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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    lol mei is the best. i love this vine the most https://vine.co/v/OEhDppPTqOZ
  2. Diaura....especially their latest look. but i cant get into their music. i will keep trying their releases though. shoya boy can come @ me any time, i even have a pics folder just for him
  3. they were one word away from giving this album a meme title :'(
  4. excited for the single and dvd
  5. Chi

    heyyy welcome to the forums. Midori and Ling are great indeed Have fun!!!
  6. oh this album is gonna be...an adventure lolool satsuki, my favorite meme
  7. Chi

    https://twitter.com/SpongeBoku/status/682943068765487104 me
  8. i wish koichi would breakdance on stage
  9. Chi

    Kyuso Nekokami - Phantom Vibration /dances away
  10. Chi

    He is everywhere also i didnt know the V.A. was published by Universal. interesting.
  11. Wtf is kuroyuri anymore but omgI didnt see that one coming "self started" (yeah right)
  12. Chi

    Mejibray - mr.rain wa shinda furi
  13. Chi

    I listen to both and you will find the same stuff in both scenes. Bands/groups popping up left and right and you will hardly find a decent one nowadays and when you do they flop and disappear. Your faves spending hours applying makeup and dressing up pretty. The same delusional fans. The same jmusic>kmusic or kmusic>jmusic dilemma that goes nowhere. It's the same and it's not uncommon to switch from one scene to another when you get sick of it.
  14. Its from an eroguro manga/animation btw The contents are considered pretty heavy i wonder how it will go (and if it will be anything close to the original lol.... Probably not though)
  15. Chi

    this pink matches my koichi yes
  16. trying to unsee jojo as chibiusa. they are wearing the same clothes as in belial lolol i didn't like the song that much but the chorus does sound good....wajow my luv
  17. Yes bring it onnn! I love that pic!
  18. let us pray glad hes going for ~progressive metal~ this time
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