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Everything posted by Chi

  1. i read on jpopasia that it's hemorrhagic chorditis and if he gets enough rest he won't need surgery. hopefully he'll heal quickly
  2. until

    wooo they're releasing live tracks too. nice
  3. Chi

    the song is good so i'm gonna forgive the $5 music video. lol
  4. Chi

    consistenly good. I have been thinking they could spice up their songs a bit more so I like the guitars here.
  5. Chi

    the music video would've been better if i saw some enthusiasm on their faces. that song goes so hard Lol
  6. Chi

    another koblessing
  7. Chi

  8. 1. オーバードライブ 2. 夢が醒めたら泡になる 3. モラトリアムさん 4. ストロボ 5. 橙の行方 6. 恋のすべて
  9. Enon Sinks Becky's career Sinks Rins career Puts his bands on hiatus Just cancel this man Funny thing is they probably were gonna release another album to milk this ironic success Gesu got from his scandal with Becky and made Ryouseibai top the charts.
  10. Chi

    Don't worry, that's just visual kei
  11. Chi

    gem...knights...still gems
  12. he's at it again! LMAO http://aramajapan.com/news/gossip/honoka-rin-faces-repercussions-after-drinking-underage-with-bf-kawatani-enon/65118/ Does Enon plan to ruin any other girl's career before the year ends? Stay tuned. #TabloidMagnet
  13. Chi

    welcome to MH have fun around!
  14. Chi

    im dead i didnt watch ANY of these lololol but out of the anime i watched my favorite OPs were i dont care for ED's but i really liked 91 Days' unlike the OP with TK.........#triggered mark my words yuri on ice will have the best OP of the current season!!! #prophet
  15. Chi

    links or it didnt happen
  16. mugen houyou truly is the ultimate kiryu album....
  17. Chi


    ■初回盤 ■通常盤 [CD] 1. 5150 2. アクセス×抗体 3. ミステイル   [初回限定盤DVD] 初のホール公演となった地元 奈良でのワンマン・ライヴ"THE ORAL CIGARETTES 唇ワンマンライブ〜故郷に錦を飾りまSHOW!!〜"よりライヴ映像を5曲収録 1. エイミー 2. 気づけよBaby 3. マナーモード 4. DIP-BAP 5. A-E-U-I ■CDショップ特典情報 予約限定特典 【TOWER RECORDS / TOWER RECORDS ONLINE】 ・BKW!!カード ~「5150」ver.~ ・「5150」B3オリジナルポスター(タワレコver.) ・THE ORAL CIGARETTES × TOWER RECORDSコラボ・キャンペーン応募券 (※5,150枚限定) 【AMAZON】 ・BKW!!カード ~「5150」ver.~ ・「5150」 B3オリジナルポスター 【上記以外の一般CDショップ】 ・「5150」 B3オリジナルポスター 【THE ORAL CIGARETTES  OFFICIAL SHOP】 ・BKW!!カード ~「5150」ver.~ ・「5150」ジャケットステッカー 【THE ORAL CIGARETTES  OFFICIAL SHOP ~「BKW!! Premium Members」予約限定特典~】 ※OFFICIAL SHOPでのご予約受付は10/3(月)からとなります ・BKW!!カード ~「5150」ver.~ ・「5150」オリジナルラバーバンド ※上記特典は全て数量に限りがございます。予定数になり次第終了となりますのでご了承ください。 ※上記特典は全て、CD発売タイミングでのお渡しとなります。
  18. Chi

    he has a lot of things going on http://sugoimejibray.tumblr.com/post/151118004084 Meto single handedly promoting mejibray #promoqueen
  19. Chi

    paradigm paradox might me my (overall) favorite look too. i hated it at first but now that i look back tzk looked really good with that blonde hair. these days i hate his makeup so much. he looks 100 years older and too evil. lol PP is also my #1 Koichi look. bring back those bunny ears plz. best tzk is makeup-less tzk. with Aryu from Morrigan remember when tzk and ryoga used to be a thing? that's SO last year! also love yourself like MiA loves MiA.
  20. Chi

    hello and welcome have fun around
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