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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    rediscovering my love for Borderlands
  2. [LIMITED EDITION]CD+DVD(初回生産限定盤)MJSS-09164~5 ¥1,800+tax [CD] 01. CONTRAST 02. Which-Hunt [DVD] ROUGH the vistlip [vister]CD+DVD MJSS-09166~7 ¥1,800+tax [CD] 01. CONTRAST 02. Which-Hunt [DVD] TVアニメ「ディバインゲート」EDノンテロップ映像 +LIVE CLIP[CONTRAST]@2015.12.18国立代々木競技場第二体育館 [lipper]CDのみ MJSS-09168 ¥1,200+tax [CD] 01. CONTRAST 02. Which-Hunt 03. Mob Character ※初回生産仕様:メンバートレーディングカード(全10種類) i think 1st press comes with trading cards? dont trust me on this one though
  3. Chi

    My first time hearing that an oshare band isn't vk... O_o
  4. Chi

    Tbh i was confused too at first, since it's been so long... @_@
  5. Chi

    I love Frederic so here are some vids i uploaded on youtube for a friend.
  6. Chi

    they have been under pony canyon since 2010 but never released a mini album under that label
  7. Currently watching Texhnolyze. I'm on episode 5 and the pacing is kinda slow but I'm enjoying so far.
  8. Chi

    real question right here!!!we need answers!!! i wanna know too!!
  9. Chi

    https://vine.co/v/MDmebiz11Mj me pretending idc how i dress
  10. we can have our own party WINK WINK i love the kyo domo obrigatouuu i can't believe it took you this long to come up with a pun w/ my username, jig im rather disappointed thank youuuuuu aaaaa im glad!!! we should talk more!!
  11. Chi

    cant wait for this ame no parade single aaaaaaaa
  12. Chi

    i cant believe lastfm is doing this to me: https://getsatisfaction.com/lastfm/topics/my-shouts-are-missing-at-peoples-shoutboxes i cant post any shouts atm and my previous one have disappeared!
  13. Chi

    that and some people believe san is the reason every band he joins goes on hiatus/disbands/something happens for more please go on an adventure @ the BFN hiatus thread http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/38269-black-gene-for-the-next-scene-will-be-on-hiatus/page-2 (but i wouldnt know any of that if it wasnt for that thread...i didnt follow any of the bands he was on before) i dont really know if its true but same loool
  14. Chi

    why did i know you would say that lool
  15. Chi

    also the paellas. i think i might like this more than their album. #BELIEVE
  16. Chi

    koichi trinity
  17. happy birthday God!! best wishes from me and MiA

    1. Seimeisen


      Don't forget about MiA's shoe collection ;D

    2. Chi


      I'll make sure MiA sends you an expensive pair

  18. suddenly addicted to ix-nine-...
  19. Chi

    new year same shitty me !
  20. they have indeed been living there for a while you all should go and appreciate sho for me
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