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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    N O!
  2. Chi

    me @ tzk everytime: new phone who dis he looks much better like that tho...lately his makeup makes him look 200 years old in pics lemme contribute w new meto
  3. Chi

    im hoarder x otaku x tanuki the best worst combination as expected from a god, @Zeus saw right through my tanukiness
  4. the stuff we voted for is gonna be in the limited edition , right? i hope they reveal the songs that won ;_;
  5. Chi

  6. *___________* that picture looks GORGEOUS! everything these guys release is gold, i can't wait! the song is really good!
  7. Chi

    Hello and welcome to MH
  8. Chi

    my queen!!
  9. Chi

    *raises hand*
  10. Chi

    tfw you see golden bomber's drummer without makeup for the first time
  11. to see Ryouhei form a band with a member of The Telephones, how interesting! This is gonna be fun!
  12. welcome to MH i got into VK when i was around 12 too have fun~
  13. Chi

    lastfm is having all sorts of issues lately, yesterday everything was breaking and disappearing for me(and others) im also using firefox so i cant test it another problem that has been going on for a while is that while lastfm has been messing with catalogue to "improve" it, they didnt notice they broke it: (the ones w/ no artwork are not clickable, not even artist name, its all plain text) apparently new albums arent being added to the lastfm database/catalogue which i noticed started happening early this week... or maybe last week... they say they will look into it after holidays
  14. Chi

    shuffle reminding me of a song i loved to pieces years ago, and still do....
  15. Chi

    liking things is so difficult wow!
  16. ^ i dont even know but that preview is much better lololo takeshi
  17. i love Noda's solo project hope he will release more....
  18. Chi

    pelican fanclub's main twitter/endou/shimizu, they also read on their radio an email i wrote, ame no parade's kohei also i got DMs from koochewsen's riyo but unfortunately no nudes were attached and some other flop bands i like
  19. Chi

    lets see if i can keep this going. i am only including EPs and Albums and not going to count albums I didnt bother finishing. more to be added...
  20. Chi

    Not today, alarm!!! Not today
  21. that pic doesn't do minpha's outfit JUSTICE
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