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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    forget utafumi, have shinya and kaoru playing some gaems https://youtu.be/VNq35oprkyE
  2. Chi

    hopefully new chips flavor
  3. Chi

    some pics from fuji rock fes as illion http://fujirockexpress.net/16/p_1726 // http://fujirockexpress.net/16/p_1138
  4. this is god's work plz keep doing it *heart eyes*
  5. Chi

    Creephyp - 鬼

    ●通常盤(CDのみ)UMCK-5607 ¥1,200 (税抜) [収録内容] 01.鬼 02.炭、酸々 03.買いもの ●初回限定盤(CD+DVD)UMCK-9857 ¥1,800(税抜) [収録内容] 01.鬼 02.炭、酸々 03.買いもの [初回盤DVD] 「尾崎世界観脱退〜そして、尾崎はいなくなる〜」
  6. Chi

  7. Chi

    the single is out! http://the-novembers.com/
  8. Chi

    thought so, thanks! yeah, that's pretty sad. at least there's Illion to look forward to lol here's the tracklist
  9. Chi

    i updated some of mine too - including my TO BE RATED list... i have to listen to most of those again because i still don't know how i feel about them lol also why must pelican fanclub fuck me up like this! >releases album that is totally different from their previous sound >me: NO >sounds good anyway >me: i hate that i love you also that new bentham....delicious!!
  10. Chi

    so... 4 theme songs + 22 songs used as soundtrack for the movie? or is 22 the total?
  11. Chi

    Cant believe they are wasting such a good look on this
  12. Official OHP and Twitter have new addresses - http://civi-l-ian.com/ https://twitter.com/CIVILIAN_LyuLyu
  13. Chi




    1. Chi


      i might upload another vid... its still downloading, but i dont really know if they perform in it or not


    2. fitear1590


      Whatever PF video treasures you have, you know I will appreciate them :)

    3. Chi


      meh, NVM they only show pelican fanclub playing capsule hotel and its not even 1min #floplife


      also the other day i remembered to check myspace - cuz i remember endou saying the band name came from his myspace ID - and found it! https://myspace.com/pelican.fanclub

      he barely used it tho. not sure if you will be able to hear alpha le alpha because the player glitched on me after 2 plays but its endou playing an acoustic guitar...singing in a very high pitched voice LOL

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  15. 1.Scab 2.Ice Candy 3.No bad 4.Sunday Morning 5.Night and Day 6.plastic city 7.City Boy City Girl 8.heartbreak 9.センチメンタルコーヒーラブソング 10.LOVESICK 11.あいなきせかい 品番:UKDZ-0179 価格:¥2,700(税別価格)/2916円(税込価格) DAIZAWA RECORDS / UK.PROJECT inc.
  16. Chi



    1. beni


      Geeeeeeeeez, is it just me, or are they getting better and better? The opening caught me instantly. Thanks for making me have to keep a keen eye on them! I just may be repeating this song for a while now, and I think you're with me on that. x'D

    2. Chi


      i have yet to check the entire HY+BMM release, i only heard this after the MV was released. but they keep getting better indeed!!!

  17. DVD:AIBL-9360 ¥3,900(税別) Blu-ray:AIXL-78 ¥4,900(税別) 1. GO BACK TO VENUSFORT 2. シャッタードール 3. Swipe, Shrink 4. アンチテーゼ・ジャンクガール 5. ワンミーツハー 6. サークル サークル 7. バスタブと夢遊 8. Inaikara 9. なぜなぜ 10. フユノ 11. カラノワレモノ 12. 輪郭 13. 後天症のバックビート 14. 踊るマネキン、唄う阿呆 15. MIRROR 16. インパーフェクション 17. トーキーダンス 18. プリズムキューブ 19. ハグレノカラー(新曲) 20. センスレス・ワンダー
  18. Chi

    not if buglug do it first! #OSHARERACE
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