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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    hellooooo and welcome to mh
  2. they are going major under Sony Music!
  3. i wanna believe thats some gya trying to scare kisaki if thats legit and kisakis scandal motivated him to create an account then wow lol
  4. i hate that i opened that cuz i ran into kisaki nudes nothankyou
  5. Chi

    Lololol love the covers
  6. I know i talked about hacking kisaki before but i swear it wasnt me!
  7. Chi

    PELICAN FANCLUB couldnt miss my chance
  8. Chi

    Gion Shouja no Kane ga Naru/Alice in Wonderland/Kasou Musou Shi is my holy trinity from a9's discography that setlist is perfect aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they played all the old bops :'(((
  9. Chi

    vgperson kindly translated and subbed the LOSER music video *^*
  10. Chi

    world's end girlfriend - LAST WALTZ

    LABEL : Virgin Babylon Records CATALOG : VBR-039 FORMAT : CD PRICE : CD ¥2300 CD+押し花(アクリルスタンド付き) ¥4000 01. LAST WALTZ 02. Plein Soleil 03. Angel Ache 04. Flowers of Romance 05. Void 06. Crystal Chrysalis 07. in Silence / in Siren 08. Radioactive Spell Wave 09. Girl 10. LAST BLINK
  11. Chi

  12. Glad he's gonna be ok D:
  13. Chi

    LINE LIVE: https://live.line.me/r/channels/25930/broadcast/46455 that fucking portrait orientation
  14. Chi

    #lets #fucking #go
  15. VULGAR. to this day i still listen to it like it's the very first time and every once in a while i find a new favorite track in it.
  16. rererepeat reinforces my theory that frederic have a boner for loops バジルの宴 is most definitely a re-recording cuz no way they are going to release it in potato quality oddloop was when they already went major THERES NO XCUSES
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