myself, she told me that she's tired of that(her old best friend's girlfriend didn't like Sara, and he decided to stop talking to her because of his girlfriend), and that no matter what she does, she just feels that we're drifting away, and so on. I told her again that my girlfriend didn't mind at all that Sara and I stayed friends, it wasn't because of one thing that she didn't like that she'd prevent us from staying friends. Sara didn't want to hear any of it, and then decided to end our friendship. I told her that we could end it on good terms at least, she said okay and went away.
    I fell into depression... and after 5 months, I was able to get back on my feet, thanks to my girlfriend, friends from my class, and mutual friends I had with Sara. I started to get better. But then around 3-4 weeks ago, I got to know from a mutual friend that Sara was talking shit behind my back, that she was putting the end of our friendship on my back, saying that it was all my fault, saying that she made every efforts and that I nothing... She said that she wanted to "hurt" me, and tried to use several our friends to trick me and invite me to their place, and she would be there to "trap" me. She even used a friend to try to send me emotional blackmail. Fucking emotional blackmail. But luckily, they all came clean to me, telling me what Sara was planning. Even two days ago, Sara tried to manipulate a good friend of mine to trap me, but it failed. At least I know there are some friends I can trust
    After this, I felt so stupid that I fell into depression because of someone like her, and that I am now better off without her. I am now so fucking over her. I have a happy life with my girlfriend and with all my friends, I don't need any of her bullshit in my life.
    And woah... as I am typing this part, she just sent me a message on Facebook: "Sup nigga? ~w~"
    I can't even-
    Anyway, yeah that's the story. Sorry for the absurdly long post, but this is the only place where I feel can really share this.
  12. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Zeus in How I lost my best friend (semi-rant)   
    Alright alright alright, hello people.
    It's been quite a long time since I last posted here.
    What happened is, I lost my best friend and I had quite a depression during these past few months. We have been friends for a bit more than 3 years, she's a year older than me, and ever the beginning of 2015, I started to go at the same university as her. We became a lot closer thanks to that, and everything was going really well. She's doing Business & Finance, and I'm doing Graphic Design. The thing is that every courses there have exams except for Graphic Design, where the exams are replaced by a shit ton of additional assignments. So as the semester went on, I would get busier and busier, and I explained that to her. For my first two semester in 2015, it went good, I was able to work(except for the last weeks where I had 5 assignments to give back, weeks of sleepless nights), I was able to keep time for her and for my new friends.
    During the holidays in December, a friend from my class and I started dating, and she eventually became my girlfriend. I told my best friend(let's call her Sara) about it, she seemed upset at first, but then congratulated me and then said that she couldn't wait to meet her. I thought she was upset cuz she wanted us to date, but I did propose her before and she said that she'd rather stay friends.
    They met a few times when we were with a group of friends, and everything went okay. They weren't able to get really close though, cuz Sara is someone who's very high maintenance(and also takes friendship REALLY seriously, Fairy Tail level), and my girlfriend didn't really want to become close with someone like that, but she was absolutely okay with me hanging out with Sara, cuz well, she was my best friend. So it all went okay, until university resumed at the beginning of this year. There was an anime convention at another university close by, Sara and I were invited to perform there (me: singing, her: dancing, and other stuffs if she felt like it). Unfortunately because of the huge workload that I got at the beginning of the semester, I had to refuse, but she accepted to perform there, and I was happy for her.
    Sara told me that she was going to do a "senpai - kouhai" sketch, and asked me to help her prepare the script. I told her that I would help her whenever I had the time for sure, because I had a lot of work to do. I was helping her, while trying to keep a grip on my work. Then a few weeks later, she asked to come at the university early(8am) for 2 days, and I told her that I'd come, but only if I'm able to complete most of my work. Sara put a lot of pressure on me, like, a WHOLE lot of pressure, coming near to emotional blackmail. In the end, I did not go, as I still had quite a few assignments to finish, and with her putting even more pressure on me, I nearly snapped. The thing is, something in the past happened to me that now, a real big excess of stress can cause me to snap... I never told her about that, cuz that's a really dark part of my past that I'd rather forget(this story will be for another time), but was unable to. I thought that it was now time to tell her everything, because I know that in the future there would be moments when she'd keep putting pressure on me, and that I would actually snap for real.
    So after my submissions, I decided to tell her everything... and tbh, it felt good to finally let everything out. She was the first person to whom I ever revealed this part of my past. She was really understanding after I told her everything... but after 3 days, she started going back to putting pressure for me to meet her. And this time, this wasn't for one or two days, she wanted to meet me everyday, every free moments that I had, before classes, after classes. When she saw my girlfriend and I, she'd come and butt in between, ask us to not hold hands, etc in front of her. After a few weeks of that, I had enough and decided to tell her that I needed my alone time, time with my girlfriend, and time with my other friends.
    But before I was able to talk to her about it, she asked me if my girlfriend didn't like her. I had a talk with my girlfriend, and she told me that she thought Sara was a good person, and the only thing she disliked was Sara's overpossessive and clingy manners. I was honest with Sara and told her what my girlfriend thought, being precise about the part where she ONLY disliked her clingy ways, and nothing else. And before I could say anything about me needing time for myself, she told me that she's tired of that(her old best friend's girlfriend didn't like Sara, and he decided to stop talking to her because of his girlfriend), and that no matter what she does, she just feels that we're drifting away, and so on. I told her again that my girlfriend didn't mind at all that Sara and I stayed friends, it wasn't because of one thing that she didn't like that she'd prevent us from staying friends. Sara didn't want to hear any of it, and then decided to end our friendship. I told her that we could end it on good terms at least, she said okay and went away.
    I fell into depression... and after 5 months, I was able to get back on my feet, thanks to my girlfriend, friends from my class, and mutual friends I had with Sara. I started to get better. But then around 3-4 weeks ago, I got to know from a mutual friend that Sara was talking shit behind my back, that she was putting the end of our friendship on my back, saying that it was all my fault, saying that she made every efforts and that I nothing... She said that she wanted to "hurt" me, and tried to use several our friends to trick me and invite me to their place, and she would be there to "trap" me. She even used a friend to try to send me emotional blackmail. Fucking emotional blackmail. But luckily, they all came clean to me, telling me what Sara was planning. Even two days ago, Sara tried to manipulate a good friend of mine to trap me, but it failed. At least I know there are some friends I can trust
    After this, I felt so stupid that I fell into depression because of someone like her, and that I am now better off without her. I am now so fucking over her. I have a happy life with my girlfriend and with all my friends, I don't need any of her bullshit in my life.
    And woah... as I am typing this part, she just sent me a message on Facebook: "Sup nigga? ~w~"
    I can't even-
    Anyway, yeah that's the story. Sorry for the absurdly long post, but this is the only place where I feel can really share this.
  13. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to beni in MH FEATURED POLL #37: How much do you love Monochrome Heaven?   
    Poll suggested by: the always almighty @Zeus! How much do you love Monochrome Heaven?

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  14. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to Kaleidoscope in Closer To Ideal (New Band)   
    Hey guys, we finished another song via homerecording and I thought I might share it again. We tried to improve some of the points that were criticised before, which for me was mainly emotion - hope you can hear the difference, would appreciate any feedback

  15. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #34: Who are your favorite MH Staff members? [2]   
    Multiple choice poll. For the lolz. [2]. We did this poll almost exactly a year ago today, but the staff has changed quite a bit since then!

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to Biopanda in MH FEATURED POLL #34: Who are your favorite MH Staff members? [2]   
    Hmm... doesn't look like I'm on the list, but my group says I'm staff. This poll is rigged :<
  18. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted in While She Sleeps   
    I knew it that I should have written more... I never have been very good with expressing myself, but still I want to have an opinion about a certain, so this is why I want to practice it, so thank you very much for the advices, and sorry for this not very mature comment of mine :/ I will try to explain myself better:
    1. I never said he is a bad screamer, I only am not digging his screams that much as I do dig other screams like for example Winston's from Parkway Drive (sorry, I am just somebody who needs comparisons to describe anything... ), for my taste, I think they could be a bit thicker and more powerful... like I said I need to improve my way of expression, otherwise I will always sound like a stubborn little child x.x
    2. I have to agree with you on the point with the cliche clean vocals in metalcore nowadays, there are way too many of them indeed... though we can't just look over the few expections, like for example (sorry, another comparison...) Architects (Sam may sometimes use this "cliche" clean vocals we're talking about, but he also his unique cleans which sound like a mix of screams and cleans, which I really dig, for example in Naysayer or Youth Is Wasted On The Young) or Breakdown Of Sanity (I just really like how they place the clean vocal passages in their songs, they never write in this typical song structure, and these short clean vocal passage give the song some kind of edge)...
    3. well I kinda guessed that this comment will make problems... the thing is that Parkway Drive is probably the first Metalcoreband I listened to which mainly breaks away from this typical song structure, so this is why I always tend to compare everything with Parkway, so therefore I really should be sorry for this statement... but now that you mention it, I wanted to point out that I think that WSS has some cool riffs and leads indeed!
    4. yup I know, sorry for this immature comment again...
    again I'm very sorry, if you have other tips and advices how to make constructive criticism, then I'm looking forward to hear then.
  19. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to Greyen in While She Sleeps   
    I'm going to add that I was very impressed with Loz's vocal performance on Brainwashed given the fact that he was still recovering from that throat surgery he had while recording it.
  20. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from doombox in While She Sleeps   
    lynchisizer, bruh look, no one is blaming you for having an opinion. Everyone view things differently, so clashes in opinion is completely normal. Criticism is fine but ffs if you'll come in here to be like "Meh I don't like this band because of (insert trivial reason here)", then you'll just ruin the enjoyment for everyone. On the other hand, constructive criticism would make much more for a good discussion. Your arguments:
    -"If they would have a better screamer"
    Why don't you find him to be a good screamer? Ofc he's not the best, but he is WAY better than most of the metalcore/deathcore/hardcore scene combined. His screams are consistent and powerful(especially in their last album, he improved noticeably).
    -"real clean vocal passages"
    Those are gang vocals, not clean vocals, and they fit the music really well. Plus the anthemic gang vocals are really a fresh change from the cliche clean vocals which you can find in 98% of core music.
    -"try too hard to be Parkway Drive songwriting-wise"
    Now this...are you serious? Okay Parkway Drive do have their "gang vocals" moments but jfc WSS songwriting is SO different from Parkway Drive. I don't how or why you would find them similar. I've been listening to Parkway Drive for years, and I can tell you that While She Sleep's style much more melodic and diverse, especially their riffs. And oh, less chugging too.
    -"I stick to lynch.,  Architects & Parkway Drive \m/"
    Well good for you but there are other threads to show your preferences in music, this is a thread about WSS, so please stay on topic and don't fanboy/girl/gender on other bands here, this will just help piss people off.
    So yeah, if you got a constructive criticism/opinion it's cool, otherwise please keep it to yourself and don't ruin other people's enjoyment please. Ofc it's your right to post, but I think it's common courtesy to just move along if something doesn't match your taste.
  21. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Greyen in While She Sleeps   
    lynchisizer, bruh look, no one is blaming you for having an opinion. Everyone view things differently, so clashes in opinion is completely normal. Criticism is fine but ffs if you'll come in here to be like "Meh I don't like this band because of (insert trivial reason here)", then you'll just ruin the enjoyment for everyone. On the other hand, constructive criticism would make much more for a good discussion. Your arguments:
    -"If they would have a better screamer"
    Why don't you find him to be a good screamer? Ofc he's not the best, but he is WAY better than most of the metalcore/deathcore/hardcore scene combined. His screams are consistent and powerful(especially in their last album, he improved noticeably).
    -"real clean vocal passages"
    Those are gang vocals, not clean vocals, and they fit the music really well. Plus the anthemic gang vocals are really a fresh change from the cliche clean vocals which you can find in 98% of core music.
    -"try too hard to be Parkway Drive songwriting-wise"
    Now this...are you serious? Okay Parkway Drive do have their "gang vocals" moments but jfc WSS songwriting is SO different from Parkway Drive. I don't how or why you would find them similar. I've been listening to Parkway Drive for years, and I can tell you that While She Sleep's style much more melodic and diverse, especially their riffs. And oh, less chugging too.
    -"I stick to lynch.,  Architects & Parkway Drive \m/"
    Well good for you but there are other threads to show your preferences in music, this is a thread about WSS, so please stay on topic and don't fanboy/girl/gender on other bands here, this will just help piss people off.
    So yeah, if you got a constructive criticism/opinion it's cool, otherwise please keep it to yourself and don't ruin other people's enjoyment please. Ofc it's your right to post, but I think it's common courtesy to just move along if something doesn't match your taste.
  22. Like
    Kira_Uchiha got a reaction from Chi in Show Yourself (again)   
    Soooo had a presentation at uni today, even straightened mah curls for the occasion.
    Ofc I gotta show off a bit =w=
  23. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to doombox in While She Sleeps   
    It's the nature of the forum to discuss differences in opinions. It is what it is.
  24. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to doombox in While She Sleeps   
    It was meant to be funny, not an attack. It just means it was a matter of time before someone had to state a negative opinion in a thread that was positive up to that point. It literally ALWAYS happens here.
  25. Like
    Kira_Uchiha reacted to doombox in While She Sleeps   
    Of course there had to be one person that likes to pee in the cheerios.
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