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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

  2. Chi

    recently checked his albums and stuff on utattemita. there's something about his voice i really love! this should be good.
  3. Chi

    Thank you for translating this, i actually love this song <3 (and tried to play it on dub several times but yt red blocked it..*SOB*
  4. Chi

    hes alive!
  5. Chi

    http://www.last.fm/music/My+Eggplant+Died+Yesterday amazing.....
  6. Chi

    Recommend me some good utaites, fellow weebs. I have only tried soraru, panaman, sekihan and shoose and have yet to try mafumafu, kradness and izu... but so far i liked panaman and shoose the most btw i'm fine with female ones too preferably utaites that already have released albums because i never know how people get their covers off of mylist/nnd lol
  7. oh thanksss i havent visited their website in so long. it looks so different lol
  8. i guess they made the song exclusively for promotion of shu uemura's makeup. but who knows, maybe they decide to release it in the future! btw i thought the EP was pretty good
  9. Chi

    beni!!! you like bigmama dont you? :D

    also why does it suddenly turn into an anime OP when the 2nd guy starts singing lmaooo

    1. Chi


      I wish I liked Vocaloid stuff but the robotic voice bothers me way too much, although after listening to the GUMI ROCK album I think she's the most tolerable of them all lol But I really like a lot of the stuff the vocaloid producers do instrumental-wise. Fast passed, frenetic songs etc. and I like how that is present in both Yonezu's (well, a lil bit less in Bremen) and Hitorie's stuff. I think the instrumentals of Yonezu's songs are already captivating enough. <3


      And since I can't get into vocaloid songs sung by the vocaloids themselves  I decided to dive into utaite stuff. Are you into that as well?

    2. Chi


      *Fast paced, wow my engrish is starting to show.


    3. beni


      LMAO. I really love Vocaloid, and I don't really have a preference in Vocaloids, but I know mostly Luka, Gumi and Hatsune myself. A few other particular songs by SEEU and others too. I've recently moved from just the Vocaloids to the producers, having favourites and getting albums as mostly a focus on them too. I actually can't enjoy Hitorie for some reason, even if it's wowaka... >< DECO*27 is my bias though, I adore everything of his. Yonezu just comes 2nd for me because of him. I love Utaites more than anything Vocaloid, and that's been so for like... a year or two now. Dived into that with the producers recently. 

      Ahh, here ya go~ 

      If I had no name just one favourite Utaite, I'll have to pick male and female, being Senka ♂ (unfortunately been very quiet for a while now), and Hanatan (I really want to include Akiakane. They're both too beautiful in different but bloody impressive/underappreciated ways!). I saw your post in the music recommendations thread. I want more time to go over it in more detail when responding, but hopefully this is a start!


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  10. Chi

    Amefuri Fujin by Kenshi YONEZUS
  11. Chi

    *looks at all the anime i let pile up in the past 3 weeks* oops
  12. As was reported yesterday, Lyu:Lyu made the decision to change their name to "CIVILIAN" and will release their first single under the new name this august! ^New website image 「Bake no kawa」 ¥1.080 Release date: 2016.08.03 01.Bake no kawa 02.爽やかな逃走 03.自室内復讐論 --------------------------------------------------------------------- already whined about it in my status but decided to make a thread for future updates
  13. I just finished Mayoiga and i'm ready to never speak of that anime again. Oh, next season? For me it is: 91 Days Amanchu! Days Fukigen na Mononokean *will depend on first impressions* Mob Psycho 100 Orange That's it. I might start others if i hear good things.
  14. Chi

    hey! the borderlands franchise is my favorite after bioshock glad you decided to become more active. have fun around~
  15. Chi

    i know you asked for nice vocals but im gonna say passepied anyways, because theyre fun if you need some zZzZz stuff (she has a solo career too) Scenarioart has both male and female vocalists (sorry for the slow server link but the YT videos are blocked even for me) www.jpopsuki.tv/video/Scenarioart---Cynical-Detox/6a8b9aa6ef2df2c3a9cf906694647a75
  16. hes going through a rebelious phase
  17. at 1:34 you can hear the song....well, some of it
  18. GOOD STUFF. Release date: August 3rd [forest] 初回限定盤 S.D.R-297-A / ¥1,800(税抜き)/ CD2曲+MV 【CD】 1. forest 2. 正義のヒーロー 【DVD】 forest MUSIC CLIP forest MUSIC CLIPメイキング 通常盤 S.D.R-297-B / ¥1,200(税抜き) / CD2曲 【CD】 1. forest 2. 正義のヒーロー
  19. Chi

  20. sulk - down i consider myself so lucky that i came across this album back in 2013
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