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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    Tokage is a better lyricist than all my faves..shit...where can i get this single @Tokage
  2. Chi

    Weeeeeee @fitear1590 @Original Saku
  3. Chi

    I feel like my rating of Usotsuki's new mini as being below average might have been too harsh but honestly out of the acts daizawa records has been promoting actively lately (pelican fanclub, polly and utsotsuki) they are the only band i felt that released a quite disappointing mini...(now if their the little mermaid cover had been included in the mini this would have been different!!! ) i might change my mind...one day.... koochewsen has yet to disappoint me but i don't want that day to ever come! anyways i added some other releases and crossed out very few releases on my TBR list lol
  4. Chi

  5. Chi

    Is that the cover?
  6. Chi

    nice....first they decided to start twitcasting and now this my sons
  7. Chi

    this is my new favorite tokage post
  8. Chi

    [Alexandros] - EXIST!

    full album
  9. Chi

    LILI LIMIT - a.k.a

    Tracklist 1.A Short Film 2.Wink, Blink 3.Kitchen 4.Observe 5.On The Knees 6.Suite Room 7.Neighborhood 8.Space L 9.Living Room 10.A Few Incisive Mornings 11.Space R 12.Naked 13.Self Portrait 通常盤(CD) KSCL2802 ¥ 2,778 (税込み¥ 3,000) Tracklist 1.A Short Film 2.Wink, Blink 3.Kitchen 4.Observe 5.On The Knees 6.Suite Room 7.Neighborhood 8.Space L 9.Living Room 10.A Few Incisive Mornings 11.Space R 12.Naked 13.Self Portrait DVD Music Video 1.Girls Like Chagall (141121 ver.) 2.at good mountain 3.Festa 4.N_tower 5.Living Room Studio Session at DEE’S HALL 6.Living Room 7.Bed Room 初回生産限定盤(CD+DVD) KSCL2800-2801 ¥ 3,333 (税込み¥ 3,600)
  10. Chi

    Kidori Kidori - OUTSIDE

    『OUTSIDE』 10月5日(水)リリース ¥1,500(税抜) [HIP LAND MUSIC / Polka Dot records] 1. アウトサイダー 2. タイムセール 3. モノクロ 4. The Puddle 5. 一人ぼっちも悪くない
  11. Chi

  12. Chi

    収録楽曲 01.Horizon 02.Feel 03.drops 04.Warp 05.paradise 06.climb 07.Night on 08.mahoroba 09.discord 10.Telepathy 11.Letter 12.eureka 初回生産限定盤 DVD内容 ・AIM tour 2016 final @TOYOSU PIT ・AIM tour Diary ・NEWS 04 ・AIMツアー 慰安旅行?
  13. Flying get ahahhaha naisu
  14. Chi

    meanwhile on lastfm if you tag anything with j-rock you'll be eaten alive because they think jrock=anime music fuck everything!
  15. Cover As always it's lovely to see what he comes up with for his covers!! 2016 Tour dates http://reissuerecords.net/2016/08/04/米津玄師-2016-tour-はうる 開催決定/ i think if you buy the limited edition you can apply to get tickets before others Also Kenshi Yonezu & Nakata Yasutaka did a collab that will be the theme song for the 2016 movie "NANIMONO" Nakata composed the song and Yonezu wrote the lyrics & did the vocals http://nanimono-movie.com/index.php Cast Takeru Satoh as Takuto Ninomiya Masaki Suda as Kotaro Kamiya Kasumi Arimura as Mizuki Tanabe Fumi Nikaido as Rika Kobayakawa Masaki Okada as Takayoshi Miyamoto Takayuki Yamada as Takuto's Senior Sawa - This is an adaptation of Ryo Asai's novel of the same name // Artist pics
  16. Chi

    i actually talked about that with @CAT5 the other day until i googled what terrific meant i thought it had a negative meaning >_>
  17. Chi

  18. I saw this!!! I personally never watched or read gantz but this is awesome (for the band too :P)
  19. Chi

    I should be sleeping n i will comment on these later but thanks for including ma boiz @fitear1590 @togz @emmnyanothee month another oshareless review...at least u did kiryu...im proud my child
  20. Chi

    uns 2~3 dias depois do drama que ele fez lol mais cedo do que a sua previsão de 2 semanas ehiuehuiehuiehuie
  21. Chi

    *six showers and 10 camera filters later* ah yes a pic of me
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