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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezWGgzzxoSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IohXrjREgA
  2. Chi

    I recognize diawolf, novembers, sim, cnblue and 21 pilots love all of them! my 1st experience with 21 pilots was quite funny (and my friend's was the same). We watched their more pop-ish music videos, then we checked out the albums and went like "what...what the hell is happening??? what genre is this anymore??" lol They make good music tho SuG - LOVE SCREAM PARTY Spitz - 僕はきっと旅に出る Janne da Arc - Still FT Island - Please DIR EN GREY - 冷血なりせば YAPOOS - Love Bazooka Codomo Dragon - Gevaert Akiko Shikata - Buonanotte DEZERT - 「誤解」 BugLug - 芸術的思想家の片鱗 I'm picking BugLug's song because I am obsessed with every song from HBKY
  3. Chi

    such violence ;((
  4. this band is so cringey i love it
  5. i almost thought they were back from hiatus until i read the date lol at least they are assuring the fans they arent going to disappear for too long i wonder what ryouhei is gonna do in the meantime
  6. Chi

    Kuroyuri to kage - pedo.
  7. Chi

    Last test today fuck yeeeeesss
  8. Chi

    You missed the part where they launch the new design with barely any functionality and ignoring user feedback during its beta stage Its been 4months and we just got pic upload back. Voted for that Novembers pic, pho!!
  9. Chi

    This is a photoshopped PEN.
  10. as expected from kuroyuri to kage their other songs are pretty much the same level as this lol thanks for the translation!
  11. the superband dream is dead
  12. plz vote http://www.last.fm/music/%E5%B7%B1%E9%BE%8D/+images/6dc7aa171f7ba237386976dbefaa117e(the other one looks even worse with the round avatar) http://www.last.fm/music/MEJIBRAY/+images/254830684a199aac680a5bc52530d9c8 http://www.last.fm/music/%5BAlexandros%5D/+images/f4427a03636dccf71ca3402526440c99 http://www.last.fm/music/BugLug/+images/68b6b30f964784160c753228f5fc3eda http://www.last.fm/music/Sug/+images/d3b342bb7af8e7c71e734e96ef7d9a9e(if anyone can find one that looks better than this pls) http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%82%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%A2%E3%83%89%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B4%E3%83%B3/+images/1cd6ecfcbd6b8d826e29cc6d17ac8666 http://www.last.fm/music/Royz/+images/fab8176ba5a2548646b4dee0d01797c8 http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%82%A6%E3%82%BD%E3%83%84%E3%82%AD/+images/4890a9038992640e3511a7c3ef49e314 edit: para i cant vote for any of your pics..i click the thumbs up buttom and it goes "1" then back to 0. D:
  13. Chi

    holy shit yessssssss
  14. I will wait till i listen to the mini to give my final judgement but I do not like what I hear. I don't mind bits of auto tune here and there but seems that they used it 100% of their songs??? Why guys... Why do you do this to me. I was rooting for you :'( edit: red tide sounds ok but everything else..
  15. Grave of the Fireflies, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story ...I forgot about Peter Pan but i liked it too
  16. of course this thread had to be revived, my friend @CAT5 how long can everyone sleep on this band we cannot let this happen please look at hyouri being badass while singing tokusatsu songs this thread is never going to flop again, i promise you my comrades peace out p.s. naisu job on the 1st post, neko!!!
  17. Chi

    cat pointed this out the other day in chat but kobayashi and dark the novembers aka the piqnic are going to be playing here https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=739405696193769&id=346412282159781 pterodactyl noises
  18. Nice! I did listen to COHOL's Rigen and I enjoyed it, even though it's not the kind of music I'm used to. I'm bad with names but according to my lasfm I liked Chaos Ruler and Depressive lol
  19. Deadman is alright, but that's it.
  20. dat ayabie era ryouhei..good times :'(

    1. Chi


      Yeah. He was great in Ayabie. I think they would have been way greater if the lineup managed to stay together. I didn't listen to anything after he left though.

    2. eiheartx


      I agree. I can't complain much tho since I'm a megamasso fan. But I feel you, I hardly listen their pop music after Ryohei's departure. But I love Aoi's voice :/ I was so happy when they formed their unit. He was defo meant to sing into Ryohei's compos.

      I'm glad you share the same love as me for this era tho. <333

    3. Chi


      I was a super ryouhei fan as well so I just followed his work in Megamasso(aka reason why the only Cure magazine i own is this one https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVhAcpJXIAE_eMV.jpg lolol) and ignored Ayabie forever. I was so salty omg ;___;

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  21. Chi

    the prophet @Jigsaw9
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