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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    they call him kusomen for that? ive heard that already but not that he was getting shit for it...im thinking of guys with shitty behavior towards girls etc as kusomen though
  2. Chi

    i dont know if any of these are true, i wanna believe the one i quoted just for the lolz XD they have too many matching tattoos and etc so i believe they knew each other before i dont even remember why the girls on tanuki went sherlock holmes mode on him D: this thread is going way too off-topic but i really cant remember any more dudes that deserve kusomen status or whatever at the moment
  3. muh pelicanz <3 ;w; and ix-nine- YESSSS
  4. Chi

    wow what a guy...i hope other local bands become aware of him and dont believe his lies
  5. Chi

    hm..... i hope this will be good.. honestly i can understand adding singles to a full album but an EP...?? that's so
  6. i wanna see all of you on the dance floor in 5min thank you very much Ito, if u wanna twerk, just twerk, this is a no judgement zone my friend my bab e
  7. Chi

    just wanna add that the same girls who do this shit also pay these guys monthly to just have sex/go out with them so thats how vk guys get their money other than band merch lol i dont even care tzk's gf may have shitted on him i find the fact that he got banned from tanuki for creating threads about himself even funnier
  8. Chi

    idk, i see the word thrown around a lot but i was never able to see whats the line that separates those two. seems like these bangya have rules of their own. thats why a lot of these guys avoid fucking around with their fans. depending on what theyve done and how much backlash they receive it might affect the band[but i guess disbandment stuff depends if the company will tolerate it or not...like i said kuina is everyones favorite worst bandoman yet royz are still going].
  9. i saw that u lil bitch!! :'((( editing ur message and filling it with empty words :'(( my sinnamon ♥ damn how did you know thats what ive been craving :'( thanks!!!!♥ omg kelly you posted at the same as i did holy crap its a disco cat in space with pizza and coca-cola lets fucking GO
  10. HEY i dont have an intro post so i thought it would be appropriate to make one now hi im Chi, the koichi enthusiast, i live in the wild lands of Brazil i like a bunch of bands so please just go on http://last.fm/user/nine-headsto check out what ive been listening to my posts are 2/10 not even IGN would recommend me please celebrate w/ me and bring some food & beverages lets party
  11. Chi

    my dog whining
  12. Chi

    " i need to take a nap"
  13. Chi

    who am I to go against a God's wish? kuina is just well known for groping girls at instores and whispering creepy shit to them whenever someone asks about who is a kusomen in VK, kuina takes the crown 90% of the time subaru has all kinds of shit going against him like randomly messaging girls his dick pics looool and worse stuff but there is not enough proof supporting those so not worth talking dont want to get into yoshiatsu's mess because again i dont think there is enough proof but yeah BABY DRAMA
  14. Chi

    one of my dogs
  15. live report by BARKS (with pics) http://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000122811 setlist
  16. i'm not very crazy about the gallo but i actually liked this song.... kinda unexpected only that ending ruins the song for me, but overall i thought it was sweeeet
  17. jesusphobia is a pretty good song. pentagon seem to be doing well so i am looking forward to their new album! plus, hitorie and indigo la end never disappoint me vistlip... the album was nice but the song that did it for me this year was latest single's COLD CASE im checking out that horobi no bigaku band's youtube channel and they seem super interesting too
  18. Sounds decent. I would have to hear the whole thing to have a better opinion on these but I am especially looking forward to Good bye my world and track 11
  19. glad to see so many bands I like in that post!! damn now i feel like i need to check out that band with the super long name (btw you used hitorie's pics twice?)
  20. Chi

    ^ just yesterday i was watching the epic My Immortal dramatic reading (for the 987298327 time) and thought the same
  21. Chi

    royz kuina & subaru also recently yoshiatsu from dadaroma if u know what happened (he used to have a good reputation though) i second wataru
  22. I hope they live up to their name
  23. Chi

    Pelican fanclub - chilico
  24. Chi

    OO OWNED!!!!!!!!
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