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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Look at that man. His existence itself is hot.
  2. accept kyuso nekokami into your heart
  3. WELL, my dear CAT5, about releases... that question is very simple my fav releases would be saihate songs -> iggy pop to sanbika -> q&a - > doors although i have to invest more time on q&a and doors so this may change in the future about fav. songs... odoru rorschach is my anthem. the song of my people. my family and i pray to those lyrics every night. then there is matchmaker, swing, mercury, tomodachi, light my tokyo, 8 to yaku 1/2...i dont wanna list their entire discography here but thats pretty much it??? Hbu? peace out
  4. my salty ass is gonna post my salty thoughts here why.... i cant imagine why any of these guys would think autotune would be c00l so i am going to have to assume it is because Die can't sing if he can't sing then uhhhhhhh give the vocals to the guy who is a vocalist in his own band? ? i cant tell if the autotune is what is making me not like this whole thing bhut i am going back to the PV later to check that my fake ass is still waiting for a leak anyways finally,
  5. I saw the announcement for DGM yaayyyyy!!! I am excited!
  7. Chi

    gazette pre-filthy in the beauty is my shit so Sumire ALLL the way. my 10 songs
  8. Chi

    pelican fanclub - chilico aaaa this song makes me feel some kind of way ♥♥♥
  9. tzk mentioned once... i dont know how true it is but they (the members) are the ones who decide what they gonna wear so we can only blame the staff for letting this madness go on koichi: help, i cant move also the contrabass is back (is that what its called)
  10. Chi

    is this MiA
  11. Chi

    here people only do that at the end of the movie...sometimes...
  12. at least the outfits are better this time
  14. I love that song too. Sounds awesome live. The stage looked really beautiful. I bet this DVD is gonna be fun. Im assuming the footage they show at the end is from the documentary dvd? aaaa /want/
  15. Chi

    https://getsatisfaction.com/lastfm/topics/artist-charts-by-week-as-well-as-all-time?topic-reply-list%5Bsettings%5D%5Bfilter_by%5D=all&topic-reply-list%5Bsettings%5D%5Breply_id%5D=16425270#reply_16425270 Soon™. They even removed something simple as that. LOOOL. voted all of your images, @plastic_rainbow!
  16. Chi

    I always read v[NEU] as vee-new...shit. i will take this opportunity to say plastic girl in closet is a really stupid name but the band is good (DOUBLE VOCALS) so check them out *disappears*
  17. Chi

    ^ same. actually, i never used the search function. i am experiencing the forced redirecting as well, even though i have auto correct disabled. the covers are also not being displayed correctly. for example, if they release a single and then include that single in the album, even if you clearly tagged the song with the ALBUM, they force the single's cover on your scrobbles. ugh. they made changes to the library again https://getsatisfaction.com/lastfm/topics/website-update-16th-december Features Restyled library pages, 50% less whitespace! Custom date range filtering in the library Support BBCode and fix formatting of overview page wikis Bring back support for the www.last.fm/user/_ shortcut Bugfixes You can now unfollow people Voting on images for artists containing non-roman characters Bring back profile about me on mobile Bring back dashboard introduction text Maintain i18n path when adding first image Language switcher preserves your location in galleries Stop ads breaking the layout on mobile some of these bugs i was experiencing nonstop so i am glad they fixed it. i didnt even notice the library changes lol. while browsing the forums like 3 months ago, people were asking for the double artist charts to comeback (when we had one as a list and another as a image grid). they either hired new people or the current staff didn't know their users at all. one of staff members asked "why would you want two things that say the exact same thing?" ????? If you browse the website enough (and thats what i expect from a staff!!!!!!) you would know that majority of your userbase used the image grid for 7~30 days range and list for 90~all time range or vice versa. This is one of the things i'm hoping they'll add back, although it will probably look ugly as fuck because everything is so big and cluttered now. they have no idea wtf they are doing and im pretty sure they have less than 15 people working on lastfm rn. probably less than 10.
  18. Chi

    "ive known this band since ________ and now they got popular and have new fans ewww" nO ONE CARESSSSSSSS
  19. felt a bit down when i saw the tracklist, but after the preview i think it might be very cool to have each instrument's track the song isn't bad either!
  20. Chi

    I still use mine as well. Well, using the acc I had to make after my old one stopped scrobbling.
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