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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    uchuu, - +1

    PECF-3165 / 11Tracks / 2,300Yen(tax in) M1 : TAKE ONE M2 : overflow - 日テレ"MIDNITEテレビシリーズ"5月度ED M3 : Yes or No M4 : Fireworks-#000000- M5 : SI(G)N SEKAI M6 : NANIKA TALINAIYO M7 : Today... M8 : LET IT DIE M9 : Sing for You M10 : 夜間飛行 M11 : Yellow
  2. Chi

    the quiet room - Jubilee

    MDMR-2035/¥1,600+税 [murffin discs / mini muff records]   1. Number 2. Instant Girl 3. Vertigo 4. 世界の始まりに 5. Adiantum 6. Fanfare
  3. Chi

    感覚ピエロ - 不可能可能化

    <2016.06.01|JIJI-0008> 2,500yen (taxout) 収録曲 1.会心劇未来 2.七光りヒーロー 3.Hip You 4.Tonight Yeah!Yeah!Yeah! 5.好きにして頂戴 6.雨ノチ、雨アガリ 7.拝啓、いつかの君へ 8.夜香花
  4. 生産限定盤 CD+DVD ¥3,400+税 / TKCA-74355 通常盤CD ¥2,900+税/ TKCA-74359 【収録曲】 <CD> 1. へんげの時間 2. 今夜のまもの 3. 世界灯(ワールドライト) 4. すごいコンサート  5. どうくつぐらしのススメ 6. ホモサピエンスは踊る 7. sign! sign! sign! sign! 8. 装備解除 in BED  9. ペヨーテ 10. もっかいさいしょから考えてみよう。  11. 裏の裏の裏の裏  12. new music from big pink <DVD> ※限定盤のみ •今夜のまもの MUSIC VIDEO •シルバーの世界(Live on Dec. 5, 2015 )  •swing(Live on Dec. 5, 2015)  •踊るロールシャッハ(Live on Dec. 5, 2015) •ドアたち(Live on Dec. 5, 2015) •Q&A(Live on Dec. 5, 2015)
  5. 1. android and i 2. broken eyes 3. Ghost Town Music 4. Melt 5. Julien 6. Paint a Rainbow 7. R.I.P 8. TIMELESS TIME 9. Luka 10. Supernova 11. NORTH MARINE DRIVE
  6. Chi


    UKDZ-0169、¥2,000(+tax) DAIZAWA RECORDS/UK.PROJECT inc. 1. 記憶について 2. アンナとバーネット 3. for elite 4. Ophelia 5. M.U.T.E 6. 説明 7. youth 8. 今歌うこの声が
  7. Chi

    ive been looking for it but no success i guess i gotta dig my own
  8. mayoiga e6 spoiler(?) the best part about mayoiga are the /r/anime discussion threads. as a comedy i'd give this a 6/10 and as a mystery it is 2/10 but i guess it is my fault for expecting anything sort of creepy or sp00ky so far all my predictions have been correct C'MON MAYOIGA, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
  9. Chi

    hello and welcome to the forums I like A9/R-Shitei/BugLug too
  10. i dont really have a proper top 10...i like a lot of bands equally so im gonna list according to my lastfm dir en grey pelican fanclub owarikara the novembers koochewsen plasticzooms frederic art-school ame no parade haku
  11. Chi

    ^^^^ recently i asked the nostradamnz bassist/vo if he considers themselves to be VK his answer: we dont know either! looool
  12. Chi

    Me taking one single blurry pic to brag on facebook later isn't going to kill anyone. But I hate dumb cameras/phones in front of me the whole show.
  13. Chi

    I used to divide into korean/japanese/thai/chinese/western back in 2011-2012 but now its just c:/music/artist/cd The only folder that used to be in chronological order was akb's and since they already had a bunch of singles at the time it was quite pleasant to look at...then i deleted a shitton of music and now nothing is organized like that, even my 48g stuff. idfc about cd names i have folders that are complete gibberish cuz the Japanese alphabet got screwed up after unzipping...i barely look at the folders anyways
  14. Chi

    i hadnt planned on stanning Pentagon cuz CUBE but they have Jino hostage my son Jino just debut him already gdi
  15. Chi

    Havent listened to them in years but still
  16. Chi

    im here for shoya i ALMOST didnt spot pentagon in that pic lol
  17. Language is the biggest problem/excuse people give. I do not think it is because they don't understand it though. Even though I do not live in a country where english is our mother language, listening to music sung in english is seen as normal as portuguese.
  18. Chi

    proof that god is real
  19. Chi

    Cant wait!!
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